Good morning

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Perfect weather for most people here today. 56 this morning with a high of 83 a slight breeze less than 10 MPH gusts, water temp 75 degrees. Too cool for me, I've got my hoodie on!
Good morning. The rain cooled the pool off too much for the kids. They did get in but didn't stay long.

Clear skies and warm to hot today. Already 80 at 9:20. Nothing happening.

Stay safe and have fun.
Good morning, all,

Yesterday was HOT in the van, up to 100 degrees. I wanted to test it for parking in full sun in the 80's. My current solar cord is very short, so that impacts where I park, unless I unhook everything and just move the little kit. Working on logistics for that.

This morning was beautiful, a perfect 70 in the van and the coffee on the Coleman tasted mighty fine. Laundry day here, so will have to pop off in a bit and do the laundromat fun gig.

Good morning... raining and cold here, be glad when I leave, doesn’t feel like home here.
Home is where the heart is so follow your heart.

Rained another 1/10 or so this morning so hot and humid now.
B and C said:
Home is where the heart is so follow your heart.

Rained another 1/10 or so this morning so hot and humid now.
I’m just following what feeds my wallet right now to follow where my heart wants to call home :thumbsup:
Rain then  sun comes out, yeah just put a tarp up and you get a free sauna down there
Hello... just got home from church and had lunch. Today... well, I think I'll reorganize the van and get ready to put bins into it. Not sure how many I can fit in there. Something tells me it won't be many.
travelaround said:
Hello... just got home from church and had lunch. Today... well, I think I'll reorganize the van and get ready to put bins into it. Not sure how many I can fit in there. Something tells me it won't be many.
Custom made bins fit best and hold the most if you got time and supplies.
G'morning everyone,

Cool this morning at 63 degrees, but we'll climb to 90 again I suspect. It's a work day, so, pretty much sitting on the bed and working is my deal today.
good morning
chilly, eh, not too much but to high 80s for sure.
full sun, no rain and dying for it but I am in a ho hum mood. Nothing is making me happy today, kinda hate the world, but will get thru it LOL
gotta live in it, have to deal with it all
Good morning all! Tasty Coffee time. Planning the day. Cleaning the rig and if no rain, will be loading it. Surgery on Thursday, 2 weeks to heal then on the road I go.
Hello, I'm nearly done packing! Jolynn is helping again today for a couple of hours. I'm determined to finish this packing today... leaving only the moving of bins to the cargo trailer (should it ever arrive) and apartment cleaning. I will survive this and drive away... I hope. Cut my hand in three places yesterday trying to move the file cabinet to the van, and have to fix the lower drawer now, but that can wait. Right?
Super nice today, about 62 and working on the van. Got garage space just in case the sunshine goes away again.    ~crofter
@TA be sure to take care of your hand. after treating the cuts, you could use a disposable glove to keep it clean while working on your move out. Blessings ~ Crofter
Thanks for your concern about my hand, Crofter. It seems two cuts are healing nicely and the third is now in a bandaid with Neosporin. Hope that helps!

Today I did what I wasn't going to do - I got a storage space. Talked it over with Jolynn and we agreed this was the best course of action at this point. We made three trips to the storage space which is conveniently located right across the street from my apartment, so no truck needed. No room for moving bins in my van. We walked bins over there with a shopping cart and dolly.

Now as to the other thing I said I wasn't going to do - which is carrying propane in the van. I give up! I will buy a Buddy Heater tonight. The temps here in North Idaho will go down into the 40's by the end of the week, and mornings are already way too cold.
travelaround said:
Now as to the other thing I said I wasn't going to do - which is carrying propane in the van. I give up! I will buy a Buddy Heater tonight. The temps here in North Idaho will go down into the 40's by the end of the week, and mornings are already way too cold.
Nomadic life is not a static situation, changes will happen frequently in response to new factors. Just stop saying "I am not going to ever do ..." and you will then be able to respond more easily to changes as they come along.
Good morning,

Another warm day here, nice 70 degrees though in the van with a pass thru breeze today. My solar kit arrived!! So today I will be hauling it all around to see how a day will look for muscle building since I can't mount it, haha. I also moved the van into the shade, as three days in the sun did prove to me I can work in high heat, but it wasn't fun, lol. Took my first stealth outdoor shower under the stars. Makes one kind of giddy, like getting away with sneaking candy as a kid :)

Best wishes on the surgery HalfShadows, and yes, keep those cuts covered TA.
Good morning all! Not raining this morning. Stepped out on the deck to have my morning tasty coffee and looked at the lake. There was a coyote with it's now winter coat standing by the the little boat house looking fit and full. He didn't notice me so I watched him lumber around looking lost. I immediately remembered seeing Cracker the neighbors chicken was on the loose and terrorizing the lake store yesterday.  Cracker had her posse with her. My neighbor lives about a half mile from me. No matter what my neighbor does to keep Cracker from leading a gang of chickens and a couple of turkeys from escaping their gulag, it never fails. Cracker finds a way. I am sure Cracker is fine, as crafty as she is, but her posse are not so savvy. Several times Cracker has showed up under my portico, and stands at my glass door looking in as though she wants to come in for coffee.  i give her a couple of crackers and take her back home.