covid-19 (new corona virus)

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tx2sturgis said:
A case could be made that this is just nature's way of thinning the herd. 

For quite a few years now there has been quite a bit of thinning going on with 100's of thousands of drug overdose deaths. No vaccine for stupidity.
slow2day said:
For quite a few years now there has been quite a bit of thinning going on with 100's of thousands of drug overdose deaths. No vaccine for stupidity.

I think that falls under the 'Darwin Awards' rather than the effects of nature....although one could argue they could be the same thing!
Back on topic: I'm due to have blood work done for Hep C follow-up and since I'm over 60 I wanted to know if the COVID-19 test could be done at the same time. I don't like getting stuck a lot.

I called the local hospital lab and they said the test is done by throat swab to do a culture but unless I had symptoms or contact there's no need at this time to get it done.

And it's good to know that Medicare will pay for the test.
3/11/20 10:00 pm. Just listening to the news this hour. Travel from Europe to US closed down. The National Basket Ball League suspended their season, and the March Madness Collage BB games will be played with no fans. Here it comes - and I hope it is not panic.
Travel from Europe to US is not closed down, it is restricted.

“Trump signed a presidential proclamation late Wednesday barring the entry of foreign nationals who have been to most European countries in the past 14 days.

The restriction covers the Schengen Area, which consists of 27 countries that have allowed unrestricted travel across their borders since 1985.

The restriction will not apply to legal permanent residents and immediate family members of U.S. citizens. The restriction will also not apply to the United Kingdom.”
Seattle report:
I woke up this morning to a silent city. Like nothing I have ever heard except at 3:00 am. All the schools have now closed as have day cares so parents have no option but to stay home unless the kids are old enough to look after themselves. It will be this way for at least the next 2 weeks because of the school closures.. if not longer.

No noise of traffic out on the street which is not super busy but always has traffic on it even on the weekends.

No noise from marine traffic in the ship canal just outside this building

The offices in the building where I am working on my build are dark. There was a marine supply store in the building, they are now gone and it is for good. They had built a new store in this area and were going to keep this one open Thursday thru Sunday but have decided to close it all together and started filling dumpsters with all the shelving a couple of days ago. Mostly there are small self employed businesses here in the building but they are staying home. It is my home so I am here as are a few other people in the live/work spaces. I suspect a lot of the Condo owners who are next door and share the parking lot have taken off for the winter, being mostly seniors that is not unusual but there seem to be fewer around than normal.

If my build was finished of course I would have been gone some time ago, but I have some work left to do. Not much risk of me catching anything when there is no one around to catch it from. However no one ever comes into this space other than my workshop partner so I was never at much risk. My only risk will be going to the grocery store for supplies.

I plan to take advantage of the Easter season sale on hams and eggs. The definition of eternity...two people and a ham. I will be putting some of my time into cooking up various ham dishes and stocking up the freezer with them. Baking casseroles in my countertop oven will keep the workshop space nice and warm. So off I go into the dangerous city to get fuel and some groceries. I have a baggy full of sanitizing wipes in my pocket. The stores I will go to will not be crowded on the day Seattle slept in on a weekday morning.
Thanks to the clarification on the Europe travel restriction. I was stating it in "general" terms. I heard somewhere that even those who are exempted from the restriction will have to be tested. Seems like a good idea to me. But how do you know if what you hear is reliable? Seems you can tune the radio to 5 different stations and get 5 conflicting "official" stories.
I work at a state university. Spring break is extended by one week and classes are moving over to online format to limit students on all state campuses.
I said I'd update my post about the online doctor consultation I had. It was totally legit and I picked my meds up at the Walmart in Parker yesterday. Aside from the 30 day supply I picked up, I have two more refills with the Rx they wrote.
Oldwolf said:
I work at a state university. Spring break is extended by one week and classes are moving over to online format to limit students on all state campuses.
very sensible precaution
Dang, I just got back from Costco. The parking lot was fuller than I ever remember seeing it (I don't go at Christmas or TG). I parked on the periphery to even be able to get somewhat close to the store. It was a zoo inside, people everywhere. I have never seen empty shelves there before, now I have. Even the bread racks were almost bare. Some of my normal frozen stuff was sold out. I guess everyone is stocking up. When checking out, I commented about the empty shelves and how busy they were. He said it has been that way all week. Of course this coincides with the local schools being out all week.

Keep sane and don't go running amuck with the chicken little, "the sky is falling, the sky is falling" mindset.
Today is my resupply day, and planning to shop this evening. Last time I was unable to get pecans, so we have been eating almonds instead. Pecans are an american food, don't know why there would be a run on nuts, cept all are nuts these days.  -crofter
Scary numbers revealed tonight. 2.8 Hospital beds per 1000 documented citizens. A total of 45,000 ICU beds in the whole United States. About 3/4 of the ICU beds are currently occupied. Not good if you catch the virus and need hospital admission. Most appropriate behaviour seems to be lots of washing hands with soap and water and avoiding anyone who is coughing and/or sneezing. Stay safe people.
hugemoth said:
The Parker AZ Walmart did not have grocery pickup as of March 1st. Nearest one was Lake Havasu. It's great if they added the service, I'll use it in the future.
I just double checked. They have pickup. In fact, all the pickup slots are taken until Sunday. I would post a link but I'm in my account on their site and I doubt that would work.

The first time I looked into it a few days ago. Parker didn't come up in pickup locations. I think Parker has three zip codes so I used a different zip the second time I searched and it did come up. I'm pretty sure I saw the pickup sign when I was physically at that store a few days ago which is why I double checked..
"And it's good to know that Medicare will pay for the test. "
From where does Medicare get that magic money?
From all the money they'll save once multitudes of oldsters no longer require further benefits.

Besides that, the test will be free for everyone...MC or not. Probably not for costs of recovery though. There'll be some folks who will be hit hard that way.

The books just need a little juggling. They're good at that. We're still afloat with a $23T debt, so what's the big deal?

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