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lenny flank said:
One of the advantages of living in a vehicle--we can move any time we need to.
Hi Lenny,
Seems like just yesterday you & I were joking about a meet up for a cold one
at the Borderland Brew Pub.  Thanks for checking in. 
Keep your powder dry (wink)!
TrainChaser said:
"When we had a fire running loose here a month ago, people were posting on the local 'Facebook scanner' site that they had the facilities to take animals -- livestock, dogs, cats, etc."

TC, your thoughtful kindness is so appreciated.  I really really mean that.
Unfortunately, I am far far north of these areas.  Where I am located, fair grounds & other possible livestock/animal shelters are in zones which may, themselves, soon enough be in path of firestorm.

Frying pan to fire never a good idea.  If, when time comes I decide I MUST leave, I will take livestock to home of friends near ocean who have extra sheds/pens available for me.  As to Facebook, I do not ever use it.  Always find it best to keep head down & preserve  what little privacy remains.

Thanks, TC...
Good Morning!
Moon easily visible this AM, which is heartening.  Until winds kick up later today, I can even breathe a little.  When smoke is bad I get a few heart palpatations.  I am pretty tough tho, & against all "advice" have had to ignore warnings to stay inside & avoid exertion.  What a joke!

25 thousand acres burning north, south, east of me so far ZERO containment.  Yesterday ash began drifting my direction, which is indicator to gauge.  I am staying alert.  Got a few hours sleep last night.  Needed that.  Other good news is that my local/community radio station is broadcasting again.  Damage to transmitter repaired.  Now have +/- current updates/intel on fire movement.

For some days, no gas available in towns/cities along 101 due to closures/deliveries from South.  Currently open & gas available.  Hate to remind you vanners, but your ability to "drive away" from trouble sometimes just won't work....
When traveling in Mexico, I learned to  *always* keep gas tank topped off.  These days, here, good idea always.

Bye for now,
Praying for your safety and your home. Please keep us posted. Seeing the fires on the news, of course. So sad. Can't imagine what you are going through. I used to live in Napa and loved it. Stay safe!
Charlotte\ said:
 If, when time comes I decide I MUST leave, I will take livestock to home of friends near ocean who have extra sheds/pens available for me. 

Do this now. As you've coiled hoses strategically, moving your livestock is next. Fuel up when your in your friend's area as a precaution as well. You know how those winds can be, especially those created by fire. Stay safe/strong/focused, all the best to you.
mert6706 said:
Can't imagine what you are going through. I used to live in Napa and loved it. Stay safe!

Hi Mert,
I am north of Napa, & North of Sonoma---which would have made us "almost" neighbors.  
Here, in Mendocino county, I'm included in what's now called the  Redwood Complex Fires

Your well wishes much appreciated.
Good Morning,
My immediate area not yet even "advisory evacuation"---thus, once I've finished my coffee & had breakfast, will load livestock into my little vintage Toyota truck & move to friends' little farm on cost.  Have been no deliveries of livestock feed/hay lately, so didn't want to move my animals too soon. 

Tomorrow, if still safe enough here, will set up tall ladder & try to trim limbs up a few more feet on the big grove on Redwoods just feet from my little cottage.   Coiled hoses at the ready, but if power still on when needed, this amount of water pressure only good for dousing cinder fires.  I have 2- 2500 gal tanks with official fire dept hydrant, on drive between cottage/barn.  Only good if fire truck here to pump it.  Better than nothing. 

Wall of fire in towns over the mountain from me are said to be 2-300 feet tall & direction of fire is erratic.  Not moving in predictable direction.  No one has ever seen anything like this before.  Folks, climate change is brutal.

Always keep my truck topped off & always store extra gas in cans.  This is life in the forest, when nearest bank, grocer, hardware store, an hour away.  I've got 4 decades of experience here.  My intuition is good.  If I must bail out, I will know when to GO.  Have to see this thru.

Hanging in there.  Homesteaders are the original preppers.  But more brains than bullets.  Working on that...
I have 2 cousins out there fighting the fires. If you lose all sources of info ie media internet, radio and TV I would get out. I lived through many fires when I resided SoCal. Stay safe and the best of luck to you Charlotte.
steamjam1 said:
"...I am 80 miles south of Santa Rosa at my parents house right now and the whole area is under a red flag alert for air quality from all the smoke."

