Filling the hours....

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Well-known member
Aug 1, 2012
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Ive been at this two and a half days, and im already struggling to find something to do.&nbsp;&nbsp; I spent most of the day at the lake/park reading, and it was nice, but i can see that getting old pretty quick.&nbsp; I also went fishing, went to church...i don't know....not a huge fisherman so can only do that for like 2 hours before im bored. &nbsp;&nbsp; Running out of ideas.&nbsp; Usually at my apartment id get on the internet and game or watch videos or something massively time consuming but completely fruitless.&nbsp; Right now though, my laptop battery is shaky and no power installed yet so that kinda stuff is a no go anyway.<br><br>Ive always just sorta cruised along through life killing time between working, rinse and repeat, so i don't have much talent or hands on hobbies.&nbsp; Doing this is kinda framing how sad my life has been till now.<br id="tinymce" class="mceContentBody "><br><br>I realize this might go better in a different forum but not sure which lol
Welcome back to humanity.&nbsp; No reason to sacrifice your freedom, slaving away so that someone else can live a plush life.&nbsp; Just relax.&nbsp; Go do something you really enjoy or do something new.
That is something challenging I face the same thing I am so used to being ON it will be hard to slow down. I do have a hobby and will persue that. I am still working but in one week will not be. How about volunteering help out in a kitchen or homeless shelter or old folks home. just a thought...
I can't imagine being bored when each day I will have the option to move on and find someplace new to explore. &nbsp;Maybe having a bicycle would help you, I plan to do a lot cycling and kayaking.
So.. Ok you just confirmed one of my fears. Haha. I am about to start this adventure and I am worried about how I will use my time gainfully.&nbsp;<br><br>Also... I have a question. I am not looking to go adventuring around the US. I am trying to eliminate costs of life but stay in the Bay area because I am in classes. Does anyone doing the van dwelling thing not go on constant quests for new places? I need to know people do this and stay in a relatively local area.. happily. All I hear is this mountain here, that hikin trail there. Beach way over there, snow chains for here. Doesn't anyone stealth and stay put? I need to know if I am getting in over my head!! haha.<br><br>Please, any advice would be greatly appreciated!!<br><br>-JC
Hi Dazar,<br><br>I'm sorry to hear that you are having difficulties adapting to your new lifestyle. Do you think it's because you don't have a routine&nbsp;yet? It&nbsp;might take a little while for you to find new interests. I'm sure that&nbsp;if you keep an opened mind something will come up, it usually does when we least expect it (cliché but true) <br>Public library usually have free wifi&nbsp; and they are air-conditioned.<br><br>All the best to you. Take care.<br><br>Nicole&nbsp;
Learning the different birds and calls. Start calling them and watching. They do not care how bad you are.The same with animals, weather, stars.&nbsp; Get a basic wilderness book and learn plants, fires and weaving. The list is endless. <br><br>This is a different lifestyle. Study your needs like safety, food, shelter and hygiene. Don't get to engrossed into any one thing and you will always have something to do.<br><br>Having a good book about camping life in the 1800's will help.<br><br>James AKA Lynx
This subject has been covered before&nbsp; look for old postings about this.&nbsp; Long list of things to do.<br><br>1)&nbsp; learn HAM radio (aka Amatuer radio).&nbsp; You can get a radio for less than $100 and it works everywhere.<br>2)&nbsp; Check out the MEETUP groups in your area.&nbsp; You might find something that someone is doing nearby that you want to participate in.<br>3)&nbsp; Research the artists and novelists in your area.&nbsp; There are a suprising amount of them, with no one taking an interest, and you should appreciate their creativity.<br>4)&nbsp; Find a volunteer organization that you wish to be a part of.&nbsp; Lots of even remote opportunities to participate.<br>5)&nbsp; Find the nearest local library and use it.&nbsp; There is one somewhere in the county.<br>6)&nbsp; Start a workout plan, to get in your age group shape.&nbsp; Include proper diet and sleep in your plans.<br>7)&nbsp; Investigate PRIMATIVE SKILLS aka BUSHCRAFT skills and how to develop them.&nbsp; Some is survivalist in mentality, while other throughts are appropriate for everyone. <br><br>yes everyone gets bored, for about two or three days.&nbsp; Then something significant happens.
Your problems are my fears. I have been caretaker for Cathy for over three years, being tied down for her needs almost 24/7/365. I spend a lot of time on the computer to pass a lot of time. I&nbsp; have a Sportster I take for a ride at least once a week to just get out of the situation I'm in for an hour or so. I can't ride it much longer than that or I will have big problems with back pain so that is just an outlet for pressure and not something I would be able to do for recreation. My thoughts have been all over the place trying to have a game plan for the future, after Cathy's time is over. I have made many plans and discarded them over and over. The only thing that I can come up with is to start getting out see what I bump into. Any plans I make never come to fruition, maybe because my situation never seems to change, but planning doesn't help and adds to frustration in my situation. You are in a location where just getting out and being open to new things could have plenty of pay-off. Lots of backwater places,literally, where you might find someone willing/wanting to teach someone the in's and out's of fishing. Maybe get a kayak or canoe and do some exploring. There should also be much to do just walking among the many different neighborhoods and being open to whatever you might bump into.&nbsp; Just maybe look as every outing as an adventure and see what comes up.
Terry - yes get out and bump into new things.&nbsp; it happens.&nbsp;
&nbsp;Get yourself a half decent metal detector and, aside from looking at places differently, you'll while away endless hours productively/profitably. ..Willy.
