Cheap Fast Food

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Jul 7, 2013
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I'm on a budget so I try to limit my fast food purchases to $2.<br><br>At McDonald's I usually get a small fries and a McDouble (Double Cheeseburger with only one slice of cheese) &nbsp;Sometimes I will get the McChicken. &nbsp;In south Florida where I live they have a few weekly &nbsp;specials. On Monday you can get a six piece McNuggets for $1. &nbsp;On Wednesdays and Sundays they have hamburgers for 49 cents and Cheeseburgers for 69 cents. &nbsp;<br>For Breakfast I get a sausage McMuffin (no egg) and a breakfast burrito for $1 each.<br><br>Wendy's is trimming out there dollar menu and don't have too much that's good left. &nbsp;The dollar chicken sandwich is good and a cheeseburger (tiny) too.<br><br>Burger King is raising it's prices, they don't have much for $1. They just raised the price of the value (small) fries to 1.19, but that and a double cheeseburger costs about $3 and is bigger than the McD burgers. &nbsp;<br><br>At KFC they used to have the Popcorn chicken snack pack, it's fries and popcorn chicken in a burger size box for $2. &nbsp;Otherwise they don't have much on the dollar menu besides those tiny snackers.&nbsp;<br><br>You can usually get 2 items at Taco Bell for $2. &nbsp;The beef and potato burrito is really good and filling and it's under $2.&nbsp;<br><br>Checkers has a few good items for low prices too.<br>I love their ice cream cones for $1, &nbsp;they have Vanilla, chocolate, or twist/swirl mixed flavor. &nbsp;<br><br>I don't like Subway anymore and their stupid tip cups. &nbsp;But you can usually get a daily special for $2.50 like a &nbsp;6 inch sub or meatball sandwich.&nbsp;<br><br>I never buy soda from a fast food place. I will either bring it home and drink soda that I bought from a supermarket for much cheaper, or if I am going there to eat I take my own soda with me and eat in the car while driving or in the parking lot.<br><br>I used to buy kids meals when they were $2, but now they are closer to $3 at most places. &nbsp;But this was over 10 years ago and I could give the toys to my nephew and niece, BK always had the best toys.<br><br>If I want to splurge I go to Little Caesars and get a $5 pepperoni pizza, eat half one day and half the next.
Try the supermarket deli salid bar, hot meals, or sushi. Better food for healthier life. Stay away from fat crap road side junk food except occasionally.
Hard to beat the $1.50 hot dog with drink at Costco. It's worth the $55 yearly membership fee just for the good eats over there! I also like their pizza by the slice, their very yummy Hot Turkey Provolone sandwich, the hand dipped ice cream bar with cholocate coating and roasted almonds, their sundays and smoothies!&nbsp;Heck, even their&nbsp;chicken salad is good! &nbsp;I'm now a believer of Costco, haha! <img class="emoticon bbc_img" src="/images/boards/smilies/biggrin.gif">
I wonder if we can get the administrators to change the title of this thread to, "Cheap Fast Food or, how to shorten one's life and remain on a budget".
There's so much food you can get for under $5 that's healthy (or at least not full of trans fats &amp; high fructose corn syrup) that I'm honestly amazed anyone would choose fast food over real food
Here in Anaheim,CA the local Sam's Club also has the cheap hot dogs/soda. Also Costco has a great deal on pizza slices/soda.&nbsp; Both will allow you inside if you ask them <span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong>without being a member</strong></span> (in my experience anyway). Also, some Costco's have the food area outside the store.<br>KinA
Not trying to tell you what to whatever you want to...but even on a budget you can do <span style="text-decoration: underline;">much</span> better than that. I've been on a budget for years and I found that I actually saved money by not eating that crap anymore. Between specials at the grocery store and going to the local farmers market I can save money and have more healthy food on hand. Even if you can't cook (or simply don't like to) there are tons of simple recipes for really great food that's inexpensive to make. Also, some quick research online about all the chemicals and preservatives in fast food, where it comes from, and what it does to you in the long (and sometimes short) term may convince you to at least cut back on that stuff. Again, it's entirely up to you how you want to eat and I'm probably not telling you anything you don't already know, but I've done some fairly extensive research on fast food and it's really pretty scary when you look into it. Just my 2 cents...good luck and safe travels to you! <img class="emoticon bbc_img" src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif">
You can get a pretty filling burrito for 2 bucks at taco bell.&nbsp; All the ones around here have dollar griller burritos for 1 dollar 2-5 pm, but they are 1.50 any other time.
One thing growing older, I realize how much damage I have done my health with what I ate and drank as a younger man.
Fresh foods are expensive! This is why obesity (and all that goes with it) is more common amongst the poor.

There is a word healthcare professionals use to describe those who frequent fast food places: diabeteshypertensioncoronaryarterydisease. All one word.

