Food Stamp & Social Security Info for anyone who is interested

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Well-known member
May 9, 2017
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NOTE: For those of you who think people like me are "gaming the system," live a year in my body and you'll know I'm not. I have lupus, and am in pain most of the time and have brain fog so badly some days I cannot even concentrate enough to do anything but watch videos on t.v., not even read. For anyone in my situation, this is valuable information.

I found out today that being technically "homeless" does not keep you from getting food stamps. Plus, you can use them in ways other people can't, such as to buy meals at homeless shelters or soup kitchens. You can also use them to buy veggie/herb seeds and edible plants, so if you're staying in one place for awhile, and want to grow some herbs or veggies, you can buy them with that. Some places don't recognize this, so I get all my stuff at WalMart. I just got an eggplant plant that will more than pay for itself in a very short time.

Here's some info on that.

From what I was told, they will count your phone bill and your propane as utilities, if you use your propane only to heat, cool or cook. I'm checking into solar expenses to see if maybe batteries and solar panels can be deducted also, since it's used to generate electricity, but nobody knows yet. Campground fees count as rent, as far as the person I talked to knows, but again, not sure about that or paying for showers. If you work online, you can put in your wifi as a utility expense, and they will count part of it as a business expense.

The government is still playing catchup with vehicle dwellers. They still tend to think of RVers as rich people who just want to travel around, but they are having to change their mindset on that. The main consideration for them right now is income, so if you're a rich RVers who has a big bank account and a nice retirement income, they should be able to tell you from someone like me who gets less than $700 a month in SS.

Speaking of SS, I checked into SSI, and I can qualify for that too, but it's a little more difficult to get into. You can have one vehicle of any value, so your van doesn't count as an resource. If you buy land to park your van on, that doesn't count either, because you are allowed to have a home w/land and a vehicle.

Here is a Handy SSI Calculator for Earned and Unearned Income.

I'm collecting widow's benefits right now, but next year, when I hit full retirement age, I can switch it over to my account and get about $50 more a month, plus the $82 from SSI, plus full Medicare and Medicaid benefits with subsidized Medicare and Drug premium payments. I can also earn $85 a month while getting this, because they do not count the first $20 of unearned income, or the first $65 of earned income.

So with my SS, food stamps & SSI, I would have about $900 to live on. If I forego SSI, I can earn up to $1410 (probably a bit more by next year) a month with no penalty from SS. Honestly, that's probably what I'm going to do, because I can't see myself just sitting around doing nothing 24/7. Plus, that extra money would go a long ways towards saving up for the time when I have to leave van living and go back into brick and mortar housing.

Anyway, I hope some of you can get some good out of this.
To be eligible you need to have less then $2000 in your bank account. What if you have way mores then that. My emergency fund is over the $2000 limit.
It's always nice to learn something new that might benefit myself or someone I know.  It sounds like you are putting a plan in place that will help you become nomadic and also looking to the future when you may no longer be able to maintain that lifestyle and need to return to a sticks & brick dwelling.

This is my experience with both Workman's Compensation and The Social Security Administration.

  I spent over 2 yrs fighting an employers Ins  Co.  The biggest help in my case was the TX Work. Comp. Board.  Every time the Ins. Co. stopped my checks for various reasons, I called the Tx W.C. and they told me the exact counter move I needed to make to re start my checks.  I also had medical coverage and surgery over a 28mo period + $1,300 monthly during that 28mo

Then I spent 2 yrs convincing SSA that I was disabled and more than met the criteria of being unable to work and support myself for 12mo due to illness or injury.  Over 4yrs after the last day I was able to work I was awarded SSD.

I've recently spent 4yrs...2 separate disability claims....2 federal 2 different states  to assist a family member in a SSD claim in  which they were were awarded SSD and 3yrs back pay.

I learned to document every phone conversation...when the call was made....the subject....who I spoke with and a ID # for them.  I  also noted what  the conversation was about.

Also to always ask for the information in black and white.  My standard response to "I'm not sure or I don't know" is  "May I please speak to someone who does?"  While assisting a friend in the Dothan AL SSA office we were given information and was told " no I can't give you that in print".

I document most phone calls that have anything to do with billing or services.  It's amazing what can be "lost " in various systems and how quickly things are set to rights when I start quoting the prior conversations with all the info I've gathered.

I'm not saying my way is better than anyone else's.... this is just what works for me and far.

Thanks for the info I need to get to the SS office after the not rtr thing cause I no longer have an address and I read on the web site that if they sent you a letter and you don't reply they can stop your benefits right there. It would have to be a review letter or something along those lines I would think but I have a review coming up.
There is an option to have your notices emailed to you. I get notices from them all the time, so I know it works. They can do most things digitally now, but if not, you can go into any SS office anywhere you are.

