Cummins Canoe (A Stepvan Story)

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Don't knock the JB Weld! Just had her pushing down the road, holds 15psi of boost no problems!
Get you a can of aluminum spray paint, no one will ever know.
Awww, you're too late, I already put the grill back on. I guess that mostly covers the JB mess. But then again, I might want to display it like a work of art.
Engine runs great! Lots of odds and ends to get this thing back on the road.


[size=small]Got the doghouse cover back on and those custom charge pipes just clear! The engine oil dipstick is a little bit of a pain to get to now, but doable.[/size]


[size=small]Unfortunately, the new turbocharger is about 2" longer towards the rear and the mounts for the exhaust had to be finagled in order to get bolted up. Was patient with some Aero Kroil and just the tip of a torch and didn't snap any exhaust bolts.[/size]


[size=small]Figured this was a good time to change the oil. Been about 1000 miles since we put the engine back in, so the break-in period is complete. Adding oil is a bit tricking now too. Needed the use of 2 funnels to get the oil in the right hole.[/size]


[size=small]Got the drain piping for the sink all done and secure. The exhaust for the boiler system goes through that box cover and was hitting and clanging. Took some carbon felt and clamped it there to act as insulation.[/size]


[size=small]Got the passenger seat installed and the water fill/hot tub controls all figured out. This is a 7gpm pump that will cycle the hot tub water and be used to pump water from places like rivers and lakes. Just a simple switch to turn it on and added a 12v outlet for passengers use. There is a filter under the seat as well as the mounted heat exchanger that get hot either from the engine or the boiler.[/size]


These quick connect fittings will make it all very pleasant to change configurations. Right now, we have the two 25' hoses hooked up to pump water out of lake, through pump and heat exchanger, and then through 10' hose to hook up the pressurized city hookup or fill onboard water tank. The possibilities are endless!
The rig is back on the road. But she isn't going without a fight!


[size=small]New turbocharger doubled our boost and we're getting 3mpg more fuel economy.[/size]


[size=small]Everything was going well until we was hearing this strange noise, that got louder and louder, and some gauges were going down, and others were going up. And then we started losing power, like all the power. And then we started losing consciousness. So we pulled off the interstate to find this surprise! The welds on the adapter flange I bought to go from the exhaust manifold to the turbocharger had completely gave way. They were very bad welds, no penetration. Flange totally separated and the turbocharger, exhaust, and intake were all just hanging there. I should have just made my own...[/size]


[size=small]One good thing about this situation is that once it all cooled down, only took about 10 minutes to remove all the broken stuff! Yay step vans! Now to run around and find someone with a welder out here...[/size]


[size=small]In the meantime, even though the engine might not have power, our electrical system sure does! Doesn't hurt to clean these guys up every once and awhile.[/size]


[size=small]And with the power of the sun, we gots barbecue chicken wings![/size]
Never thought we'd be doing chicken wings off the batteries! 5min pressure cook and 18min air fry and they are perfect! Takes about 25% battery capacity to do. And the egt's are nice and low. We're getting 17mpg right now. Might turn the fuel up a tad bit, we'll see. We don't need to go crazy, it's running great, well, it was...
We were able to limp the rig around. After spending some time camping next to an interstate onramp, found a guy to help us out.


[size=small]After meeting locals in parking lots, making long phone chains, came across this guy Mitch and his shop.[/size]


[size=small]He was able to take care of us. Got some much better welds on this thing.[/size]


[size=small]Local country folk are great. You would be amazed at what can be done if you do some impossible chores for them.[/size]


[size=small]And back on the road! Just a slight hiccup on the road, but we expect these things driving this hoopty.[/size]
Life on the road is going pretty good right now since we had the turbo charger issue fixed. The flow of adventure mixed with chores is comforting.


