Doing dishes with spray bottles

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my 3 gal pump, no still the white / semi transparent<br>have put it up on the dash when it was colder so the sun would warm it up through the window though. Right now just set it in the sun for a while.<br>Winter time, I just warm the water up in a kettle, pour some into the the pump, then add in some cold water.&nbsp;<br>works for me good that way
I have been just wiping excess food from pans, dishes and utensils, sometimes with mixed batters rinse with water.&nbsp; Then I just spray them down with a small spray bottle filled with half vinegar and water.&nbsp; All sterilized and clean, ready for re use.<br><br>No having to deal with soap and rinsing.
graybeard said:
<span id="post_message_1278832188">I have been just wiping excess food from pans, dishes and utensils, sometimes with mixed batters rinse with water.&nbsp; Then I just spray them down with a small spray bottle filled with half vinegar and water.
<br><br>That's exactly what I do as well.&nbsp; I believe I learned it from our host, Bob Wells of CheapRVLiving.&nbsp; <br><br>The key is to wipe all of the bits of food off before it gets dried on, that is, right after you finish using the pot, dish or utensil.&nbsp; For this method of dishwashing, all you need is a paper towel or napkin to wipe the food off, a spray bottle, and another paper towel or napkin to dry with.&nbsp; I keep the paper towel or napkin that I dried with&nbsp;to wipe the food off at the next meal.<br><br>Given the bleaching process of making paper towels&nbsp;and napkins, this is not a totally green way of washing dishes but, pretty darn close.<br><br>Suanne</span>
How do you keep the spray bottle from clogging?&nbsp; Every time I use a spray bottle with water and bleach it dies.&nbsp; The bottle just stops spraying.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; I have ordered some special spray bottles that you pump, 1 liter, 2 liter and I was looking at the larger bottle for personal bath/shower.&nbsp;&nbsp; I am hoping these new spray bottles will work.&nbsp; <br>I am trying everything now, before I get on the road.&nbsp;&nbsp; I am so use to using bleach in my dish water and wiping down counters and cutting boards.&nbsp; I may try the vinegar.&nbsp; <br>I figure trying all this here will make the transition easier.&nbsp; <br>thanks
<p>The bleach melts the low grade spray bottle parts, similar to using gasoline in them.</p><p>Try looking at using a windex spray bottle, or one that sprays out bathroom cleaner with clorox or some such thing. That way that plastic is already stronger and tougher.<br>just my thoughts.</p>
Bleach will decay quickly, less than 8 hrs if open to air. Don't really need it. Vinegar and Liquid cloths detergent to disenfect. Staying healthy and eating right also works.<br><br>James AKA Lynx
Silly question here. What does vinegar do? Vinegar can be used for cleaning say a greasy/dirty dish? As opposed to using soap? If so, what type of vinegar? The type you buy at a local grocery supermarket? Does vinegar leave a smell or taste afterwards? Sorry, I really don't know, but am curious. <img class="emoticon bbc_img" src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif">
White vinegar.&nbsp; Here it cost $3 a gallon.&nbsp; I only keep three cleaning agents, bleach, vinegar and borox.&nbsp; All of them have other uses besides just cleaning.&nbsp; <br><br>Vinegar is a food, a rust remover, cleaner, weed killer, fabric softner, &nbsp;etc.<br>Bleach is a cleaner, disinfectant, etc.<br>Borox is a cleaner, a preservative and I use it to clean my pelts during trapping season.&nbsp; Plus many other uses.&nbsp;
Cool, thanks for the info! I pretty much never cook, as I almost always eat out, hence I've never bought vinegar before.<br><br>So does vinegar leave a taste or smell on the dish or pan?&nbsp; Or not?