<p>Pick up a book on foraging &amp; head off into the woods to see what you can find &amp; eat<br>Check out second hand stores for craft materials that look interesting &amp; teach yourself a craft<br>Find a hobby that you enjoy &amp; can market to bring in some extra income - drawing, knitting, crocheting, tatting, etc<br><br>Most importantly, try new things.&nbsp; You'll find something that clicks</p>
Dazar, what were you thinking when you set out on this brand new adventure? What was it you decided to escape from or what did you want to head toward? Now is the time to make headway in your chosen direction. <br>I know a&nbsp;couple that made it their goal to ride the scariest roller coasters in the US.<br>Right now it's summer and the outdoors can be enjoyed for long hours but soon enough it won't be so inviting.<br>If this life is meant for you, you'll figure it out.
offroad hit the nail on the head. There are tons of things to do without leaning on those "wasteful" devices (PC, TV, etc). As humans, we survived many millennium without either a TV or PC, yet now we can't think of anything to do with our time accept zombie out in front one of or the other.<br><br>I too had the same problems, but slowly found other things to do with my time (I do work on my PC, so still spend some hours each day on it); gym, mtn biking, hiking, library, etc. Heck, even responsible grocery shopping takes some time, and now you have time to do it. Prepare your own foods, dont buy from restaurants, and further save yourself more money. <br><br>I have read many a book, cleaned and re-cleaned my van, organized storage areas, made todo lists for future days, scanned maps to find local attractions, picked up a camera to try photography, or even simply took a nap (it is so nice to nap when ever I want). I find, when I am out boondocking, doing everything for myself, I fill my days pretty easily. Urban camping is a little harder as I can not do as many outdoor activities without attracting attention.<br><br id="tinymce" class="mceContentBody ">If all else fails, there is always a coffee shop nearby where you can go catchup on your favorite online hobbies (bring headphones)
&nbsp; Get some hobbies! <img src="/images/boards/smilies/biggrin.gif" class="emoticon bbc_img">&nbsp;&nbsp; My problem is that I have too many! I tow a small enclosed trailer just to keep up with them all.&nbsp; <img src="/images/boards/smilies/rofl.gif" class="emoticon bbc_img"><br><br>&nbsp;Any down time that I have is spent hanging out with friends and family, metal detecting (On land and in the water), diving, cycling, kayaking, hiking, fishing, working out at Anytime Fitness (Or outside if it's nice), garage/estate/auction sales (I have to fight my constant urges to buy big items).<br><br>&nbsp;If the weather is crappy I'll normally be at the gym, having a couple drinks at some dive bar, reading at the library, looking for deals at the Salvation Army/Goodwill/etc, diving (Rain's not an issue, but wind and lighting have to be avoided).<br>&nbsp;<br>&nbsp;If I'm stuck in the van I try to find a decent Wifi signal and there's always videos on Youtube, tons of forums that I frequent, Ebay, cooking and I also tie hair jigs for fishing on occasion.
Decompressing from digital and other electronic entertainment takes time. Add to that the fact that you've just turned your whole life upside down, and it's totally understandable that you're wondering what to do with yourself. I won't add to the great suggestions here, except this: learn to pay attention. Listen, look, smell, feel. Sleep. Sit still and listen to your thoughts. Be lazy. You don't have to be productive every minute, as long as you've taken care of the necessities of living. Enjoy. <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle">
I second the idea of Meetup. &nbsp;Register for free at and join all sorts of groups depending on interests. I even joined a group for doing camping trips and various outdoor activities. Lots of cool people out there. Just need to take the initiative and JUST DO IT as the commercial says. &nbsp;I too want to learn fishing one day. Even want to learn how to do Boy Scout survival type of stuff. Seriously, there's plenty of stuff out there to do. Yes, you can choose to be bored, but you can just as easily choose to go out and do things and meet new people along the way. I also second the idea of doing volunteer work. Look for a Salvation Army (or similar) type of thing to spend some time doing good for others.
Thanks for all the thoughtful advice.&nbsp; I know there have been other topics about hobbies, and I have read them, but it was more of a venting moment than a researching one I guess.&nbsp; I suppose i wanted to express the differences in the two conflicting lifestyles and its rather surprising effect on me. <br><br><br>@joncart3r:&nbsp; I'm in the same boat, while my ultimate goal is to travel and see the country my short term goal is to continue working till I build some of a nest egg and figure out how I can support myself while doing it.&nbsp; Ive worked my whole life but I have nothing to fall back on, no one i know really does.&nbsp; I look at my mom now getting on in years and she has nothing saved and is wholly dependent on the government.&nbsp; I'd like to change that about me. &nbsp; <br><br>While i live in a pretty rural and very scenic area to start with, so that helps, I don't plan to just take off for a week and go adventuring or traveling.&nbsp; Though i think my days off might get more interesting.<br><br>Today was a little better...i think having a whole day off for my second day doing this was just too jarring, with too much time and no idea what to do with it.&nbsp; With work days (and thus less time to worry about) it was much more pleasant.&nbsp;&nbsp; Worked on some kinks with the van that made it much smoother getting in and out and figuring out how i can have a door open while i sleep without drawing too much attention. &nbsp; <br><br>It seems so simple to back the van into a spot with nothing but hill and trees behind and open the door, it just never occurred to me <img rel="lightbox" src="/images/boards/smilies/rofl.gif" class="bbc_img">&nbsp; <img src="/images/boards/smilies/idea.gif" class="emoticon bbc_img"><br>I had some screen leftover that i bought for someone else and used that to cover the door. <br><br>Some swimming, showering and tinkering and it was time to nap before work.
Offroad and caseyc, thanks so much for suggesting - I just went there out of curiosity and found free surfing lessons. Signed up right away!