First in with the COPS

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I don't think that you can consent to a partial search.

I don't use any illegal drugs or have anything illegal in my van.

If a cop asks to search my van I plan on saying "I don't consent to any searches of my vehicle".

Combined with my anxiety disorder that should really get them excited.

I have spent countless hours insulating my van and don't want them to destroy it. If you watch some of the cops TV shows they really enjoy destroying people's vehicles.

If they really want to rip apart my van they will need to have a judge issue a search warrant or bring a police dog and make it give a "false positive".
It is&nbsp;always&nbsp;best to be polite and friendly to law men. If you are right or wrong, if they are right or wrong. It is&nbsp;always&nbsp;best to be polite and friendly.<br><br>No sir, I have no weapons. No sir, I have no drugs. Oh yea, I'm (retired) (on vacation) trying to save as much as I can. I didn't think I would disturb anyone by parking here. Were do you&nbsp;recommend&nbsp;i stay for a night. Oh wow, thanks. a ticket? can i pay that near here?
I've only had the cops knock once in three years, and that was up by SF. I was born and raised in the bible belt (Mississippi) so I always have a bible in my front passenger seat, and I have a Jesus sticker on my back bumper. When the lady cop knocked (I was outside little ceasars pizza), I told the officer that I was fasting and getting closer to Jesus without any distractions. The lady cop looked at me like I had 2 heads and said have a nice day. I think she was afraid that I was going to witness to her or something.
<br>There is no way to know what the OP was acting like, looks like, what their vehicle looks like or any way to even get a partial take on why they were accosted.....not much can be said about why.<br><br>I don't have that problem, never have had in a lifetime of living on and off the road. <br><br>I have had excactly one LEO knock and ask to ID me...He did not ask for ID he just wanted to see me. Once he did he was apologetic and told me why he wanted to ID was a good reason and I went back to sleep.<br><br>I cannot remember one time any cop was anything but polite and respectful to me.....except when I was flying my freek-flag and using drugs and drinking....all bets were off and I was basically flaunting my beliefs and got in return what I expected....I wanted confrontation and I got it....even then they were never as hard on me as I have heard them being on others...thankfully...<br><br>Of course you realize that with the signing of the Patriot Act by former president G.W.Bush in 2001 we gave up the 1st, 4th, 5th, 6th and 8th Amendments to the Constitution. Hardly anyone complained since they thought it would make them safer....go figger?!&nbsp; So if you piss off the LEO, you are doing so at great risk...they can pretty much do whatever they want...and be in accordance with the Patriot Act....!<br><br>Cheers,<br>Bri
Guess I ought to clarify I am almost always polite and friendly. I just don't call a cop sir because I don't want to further the idea that they are my superior. I think that attitude has gone too far with today's law enforcement. They're very different now than when I was a kid.
Cops won't be so suspicious if you look like one of them.<br>Practice your cop face.
ROFL as I imagine everyone reading this a d trying to make "cop faces"!

