Editorial: opening dialogue where it is long overdue.

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Well-known member
Jan 2, 2019
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Bob isn't God. I have heard that many times before on this forum. It is true.

Just an observation shared by me and potentially  (hopefully) others.

Bob's channel might be a money making platform, I dont know. But I do know he has helped lots of people.

His recent video addressing what it is like to be black and a van dweller is a necessary conversation. As he himself said is often "swept under the rug" I believe was his quote. 

Without dialogue people can never achieve understanding. That's my viewpoint. I applaud the fact that he isnt afraid of making sure that dialogue isnt limited to subsections of the populus. 
< / soapbox >

Until we all know who we are, we will not know who any of us can be. anonymous.
I have not seen the video, but life has taught me one thing......if you talk about it.....it is real. I like Morgan Freeman said......stop looking at people based on color and look at each person as an individual.
Interesting verbiage. When I first found Bob's channel, it took me a while to warm up to him because his style was reminiscent of church, to put it simply. But it didn't take me long to realize that instead of saying "You have to believe the same things I do," he takes a "this is what works for me, you can use it if it works for you" approach to everything. I respect the hell outta that.

Bob is good people, and while he may not be god, I wouldn't want him to be. He's a teacher and encourager, not a cult leader. Also, I agree 100% that these are tough issues that need to be talked about, and I'm really glad he is.
Tony\ said:
I have not seen the video, but life has taught me one thing......if you talk about it.....it is real.  I like Morgan Freeman said......stop looking at people based on color and look at each person as an individual.
So.... if you don't talk about it... it's not real?
I am glad that the issue of minority nomads is being discussed.  Driving while black is a real thing.  I think "driving as a nomad" is a real thing as well.  Being a black nomad could be doubly tough.  I am white and I got a "small town, BS" traffic ticket in December that I am fighting in court.  Two of my grandkids are "African-American."  (They have never expressed to me any preference on how they are described; they are just my grandkids.  What terms are used today? black, African-American.  How do you say "I have a white mom and a black dad"?)  My grandson is 18 and will be getting his driver's license soon.  What if he decides (or he and I decide) to become part-time nomads?  How will the cops act?  (In my experience, some are good and some are assholes.)
I haven't watched any of the videos but I've been on the Forum long enough to remember and miss the days when Bob took an active role. His participation here on the Forum all but stopped in 2018.

Things change and progress. Nothing but good things to say of Mr Wells. He has always been supportive of all people in my experience.

If you watch enough video’s it’s pretty clear his heart and passion. He shares his views and has interviewed plenty with opposite without a problem. He deserves credit where it’s due. Thanks Bob!
I think he’s pretty gracious when every live feed people ask the same questions over and over and over. He has handled it well or should I say wells. Haha!
60% of the people who have my family name are black, but all of the people with my family name came to this country in chains. The family song:

I got tired of having people thinking I was black before they met me. When I got married I decided to keep the married name and ditch my black family name. Now people think I have red kinky hair before they meet me because of my married name. There is a message in there somewhere.

I want to live in a world where people don't hate each other because of a name, or a race, or really anything. Hate is a negative emotion and does not yield anything good. Imagine talking to me on the phone: am I still in chains?
I obviously can't speak for Bob, but i think that he is just using his platform to speak about things that he feels need to be addressed in the nomadic living community, the same way he always has. His success is a result of his wisdom and knowledge (and charisma) regarding this area, and its well deserved.

I get the feeling that he is not completely comfortable with, or intended to become such a public figure..which is why he tries so hard to maintain his own privacy. His views are not to be taken as the gospel, he has said as much, and people are going to form their own opinions regardless. It's ok not to share these same views, it's not ok to call them wrong, just because you don't agree with them.
For me personally I gave up on justice, rights, truth, honor, and all that and bought a van. Destiny does catch up with us all, might as well travel as hide under a rock. Link to the Corries and "Sunday Driver"

I have been following Bob for years. I have been emailing back-and-forth with him for the last six. I don’t bother him much with the emails because I know he’s a busy man. I disagree with him on some things. Recently I said something that sort of rubbed him the wrong way and I didn’t like the answer I got. That doesn’t change how I feel about him. He seems to be genuine. And as far as for what he wants to put on YouTube and this forum and his website remember it is HIS forum, website, YouTube channel. People who don’t like it should get their own. Agree or disagree I still refer to Bob as the best friend I never met.
I think we can all benefit from looking honestly at the disparities in this country, and doing what we can to eliminate them.

Even if that is just by saying hello and extending kindness to people from different walks of life.

We humans are all more alike than we are different, is the truth.
i watched the video and it is awesome that Bob would put this out! it doesnt matter if you agree or disagree because facts
are facts and the data shows this young couple's experiences are not unique. it saddens me that they have to be so aware of
their movement, surroundings, etc but it is good that they have much common sense and have developed strategies for dealing
with it. i'm here in MN about 85 miles from where George Floyd met his demise, and it angers me so as we both came up here from
the same place (Houston, Tx) looking for a new life but i was met with open arms [as open as it gets for outsiders up here] and
have prospered while he was not. thank you Bob for educating people on this topic, i take my hat off to you sir!
Firebuild said:
So.... if you don't talk about it... it's not real?
Talking about things keep the problems alive.  Instead of talking about the problem, we need to focus on the solution.
As an aside, Bob's new video on 500,000 subscribers introducing his blooper videos is really nice. Here's to you Bob.
Tony\ said:
Talking about things keep the problems alive.  Instead of talking about the problem, we need to focus on the solution.
I'm not sure how you focus on a solution without talking about it. My experience is that sweeping problems under a rug just makes for a very lumpy rug full of problems.
crofter said:
Link to video under discussion if you did not find it.

Most relevant comment by the authors was that police own the streets. Truth.

Having 10 cameras on your van recording them does not prevent police from kidnapping, drugging, beating, raping, or killing anyone, black or white. The cameras do not deter, they only document.

The only thing that will change police behavior is if the laws are changed and enforced agsinst police abuse of power:  AND they no longer have their thin blue line. Right now police can do whatever they want and get away with it. As long as the police lie and cover up for each other, kidnappings, beatings, rape, and murder by police will continue. This cover up is called the thin blue line. 

What made George Floyd's death different? His death was documented and televised widely by someone other than himself. If this happens to you it will not be documented or televised, most likely.

Police also widely use the drug ketamine to prevent their victims from testifying against them in court. After you have been drugged, kidnapped, raped, and beaten, you may not be able to testify to the truth even if you survive the attack, because of the memory wiping effects of ketamine. BTW, ketamine also causes death, so it is a big deal that cops have the right to kill or nearly kill their victims with a hypodermic injection.

This is truth.

Do you sleep at night? Then you are vulnerable to a ketamine attack by police.
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