Fire Pans

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Well-known member
Mar 17, 2012
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I often pull into sites on public land that will have 4 or 5 campfire rings littering the site. Often, most of them have garbage and trash in them. I would support the F S and BLM requiring something like this  . What do you think ?
No Thanks for me !...…..when I encounter a messy fire pit I just clean it out and get on with life...…….or move on down the road.
^ understood. Not just about trash but number of unsightly rings and left over char.
Do you really want to carry a dirty fire pan around in your van?
They fold up very thin and lightweight. They are required in some countries, leave no trace.
I like the idea for sanitary reasons.  You can cook over your fire knowing exactly what has been burned in there. Could stow in van's garage along with the hatchet and other fire tools.  I myself rarely have a campfire, but I can see the usefulness for those who do.    ~crofter
I just carry a small Cobb cooker grill. I don't do campfires or fire pits, too much smoke for my lungs and eyes. I guess that means I don't have to worry about what someone else burned in a fire pit. It also means they don't have to worry about me burning something in it.
while I don't want any new regulations. I do agree about people and their rock fire rings. I never build a new rock one and only rarely use existing ones. the black smoke stain on rocks last thousands of years in some cases. plus people burn the stupidest things in fire rings. I have found everything you could think of. I never understood this.

I have my own homemade fire pan and ring. before that I would dig a hole pile the dirt around the edge and use that. when I left I would fill the hole in and you couldn't tell there was a fire. oh I forgot to mention I carry an ash can with me to put the cold ashes in. if you where at RTR you could see my set up. it consists on a sheet metal pan and a heavy metal ring. it's 2 separate pieces I did it this way so I could replace the sheet metal easily.

^ That's it exactly. They sell them in all sorts of configurations but they are simple to cobble together as HDR has done.

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