What would a cop face look like anyway? Serious? Smug? High on authority? Sincere?
DownByTheRiver said:
I spray painted my rear windows with black Plastidip so it looks like dark tinted windows and can be peeled off if I sell my van:
<br><br>So the "static cling" window tinting is REALLY hard to get perfect around the edges. While I'm loving the conceal of 5% tint, you can see through if you put your eyeball right up to the edges, where they don't quite meet the rubber of the window. Thank you for this tip! They sell this stuff at my neighborhood Lowe's.<br>LOL...cop face. Take care, everybody <img src="/images/boards/smilies/wave.gif" class="emoticon bbc_img">
Another member mentioned how a person looks and how the van looks is important.&nbsp; I'm 68 and have van-camped a lot over the years.&nbsp; For the past 3+ years I have full-timed out of my Chevy Cargo Van.&nbsp; I have only been questioned by police/security three times.&nbsp; Once I told them I was ill and waiting for the nearby pharmacy to open so I could pick up a prescription (true).&nbsp; They asked if they should call 911 for me.&nbsp; I told them I would be fine and they assured me as they made their rounds they would check to make sure no one was bothering me.&nbsp; Second time was in a Wal-Mart near a military base.&nbsp; They said W-M allowed parking but the city did not. They told me I could stay were I was the rest of the night.&nbsp; The time I was bothered the most was at a 24-hr pancake house.&nbsp; I made the mistake of pulling into a dark area behind the restaurant.&nbsp; Turned out it was an employee parking lot and an employee coming to work saw me pull in but not get out of the van.&nbsp; She was afraid to get out and go in the building so called the manager.&nbsp;Keep in mind, that's what they are trained to do... be aware of their surroundings and be safe.<br><br> Manager came out and talked to me and told me to move around the front under one of the lights and that the police were called and I should wait for them.&nbsp; Police ran my ID, asked what was up... and I was near my son's house but told them I arrived too late and didn't want to wake them.&nbsp; Half true... I was near their house.&nbsp; Told them I was too sleepy to drive somewhere else.&nbsp; They told me I could stay there but stay under the lights.<br><br>If you are going for the stealth factor, you have to look conservative (both the person and the van).&nbsp; I try to keep from drawing any attention to myself or my van.&nbsp; I leave nothing in view from the front in the cab area.&nbsp; I don't even use the window shades to block the side or front windows if I am in a busy place, it just looks like a parked work van... nothing in the front.&nbsp; If sun shades are on the front during the day to keep sun out of vehicle... that looks normal.&nbsp; If they are up at night, it looks like someone is inside.&nbsp; <br><br>Age has a lot to do with things too... it's sad to say.&nbsp; An old lady of 68 is not going to draw attention to herself (except if she has very short hair and goes into the ladies room and is dressed kinda man-like... then sometimes other women will say something... happened this morning - I assured them I was WOMAN and asked if they need more proof???&nbsp; I was in a rush (trust me) and was fully prepared to pull my shirt up.&nbsp;They could not apologize enough.<img class="emoticon bbc_img" src="/images/boards/smilies/eek.gif">) ... anyway, I won't draw the attention that a young slim woman might, or someone dressed very girl-like.&nbsp; Shouldn't be that way... but it is.&nbsp; And as Bri said... as an older guy, he doesn't raise much suspect either.&nbsp; There are stereotypes in this world... that's just the fact of the matter.&nbsp; To be stealthy, you have to know how to look like you fit in... look conservative.&nbsp; Heck, at my brother's gated community in Vegas, I can't even park my van on his street at night... it has to be in his driveway.&nbsp; <br><br>NEVER park in the rich neighborhoods.&nbsp; NEVER park in employee parking areas at overnight stores/restaurants.<br><br>Oh, one more suggestion, in the situation were you got fries and climbed into the back to eat them.&nbsp; ALWAYS get in the drivers' seat and sit there awhile, eat or read there, take time to study that area.&nbsp; Then if you want to stay overnight, you can decide the best spot to move to.&nbsp; At 24 hr stores, I go in, buy something, sit in the drivers seat awhile, eat, read, etc., and then move to the back if I want to use the computer or sleep.&nbsp; If you pull up close to the doors, you will draw less attention to yourself than if you try to go hide someplace.<br><br>A couple other lines I might have to use sometime (like at WalMarts or large Grocery stores):<br><br>I am waiting for a prescription to come in... it should be here tomorrow.&nbsp; I need it.<br><br>I am almost out of gas and am waiting for a wire transfer so I can buy more gas and be on my way.<br><br>I feel very safe out here and most of the time "invisible."<br><br>
<span id="post_message_1276898394">I don't think that you can consent to a partial search.</span>
<br><br>You can withdraw consent to search at any time.
Swankie's post reminds me of Mar, A friend of many of us who traveled and lived in her Class C RV as a solo woman and for 3 years straight she traveled the entire US and boondocked every night in a parking lot somewhere....she did not like parks or campgrounds and was never may have helped that she worked as an online college professor all night and slept for much of the day...<br><br>Another friend I think of is George Lehrer of "Tioga and George" blog fame who also boondocked for years all over the country, mostly the west and Mexico and never stayed in an RV park til these later years when he decided to stay in Mexico...although he still boondocks some there..<br><br>He has been accosted by the LEOs but had a great way of dealing with it and many of the things Bob W. suggests are nearly as though they are out of George's blog. He would always spot his night stay early and go elsewhere until he was ready to sleep, then park and sleep get up and go....<br><br>It can be done just fine and if you are being hassled a lot, you are the have to adjust your behavior to one that won't get you is easy and just pay attention and be aware..<br>Bri
