emergency contact

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Well-known member
Mar 18, 2021
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Just floating this in case someone has an idea. If not, that's OK; apparently there's not much call for this.

I'm looking for some professional/commercial person/office that would keep some basic info about me on file -- like my advance directive, will, insurance info, etc. -- and agree to have me list them as emergency contact whenever I have to give one (like on a job application or medical form), and then if they are ever called they just hand over the info I gave them and don't do anything else.

I've had no success googling and the state bar association's free-advice person wasn't much help. I'm brainstorming various options but maybe someone here will have a brighter idea or have actually found a working solution. All ideas welcome! Thanks.
Yeah, weird that the lawyer at the free-legal-advice line didn't suggest that. I'm hoping for a cheaper option but I may have to go that route.

In my mind this person does nothing more than hold on to a file for me and release it if someone asks for it. But there may be some legal reason why it's not that simple.
Depends if they are allowed to release it while you're alive. And to whom. And how they know if it's ok.

And if you're not, how do they find out? There are a lot of potential variables.
There might be an EMERGENCY button for the Lock Screen of your cell phone that can contain basic information to be accessed without unlocking your phone.

There is one for IPhones, including places to list medications, medical issues, next of kin, primary care physician, etc.

There are also zip top, fireproof pouches that can hold important documents while traveling.

Not a human, I know, but may be an alternative.
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I like this idea, a basic I.C.E. service: In Case of Emergency.

I have a number on my phone's lock screen but I like the idea of a cheap or free I.C.E. service that can provide current information to first responders, doctors, family, whoever needs it WHEN its actually needed.

Really good idea. I wonder if HOWA might be able to add this service?

Maybe Escapees has this service already?

Something to look into.
Putting info in the phone is a good idea; I should do that too. But I'm more worried about having something to put when someone else insists that I provide a name and number.

This whole project started because a staffer in a doctor's office repeatedly called my current emergency contact for non-emergency reasons. It got me thinking that maybe it was time to revisit the whole arrangement. We're none of us getting any younger.

At least this has made me redo my will (which was woefully out of date) and write up an advance directive ("living will"). Much as I dreaded doing those, I feel better having done them.
This is what my Home Screen looks like, and pressing “Emergency” would allow me/someone else to call 911 without having to unlock the phone.

It also takes you to a Medical ID link where name, medical issues, meds, PCP, etc., are all displayed, without having to unlock the phone, and I have included in there where to find information that would be critical in an emergency.

We’re never far from our phones these days, is the truth, and tho my kids tell me I should carry my phone with me at all times I have not quite yet gotten to that point. 🙄

Emergency Contact services would be an excellent service for HOWA to provide, I agree.


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My guess is that there would be some legal variation by state.
This would be a good question for anyone who is a member of Escapees, Good Sam's, AARP to ask.

I also checked to see that my emergency health and contact information is available to first responders on my iPhone.
Hmm... Good topic. It seems so simple, but, yes, I can imagine there could be some liability relating to mishandling information.
It would seem that an entity serving as an Emergency Contact would only need to maintain a digital copy of important documents, to transmit to a hospital or whomever, as needed,

It would actually seem to be pretty straightforward, but I could be missing things.
That's what I'm thinking (both that it should be straightforward and that I might be missing something).

The only issues I can come up with, that might be more serious with a stranger than with a friend or family member, are specifying when to share the information (which I think would be my responsibility to spell out), and making sure it was a scrupulous person who wouldn't misuse the information (so, not some random stranger but maybe someone in a profession that has some kind of accountability system). I mean, there's no guarantees either with a stranger or with a family member, all you can do is improve your odds. Right now I'm really less concerned with protecting myself and more with not leaving a mess for someone else to clean up.
The main issue really depends on the information you want them to hold on your behalf.

If it's just pointer information, such as call this person, call that person. Maybe confirm your identity verbally, that's something anyone can do

If you're looking at medical, legal, and identity, you'll want to put that in the hands of someone you trust implicitly, or legal hands that do this for a living. There are many that handle those services.
Well, no, it really is not as simple as "there are many that handle those services," which is why I am posting about it here.

