Don't lock your keys in your home/car.

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Ziggy,<br><br>The picture is too small, I can't make out what it is.&nbsp; <br><br>Casey
Yes, yes, yes!!! That's what I need, a mobile Fort Knox!!&nbsp; Do you have a <a href="mailto:big-@ss" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">big-@ss</a> dolly I&nbsp;can borrow possibly?? <img class="emoticon bbc_img" src="/images/boards/smilies/eek.gif">
Many years ago when trucks still had vent windows, after visiting hospital, I found my keys, looked in the van. Thinking it was easiest to replace, I found a brick and slammed it into the glass vent. The damned thing popped open and only needed the latch bent back.<br><br>Today I have Verizon road service on my phone. as long as I have my phone I'm covered even with some one else. I have rescued damsels in distress by hanging out till the service shows. It costs $3.00 month on my bill.
I keep spare keys in my left pocket, one for the car and one for my front door.<br><br>I had trouble getting a spare key made for my car because it has a chip in it. &nbsp;Walmart wouldn't do it without the $35 or more chip.<br><br>I went to a locksmith shop and they did it for me for like $2. &nbsp;They warned me that it's only good for the door and if you try to use it in the ignition it can damage it. &nbsp;But that's all I need is to get back in the car. &nbsp;
I have not locked myself out of my "home" in sometime. I bought a clip-on keychain and&nbsp;make sure I clip them to&nbsp;myself or my bag, before exiting my vehicle. I&nbsp;gave&nbsp;my spare key to a friend who lives in the area.&nbsp;Fortunately or unfortunately,&nbsp;my&nbsp;vehicle (Volvo V70)&nbsp;comes&nbsp;with electronic keys, the dealer (Only place that can program my keys) wants nearly $200 for a (one) key without remote.
For your car it's &nbsp;a good idea to have a motor club, they usually have lock out service and will get you back in for free.
<P>I always wore a door key around my neck on a tether when I went surfing. (wetsuits don't have pockets!) <IMG class="emoticon bbc_img" src="/images/boards/smilies/cool.gif"></P><P>Another thing I do to ALL my rigs, is to get a spare 'door key' made at the lockshop, and zip-tie it (with a very small zip-tie) to the frame rail just behind or inside the rear bumper. If you get locked out, then you simply reach under the rear bumper, find the key, give it a twist to snap the zip-tie, and you're in!!<BR>If someone else would ever find the key (can't imagine why someone would be crawling around under my rig)...then the&nbsp;most they could do is get inside the vehicle. They still can't go anywhere without the ignition key.</P>
Niall,<br><br>If you think your $200 Volvo key is expensive, my BMW key costs $300! I'm sure others&nbsp;cost even more.&nbsp; For better or worse, the BMW shop also makes you prove the vehicle is yours by showing your vehicle registration and your DMV license. What if I lost my key and my documents? I don't even want to think about that one. <img class="emoticon bbc_img" src="/images/boards/smilies/eek.gif">&nbsp; I now have 3 sets of BMW keys, and 1 is a tiny thin plastic key that can fit inside my wallet, and the other 2 are full size keys with remote control buttons.<br><br>As for my van, I now have a total of 4 Viper remote alarms with keyless entry. Why four? Ummm, cuz I'm OCD!! <img class="emoticon bbc_img" src="/images/boards/smilies/biggrin.gif">&nbsp; I purchased 2 additional spare Viper remotes at a&nbsp;Best Buy store for a mere $35 each. I place all 4 Viper remotes in different locations so it's pretty much impossible for me to lose them all.&nbsp; By the way, these Viper remotes are a&nbsp;pain in the @ss&nbsp;to program! Instead, I just go to a Best Buy store that has a car alarm installation shop, and tip the guy $10 to do it for me! <br><br>Casey
I keep a spare set stashed under the cab in a hidey hole of my own devising, I've locked myself out a few times now, this is just easier....
I never go anywhere without my wallet.
I keep a spare door key to my vehicle in a zippered pocket in my wallet.