Randal02...that's a great tip about the bible in the front seat! I think I'm going to try the "friend of the police" (or whatever) and american flag stickers on the back.<br><br>Coast to coast...the tint is for cars, it's just not pre-cut, and it's difficult to get the edges perfect. So, where the tint doesn't totally meet up with the rubber of the window, I'll be trying the plasti dip! The tint is Gila Automotive "Peel and Cling." It's a <img src="/images/boards/smilies/tounge2.gif" class="emoticon bbc_img"> to install!
Swankie...thank you. That was very helpful. I wonder if it would be difficult to claim that I'm not LIVING in the van, though, since I will have walls and insulation. I've thought about claiming it's just a DIY camper that I use on vacation, and I needed to use it for the night, for ___ reason.<br><br>
bk2valve said:
It can be done just fine and if you are being hassled a lot, you are the have to adjust your behavior to one that won't get you is easy and just pay attention and be aware..<br>
<br><br>My behavior will be different next time. First of all, I won't park anywhere near that area of town. Also, I probably won't go for such a crowded parking lot. My van's appearance could have been better, as stated in the post. I'm still working on it. But, I don't think the main reason for being called was my behavior or appearance, as I believe I would have been fine in another area, so the location was the biggest part of the equation, in my opinion. I thought I would be fine in the back for fifteen minutes, but I was wrong, so I'm never going back there. I learned. I'm hoping it will be easy (-er) closer to the city, but only time will tell. The MULTITUDE of helpful advice and support on this site has made me aware that I just need to find the right place, as well as being more careful.
BUSTED: The Citizen's Guide to Surviving Police Encounters<br><br><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-family: Verdana, Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; -webkit-border-horizontal-spacing: 2px; -webkit-border-vertical-spacing: 2px;"></span>
<span id="post_message_1276867708">
Thank you guys so much for your responses! I realized another thing about the area. The city has one of the highest homocide rates in the country, so the suburbs (where I was, and I know to stay away at all times, now) are extra paranoid. It may take some work to find an in-between.<br><br>wandering rain...parking under a street light is a great tip! I bet it would put people's minds at ease, too, because the van's not "lurking in the shadows." I don't WANT to put a blanket over my head :p But, it would not be the worst thing in the world. Thanks for the tips!
<br><br>You're welcome. <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle"> <br>Well, the blanket is not just over my face. I find that I seem to feel suffocated whenever I just throw a blanket over my head. I should have mentioned that the blanket is held up by a couple of bungee cords stretched across the van (attached at both sides on what used to hold the passenger seatbelts). The result is a small teepee over my head which 1) covers the computer screen glow and 2) keeps the air around my head warm during cold nights. (the computer puffing out warm air from the tiny fan also helps a bit.)<br></span>
"<span style="line-height: 20px;">I think I'm going to try the "friend of the police" (or whatever) and american flag stickers on the back."<br><br>Cop once said that this actually draws more suspicion. Sometimes the most dangerous and obvious place is actually the safest, and the seemingly safest place the most dangerous. Sometimes it's easier to rob in plain daylight than in the middle of the night. SOMEONE QUOTE THIS MAN. I DIDN'T SAY IT. There's some wisdom and philosophy in there. Someone get this man a medal. I am amazed.&nbsp;<br><br>But I am curious. What if now, what if... the world wasn't flat and is actually round? CALL ME CRAZY. And what if parking in the seemingly obvious and dangerous places... actually might work? Lol. I'm going to park in the middle of a busy intersection. Right in the middle. Man I'm a genius. I will report back with my findings.&nbsp;</span>
When I was sleeping in my van I have different reactions. Back then the cops were the cool peeps and the residents or drive bys were the jackasses. Once a cop knocked on my door and asked me if anyone was with me (I'm a woman) and I let him look into my windows and doors. he of course asked me&nbsp;similar&nbsp;question of why but my very honest answer stopped him from asking further. My answer - roommates suck and I can't afford to live in an apartment on my own plus I'm saving money for college. After that him and his partner drove by every now and then just to check on me.&nbsp;<br><br>When I traveled I normally stayed in the parking lots of beach parking areas. Every morning I would get up and clean up the trash around my van - it wasn't my trash. &nbsp;The life&nbsp;guards&nbsp;and Rec Officers saw this and left me alone. But times have changed and I'm going to do all stealth van sleeping in the future. The LAPD are not friendly folks anymore and there is&nbsp;definitely&nbsp;a Hatfield–McCoy feud between the unhoused and the housed. &nbsp;My&nbsp;recommendation&nbsp;is learn the local laws, go stealth, &nbsp;never let your van look "junky" and be conservative in what you do in the van. Is that fair or right? No, but it is less stress and safer.&nbsp;