CANCELLED Summer 2017 RTR in Flagstaff CANCELLED!!!

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VanGrrl57 said:
I will be working at Yellowstone so I can't make it but I would be willing to contribute. Just let me know. :D

VanGrrl57 :)

Sorry you won't be able to make it, VanGrrl57 but Ystone's one of my fave places on earth. Love those buffalo herds!
Gee, if all donate that said they would, we will have flush toilets and showers. :)
porta-potties are expensive. plus to be in compliance you need one for every 10 people per week and they must be cleaned once a week. so do the math, not cheap. highdesertranger
Bob's waiting to hear back from the Rangers. I'm sure he'll update when he has information
I jumped in with both feet last week, would be nice to meet up with others. Looks like plenty of donation offers so far, here's mine. I plan on making it to Flagstaff and then Quartzsite in January. Once a method for donation gets published that will be taken care of. I just read about SE GTG in NE Alabama going on the next 2 weeks. I'm gonna try to at least pass thru there, I have VA appointments in Clarksville to get to.
I will be launching sometime this coming week, and really look forward to attending for some helpful tips. I will be happy to donate as well.
This being made public looks like it could be another disaster! You can't possibly plan for another 600 people from this thread... or 50 either... with the demand for portalets.

Bob you need to make some way to keep the gathering under a numbers control, don't you think?

June 1st... arrrrggg I have no idea at this point what I'll be up to with Mulligan.
There's no way to control who decides to show up. It's on PUBLIC land.
I think, also, in the spirit of this forum and of this lifestyle, any event should be kept as minimalistic and regulation-free as is viable.

I understand the need for porta-potties; no one should have to incur a fine again. But, those of us who live the lifestyle do so without porta-potties every other day of our lives, don't we? This is a lifestyle that necessitates a degree of self-reliance. And with the discussion of porta-potties, people start asking for dumpsters, services, designated music areas, population control... come on, people, we're talking about a free(ish) event on free land!

The porta-potties are to sate bureaucracy. That ought to be the extent of it.
If it's 6-1 , I'll be there for a couple of days.  My campground job starts ~ 6-15, depending on the Tioga Pass road passability. 

I'm willing to contribute $10 toward PP facilities.

DrJean said:
Bob you need to make some way to keep the gathering under a numbers control, don't you think?

After being at the January RTR, if one wanted to prevent having 600 or more people, DON'T advertise it on YouTube.  Most of those I talked to had never heard of the forum.  

Just my $0.02
also need to make it clear that poo bags can't go in the port a potties. highdesertranger
TMG51 said:
This is a lifestyle that necessitates a degree of self-reliance. And with the discussion of porta-potties, people start asking for dumpsters, services, designated music areas, population control... come on, people, we're talking about a free(ish) event on free land!

The porta-potties are to sate bureaucracy. That ought to be the extent of it.

When you have a large number of people all doing the same thing in a small area, it is different than one person dumping their trash at a local business. Why would Walmart or whoever be burdened with the trash of 600 people? Money doesn't seem to be an issue as a number of us have agreed to donate. Where would you suggest that many people go to dump their waists? 

On music areas, there are those that are inconsiderate and play their music loud. If you are not a fan of that style music it borders on noise pollution. Once I set up camp, I would rather not have to move just because some Ahole comes and parks their mobile jute box next to me. 

Some people think that being "free" means that they have the right to impose their selfish behavior on others. If you are off in the middle of nowhere, do as you please. When around others you have to consider their position as well.
DannyB1954 said:
On music areas, there are those that are inconsiderate and play their music loud. If you are not a fan of that style music it borders on noise pollution. Once I set up camp, I would rather not have to move just because some Ahole comes and parks their mobile jute box next to me.

So talk like adults and don't ask Bob to do it for you.
TMG51 said:
So talk like adults and don't ask Bob to do it for you.

I never asked anyone to speak for me. When dealing with a childish selfish person that likes loud music, sometimes being an adult doesn't work. Nobody has the right to stuff their brand of noise down my ears. The noise makers should have their own area weather it be music or generators.  Then they can put up with each other. Odd that those that like loud music don't wish to hear other's loud music.
^^^ the above is why misunderstandings happen.  Do not asume anyone is anything, just because you like something different. 

In my first RTR, I had a huge area with only two neighbors.  I could hear ocasional laughter from the fire pit 1/2 mile away.  People talked to each other...  

In my second one I had about 15 yards of elbow room.  I could hear music most of the night from a group of young people.  When asked politely, they turned it down.
I don't think there will be 600 people, at a gathering in Flagstaff, in June. Quartzsite is a winter destination for, arguably, millions of people. Flagstaff is not a summer destination the way Quartzsite is a winter destination.
When I attended Descend on Bend in October, a couple of volunteers were checking-in people as they arrived to the campsite.

All they asked was whether or not I had signed their liability waiver. I told them I had and they waved me by. They never verified I signed the waiver did not even ask my name (I had done it online along with paying the $25 fee).

Also, I later found they had put a decal about the size of postage stamp on one of my headlights; it just had a three digit number. I believe this is how they were counting vehicles.

Regardless, it was hardly access control (which would have been impossible).

Here is a link to the post I made about the event. It includes a couple of links to YouTube videos that show the area:
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