[size=small]Not sure how often we should be cleaning the solar panels, but it's fun to get up on the roof and at least one of us really really likes Windex.[/size]


[size=small]Haven't figure out the best way to do laundry yet. We just carry dirty clothes in a sack and other cleaning stuff in a collapsible tub and wander around looking for an appropriate place to clean the clothes.[/size]


[size=small]Sometimes you find an old slop sink and just use that.[/size]


[size=small]Met up with some friends from all over. We spent a few days doing crazy random adventures down and around Alabama/Tennessee.[/size]


[size=small]Yes, you can semi-fit 6 people in the rig comfortably. Need to make sure only 2 people stand up at the same time though. But during meals, 2 people at the table and 4 people on the couch works. I don't think more than 6 will work.[/size]


[size=small]Cooking for 6 people, well, that turned out to be a struggle. Needed everything we had to make it work in a timely manner. As long as the induction cooktop isn't on full power, you can run the cooker at the same time. Also be sure not to run the microwave while either of the two are on.[/size]


[size=small]And of course we had to run the hot tub. And it works great! Took about 25% battery capacity and about 0.5 gallons of diesel to get all that 55 degree water up to hot tub temps. Can easily fit 2 people laying down. 4 people sitting up. 6 people if you know them well enough not to mind ding dongs touching. To control the temperature, you just work the valve at the end of the hose to control the flow and everything else is automatic.[/size]


[size=small]Unfortunately, making all that food and enjoying hot tub really does a number on the batteries![/size]


[size=small]Spent the next few days attempting to recharge the batteries. Really had to minimize how much power we were using to get batteries back. Cooking for 6 and other stuff will need to be a special occasion kind of thing. Also, don't listen to people when they suggest to park in the shade to camp.[/size]
There are squeegees with telescoping handles available. Easier on the knees.

White vinegar and water work well.
wayne49 said:
There are squeegees with telescoping handles available. Easier on the knees.

White vinegar and water work well.
No can do, this girl has an addiction to Windex. Windows, counters, wood paneling, the floor, the toilet, armpits. Nowhere is safe from her Windex cleaning...

Uncle Todo said:
Sweet projector screen!
Do you always carry it along?
:huh: :D
We specifically made sure the projector screen was easy to setup and transport!
Always tweaking and modifying. Nothing will ever be perfect, and that is life.


[size=small]The kitchen table guest bed works great. So far 3 people have slept there and no complaints. Fits a standard size sleeping pad perfectly.[/size]


[size=small]Lately, we've been noticing the temperature behind the fridge to be climbing quite high. On average, it is about 25 degrees hotter back there than in the living space. On a summer 85 degree day, that means 110 degrees behind the fridge! The fridge also runs a lot, like a lot more than we think it should. So we took out all the food to remove fridge in order to investigate.[/size]


[size=small]We think our original plan of convection venting just wasn't working effectively enough. Good thing we got this big computer fan just in case this happened. Mounted it over the side vent to pull air out. Inlet air will still come from lower PVC pipe behind bottom of fridge, where the temperature sensor is. The other end of that pipe is under the body behind the rear wheel.[/size]


[size=small]We mounted a thermostat switch to the condenser coil assembly on the back of the fridge. Simple 100 degrees on, 85 degrees off.[/size]


[size=small]Figured a way to wire it all up. Original plan of wiring the fan right to the compressor motor was not going to work. The thermostat switch setup works great. Fridge runs, it heats up back there, fan comes on and removes heat. Now the temperature back there is 5-10 degrees warmer and fridge runs a lot less, saving lots of precious battery! The fan is a bit bigger than we need. It draws 1amp and moves lots of air. One day we'll probably get a smaller one. But using 1amp to save who knows how many more amps from the fridge running all the time is a win in our book.[/size]


[size=small]Found an old pot at the thrift store that will work with our induction cooktop. It's a little big, but the price was right. People must have given us some funny looks as we went through all the cookware trying to stick magnets to everything. Made 2 pounds of shrimp scampi. Lots of leftovers, which we love! Makes life easier to just pop already cooked food in the microwave. We've learned to pick our big meal days on days we have lots of sun and battery power.[/size]


[size=small]We trade off duties and chores. This giant flat windshield is a magnet for bugs, especially in cicada brood season![/size]


[size=small]Eventually I got tired of driving, and it was time for my room mate to step up. Look out boys, this girl can drive stick shift![/size]
Since you like to tinker so much maybe you can redirect the air flow in winter behind the frige to help heat the living space!
First thing I learned... that and how to stop a I recall my neighbors 65 red 2 door Pontiac careening down the street...with a little boy helplessly at the wheel...
Redirecting heat from behind fridge in winter is not out of the question. But our diesel heater works so efficiently, it might not be worth all the work.

Stopping is over rated. Much more efficient and environmentally friendly to just not use brakes!