Fines from recent RTR

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May 29, 2016
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Dear Bob,

Saw the youtube post about the bust...very sorry that happened to you disappointing.  Please let me know if the fine is aggressive.  I would be happy to donate.  I know how difficult it is to take a leadership position and then how that feels when the plans go south.  I appreciate your leadership that is slowly changing my life.  I am happy to do my part as a thank you for all that you do and the work that goes into it all.

Well said!

All fines are aggressive . . .

Please put out a call for contributions if there is a $ penalty involved; the Tribe is here!
I would kick in some, just post the need.
I'll kick in 10 bucks and everyone knows how cheap I am. I once helped out the Hells Angels vice press. stuck in the sand, he gave me an official Get out of Jail card, got it here somewhere, call in a favor??
Bob for all you have done for us please let us pitch in. It would really make a lot of us feel like we are giving back to a man who has given so much of himself to and for us. You know the movie, "It's a Wonderful Life?" Well you are kind of our George Bailey <3
first off I would go before a judge, ask the ranger how many people were there and proof. if they were just guessing I don't see how this will hold up. highdesertranger
I agree this is not something that should not be fought if you have the time, and the fine is substantial. Plenty of witnesses you could call one after the other. That should bore the judge enough to throw it out after about 73, stop at 73.
The court date could be set weeks down the road.Bob has said in a previous post it was too hot in Flagstaff and he's ready to head to 9000 feet.
Bob I was at the winter RTR and attended all your morning sessions so I feel I know you some. I really enjoy this site but feel my rights violated when government law enforcement uses media to identify nonviolent illegal behavior. By all means apply for permits for all future RTRs and if expenses or work becomes too much ask for help. We all want to support you and what you do on our behalf. Thankyou!!! Now head for the hills and hide out till everything feels right, best of travels to you and yours.
The way I understand it, everyone was given time to pack up and leave. If there were any fines, it would be for those who stayed, which would have been an odd/costly choice since there are plenty of other places to boondock in the general area.
Were you guys on AZ state trust land? If so, more than 20 people and you need to apply for a permit, ahead of time, with a list of names, and your intended activities, and send a check for $300. (Yes, $300)

One way around that is if everyone gets their own $15 permit, and don't have more than 20 people in a single group. We do this when we go out and launch rockets on State Trust Land. The $15 is worth it, as it's good for a year, and good all over the state.

Here's the rub. They only have two officers for the whole state who do this. More than likely, someone complained, which really sucks, as otherwise, the chances of getting caught are minimal, so I'm told by someone who knows these things...

Go Here for more information.

If it was BLM, then the rules are a bit different. BLM also requires a permit that can take 6-9 months to get. It's only $120, but they get 3% of whatever you earn if you sell or charge admission. That comes out of the $120, then you get a refund. With BLM, you have to know which BLM office you need to call. That can be a chore... They are also very understaffed, so hard to get a response from until you establish a relationship.

If you were in the Tonto Forest (You were not, At least that much I know) you may need a Tonto Pass. Can be gotten online, or at walmarts and CircleK's, and gas stations nearby. These are needed for the Lakes on the Salt River and other such areas. You cannot get them at the lake, which sucks. I carry one in my glovebox. You buy them, then scratch off the date you use it, and put a sticker for a water craft if you have one. $12, I think, plus $6 for the boat, unless you are a Senior, which reduces it by 50% I think.

If it was none of the above, please share which jurisdiction cited you. I'd be interested in Knowing as I hold events in the desert.
Never mind, just read all the posts on the other thread...