Florida or Georgia?

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Well-known member
Jul 10, 2019
Reaction score
Hello, all. Can anyone comment on their van life experience acquiring, titling, and registering a Class B RV in Florida vs. Georgia? Do either have tags marked for RVs? Is it problematic to purchase a cargo van and register it in either state as an RV? I heard insuring and registering cargo vans being billed at higher rates for "commercial." 

Regarding my situation: After a series of unfortunate events, I've been displaced from my state of 16 years (Florida) and ended up living in a tent near relatives in Georgia. Since I don't have a residence, I still have my Florida driver's license with my old address. On the bright side, I finally found a decent job within walking distance and I'm saving money to begin van life. I'm looking for an older van under $5000 with a raised roof. I'm partial to conversion vans and open to cargo vans. The concept of stealth for me needs to include not raising any eyebrows when one of my coworkers sees me getting in and driving it (lol).
Florida won't register a vehicle as an RV unless it is titled as an RV, and it can't be titled as an RV unless it has inbuilt waste tanks and an external power hookup.

I ended up registering my van to my sister's address in Pennsylvania instead.
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I live in Ohio and our code for a "house vehicle" (which can be a converted Van)  states: 

(b) "Motor home" means a self-propelled recreational vehicle that has no fifth wheel and is constructed with permanently installed facilities for cold storage, cooking and consuming of food, and for sleeping.

So the bed in mine is 2x4's attached to the Van's walls over top of the wheel wells.  The bed surface is plywood with a wooden box sitting under it on the floor to support the bed and serve as a storage hold.

I have a wooden cabinet serving as my kitchenette. On top of it is a two burner gas camp stove which I can detach and use outdoors on a picnic table in a campground.  I have a stainless steel basin which I can pull out of the cabinet top and
empty in a suitable facility outside the van.  For water I have 5 gallon plastic Jerry tanks that when full of water weigh about 45 lbs. (so I can tote them and move them around)  I have a 12 volt submersible pump that I can sit in them to pump water into the sink.  (Ohio law wants running water and a sink with a counter for food prep)  I have a medium size
ice cooler that I can use for cold storage of food and beverage to fully comply with the laws.    It is basic but a start.
I don't use it in cold weather as I'm still  living in my house. 

I have a couple of metal tabs on my cabinet/kitchenette that are screwed into the vertical wall braces of the Van to appear permanently attached.   The water jugs and cooler don't have to be so attached....just present.

The first of the two links below show how I'm set up.  If I were full timing I'd build out to be suitable.

In Ohio it is what is required to be classed as a House Vehicle/RV. 


I'm sure Georgia and Florida have similar websites that you can look thru to see what is required.

All the best !   :)
It kind of depends where you can get an address so you can register the vehicle, which is necessary in order to get insurance.

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