covid information

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Pennsylvania is EDT currently. Or has that changed since 2015?
michaelwnoakes - Pa as in Pennsylvania? and what is a lock down? I am not questioning your info I am concussed. Gov Wolf (of PA) has 14 counties under what he calls a lock down - but his definition of a lock down does not sound much different from what they have told the rest of us to do. ???? I am among the many confused. But still without the virus (I hope).
don't worry about the term lock down, people don't know the difference between that, stay-at-home and shelter-in-place. etc, etc, etc.

The important thing to do is know what the requirement are for the area you are in or the areas you want or must travel through or into. At the present time there is no nationwide uniformity, there is no state uniformity, there is no county wide uniformity and there is no town or city uniformity. That means you must do daily research and if you are staying in one location try to tune into one or two local news broadcast everyday. Your news information could come from online or OTA TV or on your radio. But don't just rely on what you see in forums as the current requirements can change one day to the next. But usually from what I have seen where I am located the Governor gives a 24 to 48 hour notice of changes as do the counties, towns and cities.
Please read post #1 and don't water this thread down with endless discussions and 'definitions' of terms. There are 3 or 4 other threads for that. The term "lockdown" has already been discussed a dozen times elsewhere.

Please post information links.
My sister is LPN at a nursing home. Older guy there died today. Media not revealing much about it. I asked her for more details.. turns out that he had it for 10 days. The local hospital actually SENT him back to the nursing home today where he died. Apparently they didnt want the bad pr of it being at our small town hospital.

The lies is what will cause the panic. NOT the truth.

If they are gonna lie about this in our town of 4k up here in the panhandle of idaho...????

Last time I was at my sisters house was on the 21st of the month. uggg..

Stay aware and safe everyone. Believe only what you can see. Don't let a narrative create your reality. Wish I was in my van in the AZ desert right now.
desert_sailing said:
....local hospital actually SENT him back to the nursing home today where he died....
Sounds very dangerous to transport such an ill person unnecessarily. Think of all the people who were exposed during the process of transport plus all the patients at the nursing home. 

I read an article stating that people from NY were travelling to their summer homes in neighboring states, and being targeted for police stops based on their license plate. Seems wrong to me. Have we lost the right to cross state lines now?

Also Christ announced that ETA for the virus in AZ is mid to late April with hospitals maxxed out in May. Happy Mothers Day everyone. Give your mom a ventilator instead of that geranium plant again.

Galveston Daily News headline: "City ousts hotel and short-term RV guests...".

From the article in today's paper: "In an ongoing effort to discourage tourists from traveling to Galveston, the city has ordered hotel guests and short-term guests in RV parks to leave the island... Mayor Jim Yarborough's new orders, signed Friday, require most guests in hotels and RV parks to leave the island by 10 AM today. "It's our intent to get tourists off the island", Yarborough said."

The article goes on to specify the city's new guidelines for boondockers and stealth campers as follows: "RV operators [who are on the island but not staying in RV parks] also can't remain in public parks or commercial lots for more than two hours, according to the order."

Sorry I can't provide a link for this; I'm just quoting it out of the printed newspaper.

Also no definition so far of which of the island's thousands of RVrs will be considered "short-term" and herded off the island and which will be considered worthy citizens and be given the mayor's blessing and dispensation. I suspect we ain't heard the last of this.

no deaths in hawaii. it’s an apocalyptic ghost town now with no tourists. surreal
That sounds like an eviction to me. I had understood that there was a ban on evictions, maybe that is not in effect yet. 

Where I am (AZ), tourists are defined by 7 day stay, and residents are defined as staying for longer than 7 days. You would have to check the domicile regs where you are (TX). -crofter
Thanks, Crofter.

Nothing new in today's paper about this, but I agree that the usual markers of residency should do the trick in convincing the folks who once welcomed you to the island to not vote you off that same island. A monthly rental receipt from an RV park should take care of the problem as well.

Note: If you have out-of-state plates, probably all bets are off.

Thanks for the updates, Crofter.

The difference in attitude between Great Falls and Galveston? Duly noted...

BTW, The state parks in Texas are still open and plan to stay that way if possible. The only changes will be that the offices at the parks will not be staffed and so campers are asked to pre-register and reserve their campsites online. The popular large group/family campsites in all the parks will be off-limits for the time being, and a small number of the parks have been forced to close due to overriding county or municipal controls.

Arizona joined the stay at home states at 5pm today. Oops I did not get home till 6pm. Got my digital infrared thermometer delivered today. It fits my style with pistol grip and a trigger. You point it at the forehead and pull the trigger to get the reading. So now we are having fun taking temperatures.

I am posting this stay at home site because some ppl do not know of the restriction yet.  -crofter
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