Critique/Advice Requested

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Dust of the Sun

Well-known member
Feb 12, 2011
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Hey guys-<br>I have a friend who's lost his job and is nearly out of money...whoaa, where've we heard that before?? He's buying a small used travel trailer and wants to regroup and drop out to somewhere maybe in West Virginia. He has a tiny income and has the idea to find a broke farmer that could use alittle help on a farm (say 2 hours a week helping or driving to doctors 'n such) and a very small rent (say $80-$100 a month) in exchange for a place on the farm to camp. He says he'll promise to leave no loud disturbances etc. He asked me how to find a farmer who might take him up on this since I have a broke farmer friend now who's sorta doing this in Virginia.<br>I figure many older farmers are not on Craigslist or the internet so maybe classified ads in the local county newspaper, many of which cost like $6 per insertion...but what to put in the ad?? Here's where I'd love to have your input or even other ways to find these farmers outside of hanging out at the local feed store or barbershop??<br><br>An ad MIGHT read:<br><br>Attention Farmers<br>Full-time RVer needs a place to camp. No mess/No noise/No drama<br>Can pay to $100 monthly PLUS help with chores.<br>Have a small spot on your farm for me?? Adds security with someone else there!!<br>Contact Joe xxx-xxx-xxxx<br><br>Whaddya think guys?? How might you go about this? As an aside, here where I live in southside virginia I know there's a LOT of farmers in deep financial I'd think this idea should have legs, no?? thx. Dust<br><br>
<b>No advice but fantastic idea.&nbsp; Wouldn't it be wonderful to be able to bring folks together as a free service. What we put out, good or bad comes back to us.&nbsp; </b><br><b>Diane</b><br>
I think it's a great idea, too. And putting fliers at hardware or feed stores or whatever is certantly worth trying, ( photocopies are cheap) . My wife and I let someone stay free on our property that is for sale in upstate Ny in exchange for mowing, picking up tree branches, road litter, etc. It gives him a place to stay and we get our house looked after while we are not there.
<B>I know how you might get the word out, talk to the Fair Board in your county. They&nbsp;are supposed to know whats going on, I&nbsp;&nbsp;mean the&nbsp;County Extension agent, often located in the same Fair Board area, wherever your county fair is held. I 'hang' with old farmers and horsemen. They aren't likely to admit upfront problems but they do talk to the ext. agents and feed mills&nbsp;if they trust them.</B><BR><B></B>&nbsp;<BR><B>Leave some flyers with the local little churches.&nbsp; Ministers will know who may be needing help badly. An RVer staying over&nbsp;could mean the difference between going into a nursing home or staying home with someone to pitch in. (maybe their relatives will leave them alone to be happy if they have someone around)</B><BR><B><FONT color=#cc00cc>Dragonfly</FONT></B><BR><BR>
<P>my cousin did this in North Carolina years ago: stopped in&nbsp;at a coffee shop near the area he was interested in - talked to the waitresses, left a regular, decent tip and a phone number to be reached ... he got two calls in less than two days and that was before the "downturn" in the economy! </P>
blkjak said:
<B><FONT size=1>good idea .... </FONT></B><BR><B><FONT size=1></FONT></B>&nbsp;<BR><B><FONT size=1>good luck to your friend .... </FONT></B><BR><B><FONT size=1></FONT></B>&nbsp;<BR><B><FONT size=1>blkjak ....</FONT></B><BR>
<b>Is this your artwork on the round - looks like wood?&nbsp; If wouldn't open for me.&nbsp; </b>
I just pictured us at the billiards table.... Looks like a cool place.&nbsp; <br>
Vanmom on Vandwellers yahoo group has been trying forever to get someone to watch her farm land and do a little mowing on her riding mower. No rent required. There is a stocked pond etc. I believe the place is in Missouri. She couldn't find anyone to do it which surprised me. It sounded like a very sweet deal. Just an FYI.&nbsp;<div><br></div><div>I think the idea is a good one, I am sure it will be successful for at least a few folks that might try it.&nbsp;</div>