From the Texas Hill Country

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Apr 8, 2014
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Greetings y’all !

Now that I’ve commented a couple of times and read through a bunch of the posts, figured it was time to introduce myself.

(I always dread writing these bios / introductions. Feel like I need to end them with something like “Likes long walks on the beach in the moonlight”, but I can’t walk in sand or see that well in the dark. . .)

I’m closer to 60 than 50 and happily single. Currently, I’m living in a 1600 sq. ft. house and only using about 500 sq. ft. The house is owned by a family member. I needed a place to live after my divorce and he needed someone to live in it who wouldn’t tear it up. Since the house is located one short block from a major bus route, I had no problem giving up my car when the repairs were costing more than my monthly income.

While this living situation has worked out well for everyone involved, and I’ve been assured I can live here as long as I need or want to, I have always been concerned that something unforeseen could happen** and I’d have to move. I know I wouldn’t be turned out on the streets, but the thought of having to share living space again is not pleasant.

Most of my income is from disability which I supplement by buying and selling unusual items, selling my handwoven items, and my handspun yarn. This has allowed me to cover my basic living expenses, and as of next month I will be completely debt free.

Ideally, I’d like to have a park model RV situated in the Texas Hill Country and a class B RV for traveling to visit family in Arizona and Colorado. Realistically, I’ve started looking for a travel trailer to live in and a van I can convert for when I want to get away. Relocating is also an option. I love winters in Texas, but the summers can be killer. So I guess you could say I’m in the serious planning stages for the next phase of my life.

That about sums it up. Looking forward to being an active part of the forums!

**I typed this up on Sunday night with the idea that I would proof read it and post it Monday evening. Monday afternoon, my brother (who has a serious illness) found out that his health insurance is being cancelled, and he’s still a few months away from Medicare. They are having to consider selling one of their rental houses to cover expenses in the interim. There may be other options available, but if not, the house I’m living in would be the most logical to sell. If I hadn’t already started researching other possibilities, I would be in a sh*t house panic right now. Instead, I feel like I’m well on my way to whatever happens next.


Howdy Tejas...Welcome to the tribe. Hope you find the rig you need and get to enjoy some travel time.
Being from Texas originally, I can relate to those killer summers. Its fixin' to get hot here in S. Az, so we're getting to roll out for higher country.

Take care, be safe out there :)