Not to worry, though! ObamaCare will make you all won't be able to afford any food after paying those premiums. I wonder how healthy are the meals at soup kitchens and food banks?
It has been posted here before, grocery store salad bars for a few $ per pound, (who gets a pound?) a nice mix of fresh greens and veges. The olive bar for a mix of olives. The hot food counter for a chicken part. It is not expensive to eat healthy, one must not buy more than can eat so avoid waste. <br><br>I don't foresee all that many problems with the ACA, it already helps some of my friends.
the title is perfectly acceptable.&nbsp;<br><br>what is fast food? &nbsp;i think Zil hit it on the head....there is good fast food out there, and i like the idea of suggesting it as an option to traditional burgers and fries. <br><br>10,000 ways.&nbsp;<br><br>in the interest of the OP, i may keep this thread on the topic of all the options available in fast, easy meals. i will start a thread about the dangers of many of the types of fast food, and how we can change those habits if we choose!&nbsp;<br><br>there are millions of people honestly amazed that we live in vans and shi!t in buckets :)<br><br>10,000 ways!<br><br>
Healthy food isn't that much more expensive, but it is time consuming, which is why fast food is so popular.&nbsp; Fast food seems expensive, until you actually look at the nutrients you're getting from it (or for that matter, how full you're getting.&nbsp; A small fry &amp; a hamburger from a dollar menu keeps me full maybe 2 hours.&nbsp; I spend the same amount at the grocery store on fruits &amp; veggies &amp; I'm full for about 5 - 6 hours)
They tell you not to eat fast food, but not one of them has given a single real example. I like dollar menus at McDonalds and other places. I still live in an apt, but no longer cook with all foods being noncook items. It is not hard to do at all. Why spend 30+ mins to cook what I am going to devour in 5 mins ; ).
Any Costco or other Wholesale Club should allow you to enter without a membership or forcing you to get a temporary one if they have a pharmacy, just say you are going to the pharmacy and they have to let you in. &nbsp;Once you are in you can look around in any area. &nbsp;
Fast food is not 5 times a week for me. &nbsp;Lately I've only been eating it once a week, used to be a little more often. &nbsp;I am trying to save by eating at home more. &nbsp;Publix had a great sale on Tilapia, buy one bag (12 to 16oz) &nbsp;get on free for $7. found a delicious recipe where it cooks in 5 minutes. &nbsp;Taught myself how to make California roll sushi too, all you need is a rice cooker, a rolling mat and the ingredients, pretty healthy too.&nbsp;<br><br>Most fast food burger places have a side salad on their dollar menu, or a for a little more.
My secret to fast food cheap is Leftovers. I love them and I have no problem eating the same thing a couple of days in a row. Instead of making just enough for one meal, I'll go ahead and make a big batch of whatever. I portion the leftovers and toss them in the fridge/cooler. A quick re-heat in your preferred method and you've got really fast food. Add a little variety with the addition of a side item. This way I can take advantage of bulk buys at the supermarket. I never feel like I'm missing out on 'traditional' meals. I only have to think about 'cooking' once a week. I also mix it up by throwing in a salad, soup or sandwich meal. &nbsp;A week might go like this- Sun-cook crockpot chicken<span style="font-size: small;">&nbsp;<span style="font-family: arial, sans-serif; line-height: 37px;">Cacciatore with rice/noodles, Mon-leftovers, Tue-leftovers/fresh fruit, Wed-can soup/sandwich, Thurs-leftovers/quick sauteed fresh spinach w/garlic and olive oil, Fri- leftover&nbsp;</span></span><span style="font-family: arial, sans-serif; font-size: small; line-height: 36.99652862548828px;">Cacciatore used as a filling in a wrap with cheese and leftover spinach and then heated, Sat- Light meal like Salad or just a big bowl of cereal.</span><span style="font-size: small;"><span style="font-family: arial, sans-serif; line-height: 37px;">&nbsp;</span></span><br>Even though We aren't on the road yet, I used to do this when I was driving professionally and spare time was precious if not actually nonexistent. I traveled with the leftovers. &nbsp;Driving an interstate passenger bus had it's perks where the driver always got to eat for free...that got old really I'm not too fond of fast food restaurants anymore.<br>-k-
Fast food - 2 cans heated over a stove. About 7 min's total time including getting the stove out. James AKA Lynx
Hippiechk, are there any Hispanic markets around you? Here in my area (Dallas-Ft Worth) I have found that the fruits and veggies there are are much lower in price and more varied, some of the fruits and or veggies I have no clue as to what they are. I buy a lot of meat there in bulk and divvy it up, all much cheaper than the big chains, except beef for some reason. I am not fluent in spanish so there are times when I have to find a translator but the food is fresh and less expensive.
We're with ya on the food cost issue. I love avocados (Margie doesn't). We are not far from where they are grown, but I can't find good ones at any price (.89 at grocery) places further away I find nice plump ones I wouldn't mind paying nearly a buck they ask.
Hard to find good produce in most grocery stores. We like Chinese markets for the variety and usually better veggies at fair prices. Love it when we come across a farmers market in some small town. a couple of the senior centers we've visited have folks bringing in things from their gardens.

We don't cook much from scratch, so our meals are basic stuff. We have found that we like the frozen dinners in a bag. They're pretty good and only about 4 bucks. I add a can (or fresh if we have them) to sorta stretch it for the 2 of us...its only a tad small for us. There's several varieties and they are easy and a good break from some of my meals, LOL.

You're right, Bob. Hispanic markets are good too and they usually have some good churizo. Pastry is cheap, tho not often as sweet as Americans are used to. Lots of those markets also have great tamales.

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