firearms storage?

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Well-known member
Oct 22, 2011
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are there any businesses that offer short term firearm storage, where you can drop off and retrieve your weapon when camping in an area that prohibits firearms?
You might try calling gun shops in the area.&nbsp; <br><br>Also, depending on how long you need to store your weapon, pawn it!&nbsp; It should be very safe there and nobody will ask any questions.&nbsp; <br><br>When I go to Mexico and I haven't had a chance to come back by the house, I generally need to store a 4 wheeler/trailer/motorcycle anyhow, so I rent a storage unit and just leave my guns there.
If you go the gun shop route, you will most likely have to go through the NCIC check to get it back. This is so people don't abuse the system for divorces, legal investigations, etc. This also goes for getting it back from pawn/consignment.

Unfortunately off the top of my head I can't think of anything beyond a local personal friend that I would trust for short term handling. Unless of course I choose to stay somewhere else, and complain to the campground that you would have liked to stay there but their policy won't allow you.
I just consulted with my ex that is a federally licensed gunsmith.&nbsp; He says that the way to do this is to have it cleaned at a gunshop.&nbsp; There is no requirement to do any kind of background check to get your own gun back after having it cleaned or repaired.&nbsp; Of course you will have to pay whatever they charge for the cleaning.&nbsp; Depending on the gunsmith...this might be a nominal charge.&nbsp; It is possible that states have different additional laws that might effect this.&nbsp; Most gun shops are run by people that are all for gun rights.&nbsp; Present your predicament to a couple of these folks and I bet they can help you come up with an answer.
Somebody remind me not to get TxGysy mad at me...<br><br><img class="emoticon bbc_img" src="/images/boards/smilies/tongue.gif"><br><br>Bama
LOL!&nbsp; <br><br>I did out shoot the ex in front of his Mama once.&nbsp; He's still not forgiven me for that one.&nbsp; <img src="/images/boards/smilies/biggrin.gif" class="emoticon bbc_img">
<UL><LI>If you have a van store&nbsp;it in your drivers door post it may have a access door at the base of it under the carpet unscrew or take off plastic over the plate cover, (if&nbsp;it don't have one make it) with&nbsp;if carpet if you already have carpet, staple Velcro on the back of it and stick the other Velcro half on the medal and stick&nbsp;it, repeat same on passengers side put your mags or ammo&nbsp;there and seal it up don't forget to pack it in foam rubber, never relinquish your fire arms "ever" these are politically and socially.and economically&nbsp;bad times to give them up. remember its easier to talk to a judge then a mortician also look up U.S. Supreme Court decision' pertaining to fire arm restrictions and storage. Federal laws always trump state laws see, Marbarry vs Madison. its never been overturned. Also what they don't know won't hurt them.</LI></UL>
Please note that most military bases will not allow you to take a firearm on base. Don't get caught with one on a military base. Not worth it.<br><br>James AKA Lynx
Short section or PVC pipe, two end caps, shovel and a nice secluded spot in the woods. <img src="/images/boards/smilies/biggrin.gif" class="emoticon bbc_img">
So that is were that greasy carbine came from when digging my foundation.
ha ha&nbsp;don't bury in a gold bearing area. &nbsp;I will find it.&nbsp; highdesertranger
There is a reason I don't use those types of places to camp.&nbsp; Remember, via the us constitution, the government cannot tell you that you cannot have a weapon on land leased, owned or managed by the federal government.&nbsp; Shall not be infringed.<br><br>I don't usually discuss things of this nature on forums such as thing, but since the topic was already raised.&nbsp; Remember it is a choice to have or not to have.&nbsp; I choose to be able to protect my family in more than one way.