Have you thought of using a mail service, or is that out of your budget?
Jewellann, it usually takes from 2 to 4 years to get a disability claim through. I applied for my widow's benefits and disability at the same time, because disability would give me more money + medicaid.  They pulled a really dirty trick on me. I had to get my senator involved. They wrote and told me that they were going to hold my widow's benefit payments until my disability claim went through, which would have left me with no money at all. My senator contacted them and they had it backwards. Since my widow's benefits were LESS then I would have gotten from disability, they weren't supposed to do that. They were supposed to only do it if it was the other way around. Anyway, after so much rigamarole, and them demanding so many medical examinations (I had no insurance, no medicare, no medicaid), I finally gave up and decided not to go after the disability. I was only going after it for the Medicaid anyway, but I figured I could hold out a few more years for my Medicare, and I'm glad I did. It forced me to take better care of myself, so all but for my lupus, I'm a lot healtheir now.
Tomcor said:
To be eligible you need to have less then $2000 in your bank account. What if you have way mores then that. My emergency fund is over the $2000 limit
PMing you.
Food stamp program is administered by the states. The rules are state specific.
Tomcor said:
To be eligible you need to have less then $2000 in your bank account. What if you have way mores then that. My emergency fund is over the $2000 limit.

Most states have waived assets tests for snap/food stamp eligibility.  So, eligibility is based solely on income and one can still qualify with any amount of assets.
Tomcor said:
To be eligible you need to have less then $2000 in your bank account. What if you have way mores then that. My emergency fund is over the $2000 limit.

What if you have money set aside for like your funeral?  Leave it in care of a trusted son?
hausmutti said:
What if you have money set aside for like your funeral?  Leave it in care of a trusted son?

As I mentioned in a previous post, most states have dropped assets test for snap (food stamps) eligibility.  So, eligibility is based solely on income and you can have any amount of assets (real estate, vehicles, bank accounts, stocks, cash, etc.) and still qualify.
ZacLee said:
As I mentioned in a previous post, most states have dropped assets test for snap (food stamps) eligibility.  So, eligibility is based solely on income and you can have any amount of assets (real estate, vehicles, bank accounts, stocks, cash, etc.) and still qualify.

Boy I could really scam the system.  I have a good sized retirement nest egg making me what a lot of folks would consider as rich.  But my adjusted gross income is zero because I am currently living on post tax savings outside of my retirement accounts.  If the states only consider income, then I would be eligible for snap even though I have wealth.  What a system....
AmieW said:
NOTE: For those of you who think people like me are "gaming the system," live a year in my body and you'll know I'm not. I have lupus, and am in pain most of the time and have brain fog so badly some days I cannot even concentrate enough to do anything but watch videos on t.v., not even read. For anyone in my situation, this is valuable information. 

Hi AmieW, sorry to hear this. I have some questions if you don't mind? I have heard of lupus, but don't know anything about it. I did a web search on it once with very little success. 
What exactly does it do to you?
What are the symptoms?
How is it contracted? 
Can it be contracted by both male and female? 
Is there a cure for it? 
Anything else we should know about it?

Anyway, thanks for posting this useful information. Take care.
mpruet said:
Boy I could really scam the system.  I have a good sized retirement nest egg making me what a lot of folks would consider as rich.  But my adjusted gross income is zero because I am currently living on post tax savings outside of my retirement accounts.  If the states only consider income, then I would be eligible for snap even though I have wealth.  What a system....

It's not a scam.  Those are the current rules.  It's up to your conscience.  If I had millions in retirement accounts, I wouldn't apply for government benefits except perhaps health insurance though.  What do you do for health insurance? Obamacare only pays the subsidy if you have at least about 17K/year in gross income. Below that means you're not eligible for obamacare and may qualify for medicaid which has more asset tests.

Keep in mind that a 401K/IRA distribution is probably considered income though.  I'm not sure how they handle capital gains from sales of stocks or other securities in a retirement account. 

Also, if you're under 50, most states have work requirements to collect snap (food stamps) though I don't think they're that strictly enforced.
ZacLee said:
It's not a scam.  Those are the current rules.  It's up to your conscience.  If I had millions in retirement accounts, I wouldn't apply for government benefits except perhaps health insurance though.  What do you do for health insurance?  Obamacare only pays the subsidy if you have at least about 17K/year in gross income.  Below that means you're not eligible for obamacare and may qualify for medicaid which has more asset tests.  

Keep in mind that a 401K/IRA distribution is probably considered income though.  I'm not sure how they handle capital gains from sales of stocks or other securities in a retirement account. 

Also, if you're under 50, most states have work requirements to collect snap (food stamps) though I don't think they're that strictly enforced.

