Does Will Prowse do custom off grid designs?

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Nov 11, 2021
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Wel like it says, I'm not incapable of following all the DIY videos, as I teach electrical courses at college, but I'd rather pay an expert to just design a system for me, as there are just so many variables and options out there. My wife and I are winterizing our cottage and plan on living off-grid full time starting next summer. We have a decent idea of load but aren't sure what kind of energy we can get from the sun at our latitude. I've had some people tell me to skip solar and go for a large wind turbine.
Welcome njmorin to the CRVL forums! I don't know the answer to that. There is a trusted member here that does custom installs and is a nomad too. His user name is jimindenver. He is usually in Quartzsite during the coming months. Contact him, I'm sure he will design and install too if you want a system custom to you.

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Will Prowse apparantly does not offer consulting. However we have a very knowleable forum member, Jim Barnaby, who does offer solar consulting. He has been featured several times on the cheaprliving youtube channel. His website is All the relevant nformation including services and contact information is on that website. As he himself is a full time, nomadic RV dweller he has an in depth knowledge of our needs. He also does installations should you need help with that.