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Well-known member
Dec 12, 2012
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Well I found a van...<br>'87 chevy G30, best part is it's a true empty canvas for me to build on.<br>350 engine in good shape, gonna have somebody my mechanic recommended<br>go through the transmission.&nbsp; Should be ready to make the RTR in a few weeks.<br>Which is a good thing since my son may be coming with me on this trip.<br>Should I post conversion pictures here, or is there a better place?
Here (share your conversion progress) is the correct place, I think.... can't wait to see the photos of your progress, Fireman.
The "SS Phoenix" it shall be christened and called.&nbsp; <br>OK, so maybe that was a little over the top, one of the guys suggested, no insisted, I name it.<br><br>Ripped up the flooring to inspect, wow only small surface rust!<br>Started insulating and found a real good use telescoping tent poles.
Looks like you have a project ahead of you lol. Got a floor plan designed?
YAY! Dan! I think the SS Phoenix is perfect! I hope the rig has Layla's approval! Have fun at the RTR!
Hi Cyndi,&nbsp; Yes it definitely has the Layla seal of approval. <br><br>Seraphim, as to a floor yes there will be a floor...... ;-)<br>I thought I'd wait till i got back from the RTR to do much design.<br>Right now the focus is on making it mechanically sound and not being in <br>too big a hurry.&nbsp; I want to think things through a bit.<br><br>I think sharing things that didn't work might help somebody else better than the things that did.<br>Kinda like learn from someone else's mistakes, it a cheaper lesson.<br>So here you go..<br><br>I found that even though it bends fairly easy that 3/4" insulating board<br>REALLY wants to straighten itself out.&nbsp; I tried to "make it" follow the body lines, it had other ideas.<br>I then cut the panel to the right horizontally to put it in pieces that would lay against<br>the body a little easier. the middle section is where all the glue just gave up and let the panel win.<br>I think now it may be better, got the panels cut for one side before Layla insisted on going swimming.
Would some sort of glue help the insulation keep the curve? I don't know if this is something you shouldn't do - just wondering.
Oh yeah, thanks Ziggy.<br>I forgot to mention the other thing I found out.<br>Liquid Nails really, really likes that blue insulating board.<br>It just kinda eats part of it and that's how it separated from the body.<br>Switched to a latex caulk/sealer to see if that works any better on the test section.<br><br>Sorry I left that point out of the earlier post.<br>DanC
Installing fan-tastic vent today. Feels odd cutting 14" hole in roof. Duct tape to hold piece until I can catch it, rather than get cut by it falling on me.<br><img style="width: 640px; height: 480px;" rel="lightbox" src="" class="bbc_img"><br>Well that should let the heat outta the van!<br><img style="width: 640px; height: 480px;" rel="lightbox" src="" class="bbc_img"><br>Hole is not as far back as I would have liked it to be because the roof had break in profile lines that looked like a vent was meant to be there.<br><img style="width: 640px; height: 480px;" rel="lightbox" src="" class="bbc_img"><br>But that's ok I'm happy with the install so far.<br><img style="width: 640px; height: 480px;" rel="lightbox" src="" class="bbc_img"><br>Tomorrow I will put the cover over it so I can leave it open in the rain or driving. <br><br>
starting to take shape looks good.&nbsp; liquid nails worked for me on white Styrofoam.&nbsp; let us know what you find works.&nbsp; highdesertranger
<span style="font-size: large; color: #ff0000;">WOW what a week !<br><span style="font-size: small; color: #000000;">Trying to work on the SS Phoenix, pack a few things and actually keep a job.<br>Oh well, here's the important stuff</span></span>...<br><img style="width: 516px; height: 334px;" rel="lightbox" src="" class="bbc_img"><br>Got the vent cover on so I can leave it open in the pouring rain or when "I'm just runnin' down the road tryin' to loosen my load..."<br><img style="width: 300px; height: 225px;" rel="lightbox" src="" class="bbc_img"> <img style="width: 300px; height: 225px;" rel="lightbox" src="" class="bbc_img"><br>And started packing in the midst of ongoing projects.<br>On the road Wednesday ;-)<br>See ya,&nbsp;&nbsp; DanC<br><br>
So started putting in temporary power for maiden voyage to the RTR.<br><img rel="lightbox" src="" class="uw xO bbc_img"><br>122amp/hr marine battery in box to the right, fold up solar panel, my old standby battery box, 1000 watt inverter.<br>Lighting is kinda poor for picture due to LED light strip running off the blue battery pack just kinda hanging there.&nbsp; ;-)
<span style="font-size: medium;">Finished temporary power for the road now all I gotta do is leave.&nbsp; ;-)<br>At the top DC fuse block for fan, lights and dc recpt., voltage monitor, 1000watt inverter, 122amp/hr deep cycle battery and cable going out window is for folding solar panel.<br></span><img rel="lightbox" src="" class="uw xO bbc_img">
<span style="font-size: medium;">Yikes ! ! !<br><span style="font-size: small;">Stopped in eastern Indiana to sleep through a storm, beats driving through a storm.<br>Discovered one leak fixed, another created.&nbsp; :-o<br>Oh well, hope to get to RTR in time for soup.<br>Have cans, BIG pot (cook pot) will travel.<br><br>DanC getting back on the road.</span></span>
Looking good Dan, let us know how that folding solar works for you. <br>BTW, Take it Easy. <img src="/images/boards/smilies/wink.gif" class="emoticon bbc_img"><br>-Bruce
You're on the move and doing the build!? <br><br>You Da Man!! <img src="/images/boards/smilies/thumb.gif" class="emoticon bbc_img">
Ziggy I thought build would be on hold til I got back from RTR..<br><br>However, an important thing to include in conversion build plans, <span style="text-decoration: underline;">new radiator cap</span>.<br>Oh no worries, I replaced mine back up the road in Joplin, MO<br>Geez, what a long day!<br><br>DanC <br><br>"Ensign Layla, close all comms, engage cloaking and secure the Phoenix for stealth mode until 0600hrs."<br><br>"Ruff"<br><br>(told ya it's been a long day)
OK, to catch up, but first... I am aborting mission to RTR.&nbsp;&nbsp; Makes me really&nbsp; sad, I was looking forward to seeing folks.&nbsp; Really upset Layla cause I think she wanted to see Homer.<br>I spent the night last night at the Firestone service center in Amarillo, the day (plus a handful of money)&nbsp; at the same service center.&nbsp; Sucked it up and headed out again for the RTR, until 20mi inside New Mexico started with the original symptoms again.<br>Now this was a decision point, sure maybe I could make it there, with no spare funds.<br>NOT a good situation, thousands of miles from home and no emergency funds.<br>So I turned back and decided the same Firestone center would be a good place to spend the night.&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <br>And to quote Ricky Ricardo, " they got some `splaining to do."&nbsp;&nbsp; I don't know could be the driving highway speeds for extended hours in this heat exposed things we missed.<br>Anyway, I guess to keep this in the van conversion sort of thread, I learned this trip that different climates can radically work on your van.&nbsp;&nbsp; <br>Saving money for the winter RTR !!!