Don't lock your keys in your home/car.

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Well-known member
Dec 23, 2012
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I did or well almost done just that! Luckily I popped the trunk before shutting the door, to get clothes before heading into the gym. So I had to crawl through the trunk in an crowded parking lot... Embarrassing... I guess I should make a copy of the door keys and hide it somewhere.
Lucky break lol
I keep a spare in my bag that i never leave behind

plan to have AAA on the road later.
Niall-CorollaLiving said:
I should make a copy of the door keys and hide it somewhere.
<br><br>Good idea!&nbsp; I wear a spare key on a necklace or leather strap around my neck, along with some ID.
&nbsp;I generally have another set in one of those magnetic key boxes and stashed in a hard to reach and super greasy area. ..Willy.
right on willy.&nbsp; hide a key i never leave home without it.&nbsp; highdesertranger
One year I used to lock my keys in my van regularly and about 8 times I had to use a coat hanger to get in. It's kinda funny that no one ever challenged me or called the cops.
have stupidly expensive toyota electronic keys.&nbsp; but they are smart keys.&nbsp; if I lock the door, and they are inside, the door will unlock.&nbsp; spooky but always works.<BR><BR>there is a new BLUETOOTH button sticker that is coming out soon, with a radar kind of app for your android or iphone.&nbsp; $25 per button.&nbsp; then use your phone to find your lost keys.<BR><BR>
I usually don't take phone sales, but I was sold on roadside service through my auto insuarnce. It cost like $13.90 a month, I have a one month trial to see if I like it. But it's Allstate Motor Club, sounds better then AAA and payments make it easier... Can't afford it, but I can't afford a misshap either.
I am a big fan of hiding a key and have to use it every so often.....I keep a second complete set of keys in the van in a safe place as well just in case mine get really, really lost....I also have a chain drive wallet so I don't forget it or lay it down's an old guy thing...<br>Bri
<br><span style="font-family: 'comic sans ms', sans-serif;"><strong>I do the necklace thing too. I keep 2 spare keys on a necklace chain. One for the truck, &amp; one for the camper. I keep them hanging on the same hook on the wall as the rest of my keys. That way, whenever I leave home, I can't forget 'em. When I grab my regular set of keys, I also grab my "necklace" spares which are on the same hook, &amp; put 'em on, under my shirt. That way I can never get locked out of my truck, OR my camper, no matter what. As soon as I get home, I hang my regular keys and my "necklace" keys back on the wall hook.&nbsp;<br><br>Bri, I'm a "chain-drive wallet" guy, too!&nbsp;<img src="/images/boards/smilies/biggrin.gif" class="emoticon bbc_img">&nbsp;<img src="/images/boards/smilies/thumb.gif" class="emoticon bbc_img"><br><br></strong></span>
My twin bought me AAA about a week before this event.....&nbsp; I never thought I'd use it, but one evening in Idaho I happened across a Human Rights place right along a beautiful lake.&nbsp; I got sooooo excited about the sun setting among the lake, and hoping I caught the Human Rights place open, that I locked myself out of the van.<br><br>I had enough warm clothes on for the 20 minutes I was planning on being outside (it was freezing, or just below, I forget), but it took about 1hr for the AAA guy to show up...&nbsp; I was a very cold girl when he got there, despite me doing jumping jacks to try and stay warm!<br><br>The first picture is Ferdy(my van) next to the UN Declaration on Human Rights, YAY! <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle"> and the second is my savior from AAA doing his thing! <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle"><br><br>With Love,<br>Tara
I think I am going to do the key necklace thing too Joey and Suanne....Tara, I am PMing you about Hayden Lake....<br>Bri<br><br>Edited to say that I always carry AAA Plus family plan. It is invaluable and if you like maps like I do, you can get as many as you need from them for free...I get only one trip out of a map before they are all torn, etc.
Locked my keys and phone in the car, idk why I keep doing this... My last car I never had this problem, giving this was years ago and a 72 Triumph Spitfire (I probably never bothered to lock). Anyways a nice lady allowed me to call Allstate Motor Club. I did not know my member number, so she looked it with my name and address. The lady who spoke with an accent and barely spoke English. Said we don't have a "Steven" in Florida but one in CA, then she gave me there full names... So then she looks it up with my phone number, then it shows up... Okay, so I tell her I'm locked out of my car... Spend the next 20 mins telling her the address and spelling it out. She kept saying it does not exist, does not show up in there computer. The place has been there for at least 20 years... The lady had the nerve to say she can't understand me and to speak clearer English. This pissed me off coming from someone who barely speaks it! Once she finally located me, told me there would be a truck in 70 mins...