<P>I use a combination of just about everything posted here......Woo-Hoo, maybe I'm doing something right!!!? :D</P><P>btw...I buy most all of my cleaning supplies, including bleach, paper towels, BABY WIPES, and the lot at the Dollar Stores. They're usually&nbsp;a great source&nbsp;for papers, pens, bathroom supplies, brooms, and even some odd automotive parts too. Oh...and plastic organizing containers too!!</P>
If&nbsp;I am car camping or boom docking in a RV I use two 3 gal pump up bottles. The kind you use for insecticides to kill bugs. Just be sure to use new bottles not one that has been used to spray insecticides.<br>I use potable water in each, one with a little dish soap spray the dishes wipe with a paper towel and rinse with potable water from&nbsp;the other pump up bottle. Also a great way to conserve water and take a refreshing shower, just use&nbsp;liq. body wash instead of dish soap.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
Some years ago, we had a nice older class C motorhome.<BR><BR>For Mother's Day, my wife wanted to go Snowmobiling, which the 2 of us did! (Big Fun!!)<BR><BR>Seeing that it was Mother's Day, I set up the camper with candles, flowers, and a very nice dinner for 2 (which also went quite well I might add!) <IMG class="emoticon bbc_img" src="/images/boards/smilies/love.gif">&nbsp;<IMG class="emoticon bbc_img" src="/images/boards/smilies/angel.gif"><BR><BR>Anyhow, I wake up in the morning, make coffee and breakfast, and take a nice shower.<BR>After my wife finished her breakfast, she went to have a shower too. <BR>About half-way through her shower when she's all covered with soap...SHE RAN OUTTA WATER!!! <IMG class="emoticon bbc_img" src="/images/boards/smilies/eek.gif"><BR><BR>Opps....guess what dumbsh*t&nbsp;<EM><STRONG>FORGOT</STRONG></EM> to fill the water tank <SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: medium"><EM><STRONG>BEFORE</STRONG></EM></SPAN> leaving home for camping??? <IMG class="emoticon bbc_img" src="/images/boards/smilies/rolleyes.gif"><BR><BR>So now I'm spritzing her down&nbsp;in the shower using a spray bottle we just hapen to have that had clear water in it! (this did NOT go over&nbsp;as well as I had hoped for!)<BR><BR><BR>I'll tell ya one thing.....that motorhome was never even started after that experience without checking the water tank level FIRST!!&nbsp;<IMG class="emoticon bbc_img" src="/images/boards/smilies/rofl.gif">
wild-e<br><br>good idea on the blue shop towels...i use paper towels myself and i think switching to the blue ones is the way to go..<br><br>to the OP...thanks for posting the question...<br><br>ive been using various wipes to clean myself...and another version to clean surfaces and utensils..<br><br>spray bottles are next for me..<br><br>a set for personal hygiene first:<br><br>one with water and some all in one man soap (i use a nivea product)<br><br>one with just water for rinsing and wetting the beard a bit to shave/trim<br><br>a set for cleaning dishes/utensils/pots<br><br>one with water and a cold activated soap as mentioned here...i dont think ill bother with anti-bact<br><br>one with water to rinse<br><br>i think i will still keep disinfecting wipes around for more thorough occasional cleaning of surfaces and i also think i will still keep the wipes around for personal hygiene...just to freshen up quickly if i need.<br><br>so in all, 4 spray thinking of the ones they have at home depot with colored tops. they should fit nicely in a rack or shallow cabinet.
a few days ago in Wally World up here, I a low cost 1 gal spray pump only about $10<br>If I was doing it all over again and buying a spray pumper, that would be the one for me. It was in the seasonal section, new the garden stuff. Buy new, never worry about what was in it before.<br><br>This allows less pumping up, less water to go in it and less space taken. For the car people this would be the cats meow. When using a sprayer, even a long shower will take only 2-3 litres of water! Normally I am at 1.5 ltr&nbsp;usage.
Thank you for bringing up this subject!&nbsp; I used spray bottles to clean dishes and myself over the last couple of days of dry camping and I am astonished at how little water I used.&nbsp;
I bought one of those cheapy garden sprayers from Walmart in the spring to wash sand off at the beach.&nbsp; I tried it once and put it away.&nbsp; The beach trip didn't happen.&nbsp; Last night, I got it out to test as a shower alternative (vs. 12 volt shower) to see if it is worth the space it takes.&nbsp; I could not get it to pressure up at all.&nbsp; Maybe it's just too high tech for me?<br><br>Vickie