Danger - Fireworks

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Optimistic Paranoid

Well-known member
Jan 12, 2013
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A quick reminder that if you have pets, you need to be extra careful this time of year.  Fireworks can panic them so much that they might run off, run into the street, hurt themselves trying to escape if tied out, etc.

It's a little late now, but for future reference there are cd's that have sound of fireworks to desensitize your pooch to the loud noises and whistles. Some of them are a waste of money. Some are remarkably effective. Highly recommended. I can't recommend one specifically, though. I need to find one.
It seems to be the weekend that all the Dogs and Cats have their annual nervous breakdowns.

Those rockets which scream and then pop (bottle rockets) seem to be the worst thing that happens.

I've heard of dogs clawing through open patio doors sliding screen doors to get inside.....some one else home.  Hide in a neighbors garage and growl and bear their teeth at the neighbor when they walked into the garage to get into his or her car to go somewhere. 

One neighbor thought he heard a gun shot when the fire works were going off the 4th of July evening.  Then
he said he never saw his dog again. It was a shame too cause the Dog was one fine pooch.

So, I'd hope anyone reading in this thread would take this to heart and  spend part of the time preparing for the
holiday finding a quiet place to put the pets in so they can be safe and sane and survive the "gunpowder holiday".
I've seen dogs swallow hooks, but none have freaked out about it. I believe it always got caught in the throat, but can't remember all of them. They kind of swallowed or gagged, but that was it. Unless the leader is sticking out, it can be hard to tell. It happens more often than most probably think it does. When I'm metal detecting, I pick up all the lures and hooks and line no matter what. Sometimes I'll leave garbage there, but not that stuff.

That is another good reason I can tell people why I train my dog not to eat food unless I give it to her. It has helped in the past, but not with hooks. Or maybe it has and I didn't catch it?
thanks canine, so you metal detect. what are you looking for? when I detect I remove all the trash, so if someone else comes they don't have to deal with it. plus I hate trash, you would not believe the amounts I come up with in certain areas. guess I went a little off topic, sorry. highdesertranger
HDR, mostly coins and jewelry. Not into relics. Want to try for gold at some point.