I kept sticking my hand through the window, with no luck. After sometime a nice skinny Spanish guy came by. Asked to borrow my phone. I told him I love to but my phone and keys are locked in the car... He helps me, I pull the window down as far as I could and he squeezes that little arm in! He unlocks the door, but the poor guy got his arm stuck. So we open the door and I roll the window down. We have a bit of a luagh, thankful the glass did not break. I let him use the phone and gave him what little change I had left (he was very thankful, as much as I).

So I call Allstate back and a perfectly clear English speaking lady picks up... I told her I no longer needed service, I gained entry. She said alright and canceled. So I go into work since I am called in. Next thing I know I get a call 45 mins into my shift, that the truck was there to give me a JUMP START?!

I had AAA in the past, never had a problem. There call center is in Sanford for my area. So the reps know central Florida pretty well... I will be canceling Allstate Auto Club and running back to AAA when I get my tax return.
<br><span style="font-family: 'comic sans ms', sans-serif;"><strong>Dang, &amp; I've been considering joining Allstate's Motor Club, since I already <br>have my insurance with them. This makes me wanna reconsider. Hmmm...</strong></span><br><br><span style="font-family: 'comic sans ms', sans-serif;"><strong>Glad that skinny-armed guy came along, &amp; U finally got in your car though!&nbsp;<img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" class="emoticon bbc_img"><br><br></strong></span>
Might want to shop around. AAA only costs me 88 a year and they will tow up to 100 miles if needed. I got it for my bike and havent regretted it.
AAA for motorcycles only is available in certain states. i got PROGRESSIVE motorcycle and towing. am sure they will be painful to use. but insurance is never being used, so will deal when i need to.&nbsp;
A key on a neck chain is an excellent idea.&nbsp; I am going to use this idea for me.&nbsp; I have an extra one I carry but I could forget it in the car.&nbsp; I don't know how to get the back seat to fold down so if I opened the trunk I still couldn't get in the car. lol<br><br>Thanks for the idea.
if it was freezing outside and i was locked out, a rock to the window might be a choice. Or if it was over 100 degrees.<br><br>paying for a replacement window is cheaper than hospital visit for frostbite-exposure or sunstroke&nbsp;
<span id="post_message_1276307049">I generally have another set in one of those magnetic key boxes and stashed in a hard to reach and super greasy area. ..Willy.</span>
<br><br>I do the same! - The key is always with the vehicle and accessible in a lockout, etc.! This is the best option, IMHO.
<a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a><br><br>You guys might want to think about getting one&nbsp;of these MasterLock storage locks. You can set your own combination, keep it locked in a secured spot, and access it when needed.&nbsp; I literally have 3 of these and place them in different secured spots/locations.&nbsp; I primarily use my Viper alarm remote entry device for unlocking my door.&nbsp; It came with 2 duplicate remote entry devices, but I went to a Best Buy store and purchased a 3rd identical Viper alarm&nbsp;remote entry device so I can keep these in different secured locations.&nbsp; <br><br>I also use this Kiddie brand key storage lock, which is the same type that many real estate agents use to keep a spare key secured onto a front door of a house they are trying to sell.&nbsp; Here a link to the Kiddie brand lock.<br><a href=";sr=1-12&amp;keywords=ge+key+storage+box" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">;sr=1-12&amp;keywords=ge+key+storage+box</a><br><br>Yes, I really am that @nal and OCD for such things! Haha! <img class="emoticon bbc_img" src="/images/boards/smilies/biggrin.gif"><img class="emoticon bbc_img" src="/images/boards/smilies/wink.gif"><br><br>

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