As mentioned earlier, I asked a lawyer about it and she said she didn't know of anyone who offered the service. I may have just drawn the short straw on the free legal advice you can get through the bar association, or she may be right (I hope not). I do think/hope that, her answer to the contrary, a lawyer might do it. But as mentioned earlier, I'm trying to save that as a last resort.

I've already said what kind of information I want to leave on file with this person, and what I would want them to do with it if contacted, and as mentioned already, yes it would have to be someone with a professional status that made it reasonable to bet that they'd be reliable.

Some ideas I've since come across for people who might do it are "professional fiduciaries," CPAs, and some elder-care outfits with a wide enough range of services. But these are all very broad ballpark "maybes." in hours/days of searching I have come across nothing so far that specifically offers this. If I find out anything I think might be useful to others, I'll post it.
Another issue for you to consider is........most places (hospitals and such) might only accept original documents or certified hard copies. So if you ended up in a hospital in AZ and your person lived in MA.......there could be a delay in mailing.....a delay that could become an deadly issue. Most people who could take care of things would have to be a person with fudicary powers which in most states are appointed by the courts. The fudicary assignment would lay out who and what they would be required to do for you and might require a bond.

You don't have a relative you trust to do this for you?

I have discovered that anything legal is neither timely nor inexpensive.
Yeah, weird that the lawyer at the free-legal-advice line didn't suggest that. I'm hoping for a cheaper option but I may have to go that route.

In my mind this person does nothing more than hold on to a file for me and release it if someone asks for it. But there may be some legal reason why it's not that simple.
Who should they release it to? That might be the legal question. If they release it and it is used against you for whatever reason what would their legal spot be?
I have a few family members I WOULD NOT want to get any info about me, especially if I cannot speak for myself.

We carry with us in the glove box, easy to find, papers with our medical info. As well as a few trusted family members we know would act in our best interests. Info like his medications and problems (minor) my medications and allergies (lots) but nothing major. Even doggy's info (he has a few medical things) if we cannot care for him ourselves. If you have serious health issues, consider a med alert bracelet. Don't know if this helps..
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Just floating this in case someone has an idea. If not, that's OK; apparently there's not much call for this.

I'm looking for some professional/commercial person/office that would keep some basic info about me on file -- like my advance directive,...
I think Social Security handles advance directives once you sign up for SS. I chose one of my kids. See: https://www.ssa.gov/payee/advance_designation.htm

This article may give you ideas for your will: https://www.nolo.com/legal-encyclopedia/finding-filing-the-will.html

Some states let you "store" your will in probate court. See: https://www.nolo.com/legal-encyclopedia/how-to-keep-your-will-safe.html
And a med list card in your wallet, behind your drivers license, also giving physician and next of kin info, and telling where other critical information can be found.

This is what I do.
yea I would carry in my wallet a card info like Wandering said above if I was out on my own, no family that I am in total contact with and on good terms that I feel I could trust. I would list my lawyer firm first. I would let the lawyer firm have all that info. After that, I mean what are you controlling other than 'some mess' for others, but if you control that mess beforehand and have your lawyer duck stuff in a row, then you are covered thru the mess and lessen it 'for who"? in a way...usually I would think when one is more 'on the road and by themselves' in this journey and looking for 'emergency contact' I assume they don't have that 'much to protect' cause if one did....your personal lawyer would be that contact. Lawyer firms do just that. Protect you. Not sayin' this is your situation but I know if it comes down to me only, on the road and hubby passes I still got my daughter to leave contact with but IF my daughter somehow would drop out of my life, then yea, my lawyer firm would have all the info. Even if the daughter moves etc and we lose contact, the lawyer firm would then still 'find them' and finish up all estate business I do have at that time.

And next thing is when gone, hey it goes down as it goes down, you then have no control. Makes me wonder too but hey, once out of the picture no matter how much control we put on it, again, it goes down as it goes down :)
I like this idea, a basic I.C.E. service: In Case of Emergency.

Maybe Escapees has this service already?

Well I'm a SKP......That's a member of Escapees.....I did a little search on the website......

The Member Forum provided the most useful I.C.E. information >>>>>USE THE REFRIGERATOR DOOR !

All first responders KNOW to check the Frig door for important information....DNR....Allergies etc.

It's your home......use the door !