Can I REALLY go full-time in an Astro/Safari?

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RoamerRV428 said:
Your new way of being is gonna be a fun adventure.
Once you get your vehicle you want....then you get to personally trick it out to fit everything you want on the road and personal needs, it is fun 'building' your life ya know :)  you got good times ahead!!

you can be that very elaborate type that loves to 'finish it all off' as they want or you can be that minimalist type that doesn't want alot of stuff and just what ya need or any way ya wanna roll :)

Thank you! I need to see this today! This week has been tense listing a lot of things to sell and seeing some things go is reassurring. I just listed my car today. Once I sell the car and either my couch or office chair I can afford the van I have my eye on. 2005 Chevy Express extended version. We'll see where I am a week from now. Thanks again for the reminder of the good times ahead and that just getting started can be as easy or elaborate as I can go. I'm in the midst of all the change right now. The ships are burned, there's no going back, only forward!!!
bullfrog said:
Take a bunch of card board boxes and build you a box the size of the interior sizes of the vans which are in the van forum. Maybe just laying out the floor plan will be enough to show you what you need use some boxes for the wheel wells maybe a couch for the bed etc. even stack boxes to the roof height. It won't take long for you to figure it out as it either works or it doesn't. You are not other people and what works for them may not work for you, better to find out before making purchases. Once you choose go rent one for a weekend and try it before buying one.

Great advice! Once my big couch sells I was planning on trying something like this as suggested in Bobs' course, but you have gone the extra mile here about measurements and boxes and height. Thanks so much! Planning to own a van by the end of the month, so we'll see what else sells. This has been a big week listing and selling things. The place is a mess. Lots going in the garbage too. Shedding, renewing!! I will give your suggestions a good go. I don't know if I'll rent one though. Hoping to get a chevy express if the one I like is still available!
Scott3569 said:
I am 5'11, Not a small guy, and ifg I can every get my van up to par.. I will be doing it full time.. and I will be mostly happy with the space I have.. would I like a little more space sure.. But right now, I want to get out there, work, save money, and maybe in a year or two go a little bigger.

Yes getting out there and living it and seeing what works will enable us to evolve with it. It will be nice not paying rent and be able to eventually afford whatever options we want!!!!
flying kurbmaster said:
The short answer imho is Yes. It does depend on what you need or can’t let go of. If you intend to continue to be a double bass musician, you will have to be prepared to loose a large part of already limited space to accommodate your instrument. Maybe your van needs to remove the passenger seat or some kind of special made rack has to be attached on the outside of your rear doors,I think the biggest challenge is setting up your van so you are comfortable, able to prepare meals, stay warm or cool, be able to entertain yourself when sitting idle, tv, music, PlayStation, books, computer, instruments, whatever you enjoy.  A way of maintaining personal hygiene, comfortable bedding, and an organized system that makes all this possible, while you and all your stuff is inside your van without shifting a ton of things to accomplish it. So yes it is easily possible.

Definitely possible yes! But after some of the earlier replies I'm now set on more space for sure. I can't wait!!!!
nature lover said:
It was a bit confusing  but I looked up the cubic inches the largest Astro (Longest wheelbase)made has 170 cubic feet of cargo space and I believe that’s an extended version where the Safari (regular model not the extended) Savannah has 240 ft.² that’s a difference of 70 ft cubic feet (at least) that’s a lot of space. And as I and others mentioned earlier for the same gas mileage, the same insurance price,  car we’re basically the same and savannah has a better maintenance record.  In the multitude of counselors there is safety, but you still got to make your own decision and live with it. Good luck.

Awesome insight, thank you!!! Yes a Savana/Express is the way I want to go. Huge upheaval right now listing and selling everything, apartment is a mess. Just need my car and one other item to sell to afford the van I'd like. It's coming!!! :D
A quick update as of today. I had someone coming for my car this morning, still have someone for my couch this afternoon. The guy backed out later last night citing something about it being too big a job to get his Quebec insurance to do it. I am in Ontario. I didn't understand him as he didn't explain well. I suspect he was afraid he was buying a lemon. I had the car listed as "as is" because I didn't want to spend the money on the inspection as I'm trying to save. I also priced the car much lower than the high end of its value citing what I was told when I got the breaks done a couple of months ago. (flex pipe, left outer tie rod).

Anyhow. I took the listing down and have scheduled the car in for inspection tomorrow. It's a 2002 Ford Escape 4x4 only 92,600km (57,000 miles I think) and it's possible that this becomes my first rig.. It's in really great shape minus some rust underneath but at $3000CAD it was a steal for someone. It'll be up around $4,000 after I get what ever work it needs, all being well.

I just went through my wish-list and I can afford everything I need to rig the escape and can be away in August sometime if I get everything here sold.