Also- for lost keys.. I trained both my dogs to find them (akin to 'drug dogs' finding drugs) and bring them back to me.
They ALWAYS get rewarded for bringing my keys- so are motivated to do it Every time. :)
I take it that they didn't offer the Keyless entry keypads on the Econolines?


I have them in both of my Explorers. Best accessory ever. You can find them in junkyards and add them to your rig.

Other than that, keyless remotes are nice to have. Even if a power lock motor dies, there are usually at least two.
I have only one key for my Grand Caravan, and it's the electronic type. I really need to get a couple non-electronic spares made, and stashed in my wallet and hidden on the van. Haven't locked myself out yet, but that doesn't mean I won't......
gsfish said:
I find that when I lock myself out that I usually realize it as the door is swinging shut and it is too late to grab it!!

I have a key stashed on my truck but it is purposefully difficult to get to so I have one in my wallet as well. Because I am responsible for two vehicles I have a need for two wallet keys so I came up with this fix to keep the bulk to a minimum. I took the two keys and trimmed them down to just the portion that enters the lock cylinder. I then filed a bit to make a section on the 'dumb' ends about half thickness so they would overlap at same thickness. A jeweler friend soldered them for me, kept me from having to get my soldering gear out. This double key fits in my wallet better than the two full sized keys would.

That lil wrench looks like an exact fit on GM stlye battery terminal bolts.
Note to self, stop using vise grips and knipex pliers on everything. [emoji12]
The "dual mini key" idea is super cool , I'm making one asap!
Gypsy Dog 's K9 key finder trick is awesome ......
I keep spares in my backpack that goes everywhere with me. Also, since I stay in a general area, I give spares to trusted friends to come "visit" me as well. The previous owner of my '86 Chevy had like a dozen spare keys he gave me along with it, and I find it's just easier this way.
Last year my friend locked herself out of her house several times, and her car a few. I took the hint, and had extra house and car keys made. I have 2 sets of car and house keys on twine. One string goes through a belt loop of one pair of jeans, the second set through a second set. I have an extra set of car keys in my purse and in the car, a key safe stashed at my home, and a car door key attached to 2 painting boxes, in case I lock everything else in the car when I get out to paint... And with a locking fuel tank, there is a spare key in the van for it, too.
I had to be towed recently. The driver had my key ring and was working with my car. At one point he came to me (I had been sitting in his cab for several minutes) and with a grin asked me if I had a spare key, that *I* had locked the door with the keys inside! I smiled and said yes! He said, crestfallen, "You do?"  He looked unhappy as he watched me pull them from my pocket. I figure he planned an extra charge to have his wife or buddy bring a slim jim from home.
Ella1 said:
Last year my friend locked herself out of her house several times, and her car a few. I took the hint, and had extra house and car keys made. I have 2 sets of car and house keys on twine. One string goes through a belt loop of one pair of jeans, the second set through a second set. I have an extra set of car keys in my purse and in the car, a key safe stashed at my home, and a car door key attached to 2 painting boxes, in case I lock everything else in the car when I get out to paint... And with a locking fuel tank, there is a spare key in the van for it, too.
I had to be towed recently. The driver had my key ring and was working with my car. At one point he came to me (I had been sitting in his cab for several minutes) and with a grin asked me if I had a spare key, that *I* had locked the door with the keys inside! I smiled and said yes! He said, crestfallen, "You do?"  He looked unhappy as he watched me pull them from my pocket. I figure he planned an extra charge to have his wife or buddy bring a slim jim from home.

Maybe that driver needs to learn to lower the driver's window when working with a vehicle.
Whats the minimum # of spare keys to
hav ? 
I got one spare set for my van n car.

Was thinkin of gettin 3 rd set to leav
at home . .

$ 75 - 275 for key for scion tc :(

If i m in a secure spot i ll usualy
leave the window cracked in
case i lock keys in car . .

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