Do I want side door and rear Windows... or not?

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Jul 9, 2015
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I've been looking to get a cargo van for some summer travels with just a simple bed, storage cabinets and my bicycle in the inside at the very rear.

I'm struggling with the question of looking for a van with rear windows and in the side doors vs. none at all.

On one hand I think it'd be nice to have the rear ones for driving and backing up, plus some light while inside during the day.

But on the other hand, I think the rear windows will let people look in and see my bicycle encouraging a break-in, plus at night it'd be awkward to have lights on inside, plus it'd be too bright for sleeping come morning.

So, thoughts and wisdom... rear and/or side door windows or no windows?

Thanks in advance.
I like my rear windows because they open but I painted them black so no one can see in. If I don't want them black anymore just scrape paint off with razer knife
If you have rear windows, you can cover them when you want or have them uncovered for light/driving. Your choice.

If you have no windows, you windows. And no choice.

Just my thoughts. I have rear windows and like having the options.

Best wishes.
flying kurbmaster said:
side door windows and rear door windows opening if you can get them.

I'm going to go beyond. I'm going to get windows on the side - big one's if I can - to get air flow in there.  (I'm not stealth camping)...A couple I talked to at the Rendevous raved about the effect the quite small side windows they had in the rear had on the temperature and air inside the van.
I vote for windows and doors, unless you plan to park in some "shady" neighborhoods where you're concerned about break-ins and theft.  
Having windows and doors, as others have already stated, gives you options.  My windows are tinted, but they still let in some light, which I like a lot.  
If I want less light I close the curtains.  
My side windows are also tinted, screened, and slide open, so I have the option (there's that word "option" again)  :p to let in some fresh air without letting in bugs. 
Doors afford you the same..................  wait for it........................ option to create more light and air flow.  

No windows and no doors leaves you in a dark box, which admittedly some people like.   Me?  I like to see the world outside.
OK, I'm convinced... yes on the windows it is!
hey  don't give up so easily!!! the no window group have not had time to come tell us all we are full of it, then we argue back, a fight breaks out, Bob bans a few, tells us to stay on topic, we don't, the thread gets locked down. You are missing all the fun :)
I wish I had windows on my side door so at angled intersections, or when backing out of a parking space, I can more easily see what's coming from the right.
Yep, I love having windows all around, even if most of the time they are covered.
Limo tint and curtains... can see easily enough out of them with some privacy... and curtains when ya need to shut out the outside world completely
My build is based around windows (as I'm in a conversion van). I like being able to sit at my desk and do my work (I telecommute) while having a beautiful view. Though the view is admittedly not always amazing, any drawbacks to having windows is just diminished when they are.
If I hear a weird noise, I want to be able to peek out and see what it is.
I like windows...that they open is even better.
We often park where there some nice views, good to be able to enjoy them from the comfort of our home.
yes on a widow or two unless your a vampire but if possible avoid the slide door in favor of barn doors,better built and i have actually hurt my shoulder trying to get slide doors to close,suckers are heavy
Our van came with windows all the way around.
The windows on the doors, sides and back open for ventilation.
They also came tinted.
We get quite a bit of cross ventilation which is great.
Especially, since we spend most of our trips in the desert southwest.
They also don't make it seem so cramped.
We like the open feeling.
Plus, our dog Bender stands watch at night. The windows are right at eye level for him.
So for us they are worth it. :)
I opted for rear and side windows for the reasons others here have stated. No regrets.
If I was doing rural boondocking in the woods etc windows would be nice. However, being 100% in the city the total number of windows I want is zero. No light gets out, no one sees in. For light I like a Fantastic Fan roof vent. Gives me lots of light and a fresh air source. Love that thing.

So windows or no windows really depends on you and where you are going to be. I am on the market right now and no windows is definitely on my list of wants.

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