I never said that I scammed the system.  I just a bit surprised that most states do not consider wealth when deciding who qualifies for snap.  I know that for medicaid in Texas that wealth is considered because that was an issue when a relative needed to go into a nursing home. 

I consider it poor management that wealth is not a consideration for the snap program because that are plenty of ways to have a huge wealth and low income.  You could have a sizable amount of money in cash for instance.  Or you could have large investments in non-taxable accounts such as munis or ROTHs.  

Yes - 401K and IRA distributions are considered as income and are reported on a 1099-R form to the government.
mpruet said:
I never said that I scammed the system.  I just a bit surprised that most states do not consider wealth when deciding who qualifies for snap.  I know that for medicaid in Texas that wealth is considered because that was an issue when a relative needed to go into a nursing home. 

I consider it poor management that wealth is not a consideration for the snap program because that are plenty of ways to have a huge wealth and low income.  You could have a sizable amount of money in cash for instance.  Or you could have large investments in non-taxable accounts such as munis or ROTHs.  

Yes - 401K and IRA distributions are considered as income and are reported on a 1099-R form to the government.

I never suggested that you scammed the system, only that collecting snap benefits even if you have substantial assets are in accordance with the rules.

The asset tests are only waived for the snap (food stamp) program in most states.  They still apply for medicaid and other means tested programs like TANF.

But, snap considers income, taxable or not-taxable.  They just don't consider assets.  

Keep in mind snap only covers food and provides benefits of just under $200 per month per person.  Various states tested the program with and without asset tests and found the asset tests were counterproductive.

Some states are imposing additional restrictions though:
AmieW, you stated you can own land and on SSI? Does the the land have to have a house? Can you put a trailer and be self sustained? I have a been living in a dreadful part of Colorado and my mental health has been deteriorating quickly and been reading one can own a vehicle, land, and no more than 2k in their bank account. I'm on SSI disability and my relative whom I'm renting from has told me she is willing to sign over this house deed to me with the promise to put her nam on my will for the house, if I can buy it and put i under my name. She lives in Mexico, she paid 25 thousand for this house, I'm the power of attorney, I moved in here thinking it be a nice place to live but its horrible and I hate it. I told her to sell it and she's so tired of dealing with this that she bought another condo in Tijuana and said she made a mistake of buying this house and so far, mostly to help me. I told her that I read she had to have an ITIN number if she wanted to sell the house and open a bank account in San Diego when she bought the house 3yrs ago and me being here and she's retired, health problems, and tells me she's tired of this investment and if I'm willing to take over and what I'm reading is right, me able to own a house to my name an the sell it to buy another house closer to civilization she's be happy to sign it over to me and then I can do whatever I want. Am I hearing all this correct then? And does the land have to have a house? I have no clue where in the world I'll get a house for 25K close to a big town so I've been looking at land, even in Hawaii's Big Island... acres for 4,8,10,15 thousand even! If I can buy land to my name I can grow my own food and live very content. I was told though I had to spend it in 30 days or else they take my SSI until I spend it all and/invest it within those 30 days. Please correct me and I'm so happy to have been reading these posts. Oh, I read someone here saying "his" years of paying taxes was going freeloaders on foodstamps or SSI. Well, I'm not a freeloader, I worked up until I got HIV 20yrs ago and became and still am very-very depressed of which its turned into a horrible life for 24yrs. My doctor put me on disability under 3 medical conditions. You have no idea how many times I've thought of suicide because this HIV sickness (controlled or not) has ruined my life 100%.
4x4gamer, Social Security is quite strict on that, they nailed me once for a $1000 overpayment and I'm paying $25 a month, $200 left. This was an error THEY messed up because they never change my address and claimed they never got it from me despite showing proof of the new address, they kept sending letters to the old address! The overpayment was for my medical premiums, they claimed I was in California and Colorado at the same time! Go figure that one! They did not take my income away but they did cut my income in 1/2 for 2 months after they decided to help themselves to part of the overpayment and then had to negotiate a payment plan. So yeah... watch those letters you get and don't ignore them. Another thing to do is go online and check your payment. I check it every month on or before the 15th because if you dispute it after the 15th you can't do much because that's when the print them out ance once they are printed thats it, until next month. If you can catch an error before the 15th you can dispute it, it's called My Social Security on the Social Security website.
Hey Amiew thanks!

Well, I just checked. I'm now at $808 est for when I retire at 62. Still got 4 years to bump it up. Last time I checked it was $759 a month and this was back in 2016. Really want to get out, work and slam the debt (Now at $12,500+) and with the van living and a nifty trick I am using I hope to hit the bills with $1K or more per month.
AmieW said:
There is an option to have your notices emailed to you. I get notices from them all the time, so I know it works.

How did you set this up? I tried on the social security site and could not find anything to go paperless.