FOR WOMEN ONLY: Would like to hear from women soloing on the road

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What were you drinking, bottle water? Did you shower or take pan bath? My rig is only 21Ft. Did you have to break camp each time you went to dump tanks? I Guess I will have to but it sounds like Rose Garden is a lot cheaper than some of the others you spoke about. How far is Rose Garden? Will I need to wrap my pipes so they don't freeze? How do I keep warm at night. I don't have a generator yet. I do have propane stove and heater if it works. But I don't know how long a propane bottle last (small one) with a built in propane heater do you? I know I ask a lot of questions but I have never done this before. So bare with me. I have my camper plugged in to elect. right now.
My drinking water was in 1 gallon and 7 gallon jugs, refilled at the deep well wateror filtered stations around town. the quartzsite water, I'm told, is really alkaline. I've never drank it myself.

I shower and pan bathe, depends on weather I wash my hair. Also consider getting a solar shower to use in the bath. I do that, too. Saving my tank water and not filling the gray tank.

I used my tanks for dishesand bathing/showering.

My black and grey tanks (35 gallons each) could hold 3 weeks to a month of waste.

The honey trucks come out to campsites. Last year it was $25.00 for the convenience of not moving.

The rose garden is maybe 6-8 miles from the RTR

I never used my heat. Sure, it was chilly in the morning, sometimes. I always park so my rig faced east. As soon as the sun comes up the rig warmed up just fine.Blankets and clothes kept me plenty warm at night.

You don't really have to break your whole camp down, if your at the RTR. I wouldn't leave anything of value out, though. There are honey wagons that come out to the site for $25.

Using my propane just for cooking and the fridge it lasted well over a year. I was told the tank was a different size every time I filled it. anywhere from 7lbs. to 17. I know it wasn't 7 because one time it took 11 lbs of propane to fill

No need to wrap your pipes. I had frozen lines once, but it wasn't long enough to break anything. It rarely gets that cold.

Your heater fan needs electric to run (generator or plugged in)

Happy to help. Feel free to PM if you want
Welcome to the forums Julie! It sounds like you're new to RVing. It's all pretty simple but since it's also different from living in a house there is a bit of a learning curve.

Cyndi gave you a lot of good advise. :) I'll add a little more. Many people take sponge baths or use baby wipes. Both work well but Tony and I prefer to take daily showers. Taking showers, drinking, cooking, using the toilet, cleaning uses up our 40 fresh water tank in five days so you should get at least 10 days. You have to take navy showers - get wet, turn off the water, soap up and rinse. We have a good filter on our drinking water faucet so we always drink out of the fresh water tank.

Buy a good down comforter or sleeping bag. Flannel sheets or fleece blankets will keep you really warm. We never run our furnace during the night.

Fill your RV propane tank before you get to Quartzsite. Also buy food, both perishables and canned goods. Groceries are expensive and options are limited in town.

Hope to see you at the RTR. You'll learn a lot and meet some great people!
Man... you guys are really making me wish I could go!!! :)
Theadyn said:
Man... you guys are really making me wish I could go!!! :)

I'm sorry to break the news, Theadyn. It's going to get worse before it gets better!
cyndi said:
I'm sorry to break the news, Theadyn. It's going to get worse before it gets better!

Haha!! Awesome!! Having a hard time finding the when and where's of it though, help? :)
Cindi posted the link to something called a piddle pail a few days ago. I know, we can all pee in a detergent bottle and other free sources. That being said, I decided to order one and received it yesterday, tried it out last night and I'm delighted with it. Of course I ordered the one with the funnel and hose.
Thanks for letting us know dragonflyinthesky. I was trying to decide if I wanted to get one or not. I think I may try it too.
Great advice and tips.

I want to go to RTR this year. I better get to planning so I can make it happen...
Sounds like I best start planning my trip to the RTR. :) Thanks for the links, Cyndi!!
A couple of quick questions. I carry a Porti Potty with a five gallon tank. Is there any way to dispose of that without paying $25 for the honey wagon? I have a large waste tank, should I bring it? I hate the thought of traveling with it strapped to the rear of my van. Also can grey water run on the ground or does that have to go into a tank. I wouldn't think it would be any different than someone using an outdoor shower. Last question, is it ok to burn trash so that there's only a few cans to dispose of? Thanks for all the great info.
@decodancer in NF's you are allowed to bury bodily waste, so if on NF land you can just dig a big hole, dump, cover it up (not next to water sources, etc check their website for all the details). In general their rule that allows this is for 1-time use per hole as far as I'm aware, so they may frown upon dumping large amounts of bodily waste, I've never asked however. Another option is taking it into a restroom (say at a park, rest area, etc).

Gray, it depends on what's in it I'd guess. the best answer would probably be , treat it like black if you aren't sure.

As for burning trash, I imagine everyone will answer differently, I've never seen any rules about it on any NF or BLM website, tho definitely their rules around campfires would apply. I'm guessing nobody would care for paper products, but they might care for other things that would make hazardous fumes or something (plastic comes to mind). Plus some things you definitely do not want to put in a fire, like the green propane bottles or anything else that might explode. Anything with metal on it would certainly not do any good (tin food cans, soda cans, etc) in a fire.

All of this is my personal opinion along with facts as I know them from NF/BLM websites, rangers, etc. I'd suggest visiting the local ranger station/BLM field office and talking with them.

Also, this question may be better served on a different thread, where all those manly creatures can also post (unless you decidedly don't want their opinion on these questions).
Thank you Peacetara for answering my concerns. I only posted here because there were others who were asking similar questions about the RTR. I think the guys are great but do also look forward to meeting other women there. So many people are amazed that I would even consider such a long solo trip, will be nice to talk to others that have done it.
Ah, I wasn't speaking directly about the RTR, tho everything here does apply, sort of. The RTR location is on BLM land not NF land. I'd also add, the RTR location in years past (and likely the same this coming year) is only a few miles from town, so going into town once a day is normal for some at the RTR, and many carpool into town together. Others like me go in only once or maybe twice.
From the BLM website
"...Dispersed camping in a motorhome is allowed, but dumping black or gray water on the public lands isn't allowed. Please empty waste tanks at approved locations."

No one will be upset if you burn paper. Plastic, styrofoam, etc. will cause a commotion.
Being an RTR newbie, I just came back here to re-read about dealing with waste at RTR but I still have a question.

My van is outfitted with a luxury kitty litter bucket toilet. I am visualizing myself getting in line at a dumpster somewhere in Quartzite behind a bunch of other people all holding carefully sealed white trash bags. :cool: :-/ :blush: :p

Is that how this works? Help! :D Thanks!
There are a number of places to dispose of your kitty litter discreetly: gas stations, the park, and fast food places usually have outside trash containers. And there's a transfer station that's open a few days a week. You will learn to spot places as you travel. It will become second nature to see them and file them away for future use.