The LMR-195 is not a heavier cable. The 195 in the name is the actual OD, 0.195". The tech told me
it has better materials, better shielding and is the "go to cable" when using SMA fittings. He also explained
how critical crimping the fittings on is to insure high transmission.Think leaking and noise here.
The one time (construction) radius max is .5 inch, actual use is 2". He highly recommends it for shorter
antenna to device runs.
Basically, the LMR-195 transmits the lower bands at 1/3 the db loss of the RG58 and 1/2 the loss at the
higher bands. I was sold.
Once again, if we are going to spend money on equipment to boost signals, why loose those precious
db on an old inefficient cable? In some situations, it could make the difference between connecting or not.