Good friend terminally ill

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Well-known member
Oct 16, 2014
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Back in home area for the winter. Good friend just got some very bad news. At my age, this isn't an unusual thing, but this friend is a lot younger than me. Have told DH that he will be pretty much on his own a lot of the time. I only have this winter to enjoy her company as she will probably be gone by the next time we are in the area. He says "fine." He will figure out how to entertain himself.
I am so very sorry.  Enjoy the time you can with your friend. Just knowing you care will mean a lot to her. Sounds like you have a good hubby.
I'm so sorry, gcal. But I'm glad your lifestyle allows you to spend this time with your friend. I hope the time passes joyfully
I am sorry to hear that gcal. Enjoy what time you have with her.
I went through the same thing a couple of years ago when my first friend in the mountains told me she had lung cancer. She said she wasn't telling many people because they would stop visiting. She was right. Once it got out in the community most of her friends quit coming by. It takes a lot of mental energy to spend more time with a dying person, especially at the end.
I'm sorry. You are a great comfort to her. Laugh, cry, reminisce. Enjoy your time together.
You are both given a wonderful gift to share: each other.
Do enjoy.