First time at RTR this year?

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highdesertranger said:
what I am saying is don't get caught.  I doubt anybody is going to drop a dime on you unless you piss them off.  my whole purpose of bringing this up was to let everybody know that it is illegal.  so watch what you do. 
Copy that HDR! Reading you loud and clear :)
Lystrek said:
Hello, I am a newb as well. Not sure about going to the RTR as the crowd will be too large for my taste. Maybe the WRTR, driving is hard on my back so I would definitely benefit from a good massage and will gladly help with your gas fund. I am in Kansas and will hit the road mid November. Safe travels!

I'll def be at the women's RTR.  I'm so glad they started this, it's one of my biggest motivations for making it out this year actually.  I wonder how many women will stay camped there during the regular RTR instead of moving down to quartzite....
I'll see u there!
Not only first RTR but first time getting up the guts to finally make this a reality. If anyone knows me from previous threads, Its been a good solid 3 years in the making to give it a go. I decided I'm now 31 with no real attachments and after recently ending my relationship have nothing to loose. But it's still scary and I hope that other noobies can find the strength to push forward and do this because for some people it's really not easy. Honestly I'm still struggling with the idea of leaving everything I know behind to set out into the unknown but it's nice to know I'll be among like minded people.
I think you are a step ahead of the game by having some worries, but forging ahead anyway. Those that think it all will be perfect are likely to be blindsided. Write each possible worrisome scenario down and list solutions. Then when/if a scenario comes true, you will be prepared to handle it. The pros will outweigh the cons. Besides, what is the alternative? You can always revert to the status quo if needed, but if you don't make the attempt at this lifestyle, you will always wonder.
I was seriously planning on going to the 2019 RTR (It would be my first time,) but the expected turnout being in the thousands has me rethinking things. Over 4,000 people and knowing no one? I get a sick feeling in my stomach and it sounds, lonely. Weird, I know. The loneliest I've ever felt was when I was surrounded by lots of people and the more I think of it the less appealing it becomes.

Who knows, once the snow hits here in Michigan I may change my mind.
Rowan, you can always camp out elsewhere, like at the La Posa LTVAs nearby, and then come in for visits during the day. If I do get down there, that's probably what I'll do. The funny thing about LTVAs from what I saw is, a lot of "real" RVs, like Class As, meaning most of those people sit inside 23 hours a day. I was at La Posa South for 5 days, and never did see 2 of my neighbors, LOL.

At RTR, you'll likely have 6,000 people walking around all the time, :). However, I'm sure those 6,000 people walking around will also not know most others, and therefore be very friendly. Especially if you're walking a dog.
I was under the impression you had to have an enclosed black/grey water system to stay at the LTVA's?

Most likely I'd be living out of my car/tent and I didn't think they allowed that?

For now, I'm trying to sweet talk my friend into a road trip with me. She's not making any commitments and kidnapping her would be problematic. Logistically. :)
The different LTVAs have slightly different rules. La Posa in Quartzsite has toilets, so vans with buckets and tent campers just need camp within 500' of a toilet. There were several tents in there when I was there. And I believe Imperial and Mule Mtn also have toilets. Midland does not.

"17. Self-Contained Vehicles
a. In Pilot Knob, Midland, Tamarisk, and Hot Springs LTVAs, you may camp only in self-contained
camping units. The La Posa, Imperial Dam, and Mule Mountain LTVAs are restricted to self-contained
camping units, except within 500 feet of a vault or rest room".

As mentioned on the other thread, the ground thereabouts is very hard, so you need good metal tent pegs and a hammer. And a tarp under the tent to protect its bottom from the rocks. You can certainly tent camp at RTR, but there might be lines outside the little johnny-on-the-spot toilets provided. Ya never know. And if you just camp in the general BLM zones, you're own your own.
 but if you don't make the attempt at this lifestyle, you will always wonder.
It's not a 1-way street, you can always go back to the normal world.
Hmm, well that's good to know. Thanks :)

I did see the post about needing to get the thicker rebar spikes and a sledge hammer. Man, that sounds like some seriously hard ground. I may come in a truck and just set up a tent in the truck bed :)
You can probably also tie some heavy rocks to the corners of the tent where the stakes normally go. There are trees and bushes everywheres around there so you can pitch the tent behind some for a wind break (east side).
RowanFae said:
  Over 4,000 people and knowing no one?  

But, you know us! Say hello on the forum while you are there, and you can have visitors before you know it. 

I'm skeptical of the quoted RTR numbers....since the desert has 10's of thousands of RVers (who have no affiliation with RTR) and campers scattered all over thousands of acres around Quartzite. 

And, not everyone who is counted or who gets a permit is there for the entire 2 weeks or whatever. 

Even the central area does not have a crowd of 4000 people, or even close to that. Maybe a couple hundred, on a good day.

If you want space, there is PLENTY of it out there in the desert.

Here a few shots from my drone of the RTR area, you can choose to be camped right next to people, or's all up to you.

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After missing the RTR for the last 3 years, I have plans to attend for 2019.
Does that count?
When I talked to the bean counter who was registering the campers towards the end of rtr he estimated the rtr folks at about 2,800. Still an impressive number no doubt.

There were other groups that met on the same road and the different groups were spilling into each other. Not all the other groups were happy about that either. Several from the escapees group expressed their displeasure at the spill over all around them.

I believe where the rtr will be next is much more separated from the other groups.
I think that was 2,800 permits, which means 2,800 people got permits for their vehicles. as they don't count actual people. then you have people like me that had 2 vehicles there but they only gave me one permit. what they told me was the permit was for the camp and not the vehicle so they didn't want to give me 2 permits. then on top of all this confusion you have all the people that didn't get permits which was a lot more than a few especially for those that did not stay for the whole time. highdesertranger
waverider1987 said:
Not only first RTR but first time getting up the guts to finally make this a reality. If anyone knows me from previous threads, Its been a good solid 3 years in the making to give it a go. I decided I'm now 31 with no real attachments and after recently ending my relationship have nothing to loose. But it's still scary and I hope that other noobies can find the strength to push forward and do this because for some people it's really not easy. Honestly I'm still struggling with the idea of leaving everything I know behind to set out into the unknown but it's nice to know I'll be among like minded people.
This is my life. I'm 36, recently out of a relationship, nothing holding me down, so why not get out and see the country?

I hope to meet you at WRTR! I'll only be there for the weekend because I still have a full time job for now.

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I'll definitly be at the womens rtr.  My van says "2ortis" on the license plate....cuz it's a big land tortoise ;;) low and slow
My first time at the RTR.
I'm an introvert so I'll be camping on the outskirts.
I'll get my walks in on the way to the seminars, and my dog will get his exercise too.