Going Mainstream

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Well-known member
Feb 20, 2013
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I have decided to maintain a home base near my family by purchasing a small (16-18 ft) travel trailer and parking it in an RV park. I'll continue to travel and live in my van most of the time. After being on the road and seeing what has been mentioned in other posts here and there, I think the future of vandwelling in freedom is at risk.

Today, I visited two large RV dealerships to see what's going on in the retail marketplace. The salesmen both told me that most people they meet are going full-time, for all the reasons so many of us discuss. We are becoming the norm; we are mainstream now!

What's going to happen to our forests, deserts, wildlife refuges, grasslands, and wildernesses when so many use them and, in some cases, abuse them? Owl has discussed the studies being done by our government; Bob has talked about being told he can't "live" in his mobile dwelling for even one night on public lands. Stealth in cities is easily spotted by LEO's, and I believe we shouldn't park where it's prohibited anyway.

Again (still?), it will be the haves versus the have nots. Those in the large, expensive rigs, who can't get into the wild areas so many of us love, will be allowed and accepted while those in smaller, cheaper and older rigs will be chased off. There will be gated private RV parks that have large pull-through sites with 50 amp power, satellite TV and wifi, swimming pools and golf courses. Those of us who can access the wilderness areas will be locked out because we will be seen as the trouble makers, especially when we gather in large groups, like homeless people gathered in an alley or under a bridge.

As I now, finally, complete the divestiture of my stuff, having sold my house, I realize the situation out there is changing. So, I will maintain my little home base in an RV park (bleh!) for now, and perhaps begin looking for a little bit of land somewhere.

Mainstream mobile dwelling...whodathunk?

Strgzr,  slow down, what you read here may not be what's going on.
Going to take a long time. Most people have not been harassed to move unless they overstay their welcome. <br><br> Most people do not like dry camping. RV parks yes! However most RV's will wear out very quickly with somebody living in them 24/7/365. You can live in your RV in Parks for $ 250 per month plus Electric and if you do not like your neighbors, you move. Many like this around the country. Cheaper and better than living in an apartment where the person is just inches across from you. <br><br>James AKA Lynx
I tent camp and some times pull the pop up out of the shop.&nbsp; My home is always some sort of campground whether dry or full utility.&nbsp; I have a monthly budget of $1800.&nbsp; The campground fees equal up to what an apartment here would cost.&nbsp; But, I would rather live in my tent then live in an apartment. I have no utility bills which saves me $300 a month.&nbsp; <br><br>There are few disperse camp sites he were there is income for me.&nbsp; So I do a little trade off with expense vs. income.&nbsp; For 6 months a year I try to do $1000 a week income (April-Oct) then the next six months I try to do $500 a week.&nbsp; This puts my income for the year around $39,000.&nbsp; With the budget of under $24,000 this gives me a savings of over $15,000 a year.&nbsp; I have a three year plan and am on my second year.&nbsp; <br><br>I stay at some private, some public campgrounds in the mid-Atlantic and Northeast to find out where when the three years is up that I want to place two travel trailers.&nbsp; One will be at the beach and the other in the mountains.&nbsp; I have it pretty narrowed down now, but will keep on doing this until I have the amount saved I planned on.&nbsp; <br><br>For an outlay of about $10-12,000 ($3,000 for the travel trailer and another $3000 for the lot, each unit)&nbsp;I can have two home bases, with rent paid for the year and being in my paradises when I chose.&nbsp; My goal is to get my living expenses below min. wage and still live nicely.&nbsp; I have expensive hobbies.&nbsp; lol<br><br><br><br>