Cell Robo calls and forwarding ?

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Well-known member
Feb 5, 2015
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So far this month I've received 29 calls from 10 different states. All are phone numbers that are unknown to me. I don't answer so the call goes to my voice mail, (which confirms to the bot that it called a legit number). Sometime there is a robo message and sometimes it hangs-up. Most of the called from numbers seem to repeat every month.

The only thing I've come up with that might help would be to forward these 29 different robo call numbers to a fake phone number, or a Fax number or my Congressman's cell phone or, well I'm open to suggestions.

Anyone know how to do call forwarding with Verizon?

I do not want to change from VZ, I have a Verizon cell and mobile HotSpot WiFi and it works just fine.
Matlock said:
So far this month I've received 29 calls from 10 different states. All are phone numbers that are unknown to me. I don't answer so the call goes to my voice mail, (which confirms to the bot that it called a legit number). Sometime there is a robo message and sometimes it hangs-up. Most of the called from numbers seem to repeat every month.


Anyone know how to do call forwarding with Verizon?
Robo calls, one of my pet peeves! :mad: Unfortunately, I don't think you can selectively forward certain, but not all calls. I do like that idea though.
In my area they are trying more often to use local (same area) numbers in the hopes that you are more likely to answer, especially if you are expecting a call from a business.
I take it you are already on the Do not call list? Never the less, they seem to ignore that anyway, however, the national do not call number is,
They have an option on there for reporting tele-marketers that insist on calling you even though your number is registered on that list.
Good luck.
I've recently had the experience of getting calls from all sorts of different numbers, but all from the same area code.

I only answered this once. The guy (actual person) was very pushy and tried to intimate me into giving person information right there over the phone. I hung up.

Wish I could figure out how to block this....but, since it is always a different number...I just hit "deny". Never leave a message.

I have never heard of a scam what is this persistent.
I google the number, and if it is spam I mark it and block it.  I have about 200 from "Rachel at card holder services"  :p

Your phone might have the block option.
VanKitten said:
I've recently had the experience of getting calls from all sorts of different numbers, but all from the same area code.


I have never heard of a scam what is this persistent.
My phone does not seem to have the call reject feature, so I add them to my contacts as A-Hole #1 through however many, and I then know to never answer that number.
Sadly, my cell is my business # and mostly publicly available, but...

I do as GotSmart and Ballenxj do and 'add' the numbers to my contacts. Think I'm up to 3 'Scammers' contacts now with well over 100 numbers under each.

Thanks, mizjewels, I will have to check into that Call Control app as well!
Robo calls are killing my business

having a small painting company and my cell phone used for work i get 10+ calls a day
they use spoofed numbers, caller ID

it's to the point i don't answer my phone, leave my voice mail full and my answer message is telling caller to go to my website
 and fill out contact form   

it's sad with all the technology we have today the phone companies won't put a stop to it
I answer them. I let "Heather" get an account specialist. I waste their time as much as I can.

I have been teying to sell some high dollar stuff on Craigslist and have gotten the I'll send a check and once it clears will pick up scam. I've learned some interesting insults in Yaruba recently.

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk
I just keep my phone off or in airplane mode most of the day. My family and friends know it's better to email me.
Add them to a contact called 'spam', and select 'none' as the ringtone. Depending on the phone, each contact can hold multiple numbers, so when one fills up, just create a new one.

They can call all they want, but I never hear them. Most won't stay on more than two or three rings so fewer end up in voicemail than if you use airplane mode.

Sometimes I answer robocalls and press the number to get to a live person so I can waste their time. Best response ever: 'you belong in an asylum'.
Well , compliments from them are rare !

I don't think they will ever stop as long as we own phones..

I'll have to try the spam contact with no ring ! Good one Silly.
Well, I haven't had any problems with my cellphone yet, but out of curiosity I Googled "block cell phone calls" and found verizon offers specific features for blocking "restricted, unavailable, and private numbers".  You have to pay a bit extra for this service.  I'd be surprised if AT&T and the other providers didn't off the same service.

I have been getting these calls. I am on the do not call list and report them all. I don't think it does any good. They use fake/spoofed caller id which I thought was illegal.
The "Do Not Call" list is only useful for legitimate businesses. I use NoMoRobo and it works well. They update the block list daily (hourly?). Not foolproof, but very, very good.

Recently, they've begun using/spoofing my area code and prefix, to try to get me to think it's someone I know/local. They have unlimited access to phone numbers.
I just take comfort knowing they will spend all eternity answering calls like they make all day.
Karma.................... :p
Persistence works. Our cell phone number was put on some kind of call list and we were getting solicitation calls for tech schools and other stuff that we had never shown any interest in. Every time we got a call we asked to be taken off the call list. It took a long time but we haven't had a call for over 6 months. It's annoying going through this for months at a time but worth it for the outcome.
The most recent I've had is they say they see you have stayed at Marriot Hotel recently, and..........
When I try to interrupt by stating I have never stayed there in my life, but the person just keeps droning on. That's when I hang up! :mad:
My real number hide behind a free Google Voice number.

Voice allows you to block numbers; they get routed to a "number has been disconnected" message. And you can put contacts into groups so some ring through, some go to vmail, etc.