Covid vaccines

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i have appointment tomorrow....i never got the flu vaccine...and i'm not thrilled about getting this one...
I really haven't had any problems other than the traveling I had to do to get it! Shot just felt like someone resting a finger on my shoulder, didn't even feel the needle. The next morning my body was a little achy and my shoulder was sore. With the second shot that I got about the same with a little more fatigue and sore shoulder but nothing really. Much better than a trip to the hospital!
I'm not afraid of getting shots...just don't trust the ingredients they use...also my immune system is usually very good...i never get colds or the flu...even if i am around others that are sick.   Anyways...i looked up the ingredients in the covid vaccine and it doesn't look too bad :

My appointment is in the afternoon...
I am one not to get flus and other viruses going around, but have gotten the flu shot in recent years because my PCP tells me I need to.

I also got the pneumonia vaccines, for the same reason.

I’ve had my first vaccine, second in two weeks, and feel I am much safer with the vaccine than without it.

I don’t want to get Covid.

I hope county health departments are going to do some outreach on vaccinations, knocking on doors and checking in with folks who don’t have internet and/or transportation to vaccine centers.

There are huge chunks of people particularly on rural areas who no one is reaching out to and can’t get online to schedule.
Had my first shot this morning and doing a happy dance on the inside. Would do it on the outside, but there are people around and I'm shy.
Regarding the vaccines in Arizona and some counties only giving shots to residents and a few other counties open to non residents.

The county health departments received their allotments based on the number of residents. But counties that had large numbers of out of state visitors for thw w inter season were allowed to apply to the federal government for extra doses of vaccines for non residents.

Of course there are many counties in Arizona ehere it is too cold for comfort to be staying as a visitor in asn RV. hose counties had no need toaspply for extra and would not have received it if they asked.Some counties simply dont have much that attractive to nomadic visitors, they had no need for extra vaccine.

Marricopa was the 1st county to receive extra doses for non residents. La Paz county also applied for extra but it took a while longer for them to get ramped up with both help and vaccine to service any but the highest priority persons. Tney still are not holding a lot of clinics on a daily basis.

The situatioon with the pharmacies is still spotty. They also had to apply for allocations and it is only in a few areas of the state of Arizona where there is vaccine available in the pharmacies and those are still governed by tne resident or non resident available amounts given to that county.

So while it seems like a mess as to where you can get a vaccine if you are a non resident there actually was some background criteria to the distribution of where a non resident can obtain it. Iyt is in the counties where all the winter residents are concentrated. But it is not yet in the northern, high elevation areas where those winter residents are now heading to.
There was also a problem with administering the extra shots as the federal government was to supply the vaccine but the state refused to pay to have the vaccine given to the people in their state, at least in Arizona as they depended heavily on volunteers and didn't have enough.
I'm coming up on the 90 day mark after having a mild case of Covid in January. Well, mild except for the fatigue I got hit with. I'm very nervous about getting vaccinated for a few reasons.

My son says we're getting vaccinated if he has to drag me kicking and screaming though. Should be interesting. lol
i'm sure the benefit outweighs the possible negatives, and i'm on a waiting list at a local
small pharmacy instead of "nada" from the great Mayo clinic, but some guy they showed
the other day on the news had a heck of a horrible rash over a large part of his body afterward...
a rare reaction they said.
Re: adverse vaccine reactions

A man stopped by the picnic area where I was working on a rag rug. He asked me how long I'd be staying in the area, and I told him long enough to get parts one and two of my vaccine. He shook his head and said, "well, good luck with that. I hope it works out for you."

I said, "of course it will!"

He said, I know a couple of people that had trouble with it."

I said, "I know of more than half a million covid deaths in our country."

He moved on.

My view is that aside from not wanting to get the virus myself, I definitely don't want to give it to anyone else -- including my fellow humans who, for whatever reason, won't get vaccinated.
Third day after my second shot. I'm doing great now. Yesterday I had a slight head ache and laid around most of the day. Most people here take the next day off and relax to allow the slight reactions to pass which are sore arm, head ache and fatigue. Man, the relief of knowing that the odds of getting sick are super slim after a year of seeing people suffer and die from this is wonderful. I just hope everyone gets vaccinated in time to prevent the virus from mutating and us having to go thru another year like this one.
Received my 2nd. shot today.

The nurses at the clinic near Bisbee wore T-shirts like this one:



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2nd phizer shot last tuesday. Not even a sore arm. Free box of girl scout cookies for showing up. Also I am using a cure given to me by my 7th grade english teacher. whiskey and onion juice, onion juice is optional. toogoodos are pretty good too :)
wanderingsoul said:
I'm coming up on the 90 day mark after having a mild case of Covid in January.  Well, mild except for the fatigue I got hit with.  I'm very nervous about getting vaccinated for a few reasons.

My son says we're getting vaccinated if he has to drag me kicking and screaming though.  Should be interesting. lol
They are now saying that the vaccine will provide some protection from variants, and booster shot including variants will be available in the future.  However your antibodies from getting covid do provide some protection, just not effective for the many variants.
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