Hope you are safe down there SJ...If you are still suffering from smoke, what you need if you can get hands on one, is a mask designated N59.  Only mask that will protect your lungs from dense air particulates.  My county is trying to distribute these to those who can reach distribution centers.

My usual advice would be "take a deep breath"---this time, not so much! 

Good luck, stay safe.  Keep us posted.
rm.w/aview said:
"...moving your livestock is next.  You know how those winds can be, especially those created by fire. Stay safe/strong/focused, all the best to you."

Hi Rick,
 Just back home safely from coast.  Livestock loaded & moved to farm/home of good friends.  I worried about moving them before necessary---they were not prepared to feed extra livestock (dairy goats).  Feed stores, grocers, etc all have received no deliveries from inland due to fires & on/off closure of US 101. 

Thanks for reminder about  high *winds* created by firestorm itself.  I worry always about safety of our valiant fire fighters.  Here in N C we honor & appreciate our fire fighters above description.  A firestorm is not anything like just a giant bonfire.  Most people have no idea re the dynamics of these horrifying fires...


Charlotte\ said:
Haven't logged in for weeks, but want to ask to be kept in your thoughts/prayers.

Wish me luck, I am 'gonna need it!

Will most definitely keep you in my thoughts/prayers and wish you the best of luck.  Frightening what you are going through but it sounds like you're taking some steps in the right direction.  Just wondering if there is an airport near the coast.  Refundable tickets are not cheap but they are also refundable if not needed.  Sending good vibes your way.
Charlotte\ said:
Hi Mert,
I am north of Napa, & North of Sonoma---which would have made us "almost" neighbors.  
Here, in Mendocino county, I'm included in what's now called the  Redwood Complex Fires

Your well wishes much appreciated.

When we lived in Napa my husband's main customer was in Ukiah, so we travelled back and forth a lot. I'll bet I passed you on the road!! He spent so much time in Ukiah we finally moved there for two years, until he was transferred to Oregon. I've been fortunate to have lived in some beautiful places! Hope you're doing okay and still safe.
Good morning,
Just got most recent intel/update re movement of fire.  Having a community owned/operated radio so critical!  I expressed serious interest in ham radio on this forum months ago.  Folks, ham radio is going to be *the* most critical form of communication in future. 

MSM reports of deaths laughable.  Already, volunteer search/rescue groups are combing thru hot ash behind fire, searching for bodies.  Common here for elderly residents to refuse evacuation option, preferring to take what comes in home where they've lived many decades.  

Another consequence of fire:  wildlife migrates quickly out of fires' path.  Soon, new population of bobcats, mountain lions & black bears will show up in my neck of the woods & attempt to compete with existing population.  Ditto coyotes---already a daily threat here to poultry/livestock.   As it is, a black bear makes nightly visit to my orchard to glean last of fallen apples.  Not to mention feral hogs, which I give a wide berth.

Cell towers, land lines, electric power---all come & go.  Over radio, emergency phone numbers repeated, but what use when phones down?  Add to this, Sheriff reports looting in some areas.  Many horses running loose, yet another hazard on county roads. 

The Redwood Complex fire has only just gotten rolling.  Higher temps & more big winds expected thru weekend.  My little neck of woods, not far from coast, will likely be last  *shoe*  to drop. 

Stay safe/well everyone.  For many, SHTF is now.

Be good to one another.

duckwonder said:
"...Just wondering if there is an airport near the coast.  Sending good vibes your way."

No airport option & would not consider going far, anyway. 

Sucking up good vibes you've sent my way!
mert6706 said:
When we lived in Napa my husband's main customer was in Ukiah, so we travelled back and forth a lot. I'll bet I passed you on the road!!  I've been fortunate to have lived in some beautiful places!

Hi Mert,
Know Ukiah, of course, but don't live there.  My home west, deep in Redwood forest.  Not far from ocean.
Don't know you, but you're clearly a keeper & who knows?  Our paths may cross yet. 

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