I have $3500 saved right now and hope the car is less than $1000 to get sorted. From there I will decide if I am going to sell the car and use all my money on a van and get what I need as I make money in August and September, or see it as an "overlanding" experience for up to a year, use the savings on rigging out the SUV and use earnings over the next couple of months to get a great tent/shelter as well as my bed in the car, and use my earnings to straighten out my credit cards sooner. (I was looking at having them straightened out by end of year). Loss of business due to lockdowns is what spawned this whole idea.

I am ready for anything and excited to get started in whatever it takes. A year of not paying rent will get me something very nice and I can buy it somewhere below the snow belt. And I plan to get inspiration from what I see from everyone at the next (my first) RTR.

We'll see how these next couple of weeks go. Nothing is off the table at this point and my time at the apartment expires end of September. I can't wait to see the ocean again. I'm an Irishman landlocked in Ottawa the last 10 years and haven't seen the sea in 8 years.
I love my 95 Astro.  The main thing about these vehicles is that they are built on a truck chassis so the frame and suspension are very durable.   400K is normal for these vehicles if taken care of.  

If you look around you can find Astros with under 100K if elderly driven.  I must admit I would rather have the room of a full sized van, but I like the ruggedness and reliability of my Astro.  Just my .02 for what its worth.
The truck chassis is very appealing to me on the Astros. It turns out I will be going smaller not bigger in the beginning at least. My 2002 Ford Escape will be where I start. Will update when I know more :)
It's a rhetorical question because I've seen the evidence online and Bob's channel of people doing it. But can I? I know it's doable. I'm just torn between the Astro/Safari vans and the next step up in size that I imagine is the Econoline / Express / Savana vans.

Is the Astro/Safari much different in size?

I've seen couples going full-time in these. It's only me and my dog. I'm a short dude as well, 5'4". So, I'm sure sleeping across in an Astro won't be a problem.
For my life on the road as a guitar teacher online I'll need to bring and electric and an acoustic. These could go in their cases under the bed. I'd need a little office where I can have my monitor and be able to give lessons.

I'm excited!

I get torn between the van sizes. Especially when a great condition Safari just popped up. A 2002 in Canada with no rust is special. Only 98,000 miles. It's a white cargo style with windows on the back doors, none on the sides.

I totally know it would be possible, but will I be happier with more space for me and my Springer Spaniel Blue? Will he be happier in something a little bigger?

I feel so close to being able to afford my van. I need to list my car for sale. Then I'll have the money when it goes so I'm hoping by end of July I'll have a van. By that time that Safari will likely be sold. It's in great condition.

I also wonder if I'd actually be happier in an Astro size? Due it's maneuverability. Especially if I had a lift kit put on it for ground clearance in the backcountry.

Has anyone downsized to an Astro/Safari from something bigger and what were your reasons and has it worked out better?

Thanks for reading. I'm grateful to have somewhere to post about this.

We acquired a 1984(?) Astro from a plumbing contractor.
About a hundred thousand miles and half beat to death.
4.3, 700R4, short-wheelbase.
We full-time lived-aboard during a half-year in Central America, SCUBA, kayaks on the lumber-rack.
Back in the states, we puttered around another couple years getting back to Oregon.
Two adults, no guitars.
Sold it for about our acquisition cost.
An aside:
In Belize, our caravan chums were burglarized.
The local LawEnforcementOfficials banged on neighborhood doors, located the goofballs with the missing gear, took the punks out to a ditch while slapping them around a goodly amount.
Two shots, eight minutes start-to-finish.
Excellent thank you! The Safari is $5800CAD. And you're right about excitement. I must be careful not to act out of it. I'm so glad I made this post because I am definitely now leaning towards the standard size vans. I go around in circles looking at both saying to myself "I know I'll be happier in a bigger van... but .... but the safari.. " lol. I'll wait till I have the cash and believe the right van will show at the right time. very grateful for your input!
I still scowl and sigh when I see an Astro in good condition, after having everything from a Camry to a Winnebago. Always looked like the absolute perfect size for a small person like myself. But, but... The Astro! I get it.
I still scowl and sigh when I see an Astro in good condition, after having everything from a Camry to a Winnebago. Always looked like the absolute perfect size for a small person like myself. But, but... The Astro! I get it.
Alas, the newest Astros are 15+ years old... The closest current day equivalent is the Promaster 118" WB. I don't understand why its not a more popular option amongst the minivan dwellers. It is large enough to be equipped with full RV amenities. It's 75" width is enough that a transverse bed would work for many folks and it's 66" height is tall enough that some folks could even stand up in it. If I could have two vans, the shorty Promaster would be my daily driver.

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