Camping at Quartzite

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Quiet times and BCM are two places. You can get a box at the post office. I have a P.O. box in both the laundry in Ehrenberg and the Post office in Blythe
The post office in Quqrtzsite is a little different for services than ones in larger towns in that it is privately owned but has a contract with the USPS to supply services in the town. There is no mail delivery to residential mailboxes in the town. The Q post office as a result is extremely busy. It also is too small of a building space to allow for 6 feet of social distancing and some of the patrons do not mask up. Also the outside door is usually closed so very poor air circulation and a thousands of touches on those door handles going on during the day. Bring your own hand sanitizer. High risk individuals are hereby forewarned to be extra careful when you enter the premisis; best not to go there around right before or after lunch when the general delivery packages are first being dispensed and the mail is finished being sorted into the personal mailboxes. Plus they close  the couters for the workers to have lunch. It is one of the riskiest places in town in terms of close contact with others.

To be fair they don't have the staff to do sanitizing or the space for social distancing. They are just doing the best they can in a tough situation and remember they are under constant stress.
I have used and will use Quiet Times again :) Dont even want to deal with the USPS general delivery here after reading loads of reviews.
jimindenver said:
Quiet times and BCM are two places. You can get a box at the post office. I have a P.O. box in both the laundry in Ehrenberg and the Post office in Blythe

I've been using BCM as my year-round mail forwarder for a couple of years now. They're nice people, competent. I'm happy with their service.

However, they have two versions of their address, one if you're sending/receiving via the Postal Service, and one for FedEx, UPS, etc. I can never remember the correct one and have to look it up each time.

Also, I've used the USPS office in Ehrenberg [font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]a couple of times for general delivery items. It's a small place, never busy.[/font]
Windy this evening, my tow vehicle sure comes in handy as a repositionable wind block to blunt the worst of it from my travel trsiler.,
I was watching some videos on YouTube, and La Posa has a sign that signs Dump Station (dry) and Dump Station (wet).

Whats the difference?
Freelander said:
I was watching some videos on YouTube, and La Posa has a sign that signs Dump Station  (dry) and Dump Station (wet).

Whats the difference?
The domp station dry is just for use with the portable blue boys. It is called dry because there is no water pi ped under ground to thst area. Instead the rinse hose s hooked up to a large portablle water tznk that is on a wheeled trailer. Not much water pressure comes out from that portable tank. Right now that "dry" waste water dump is closed, sign says its full. So everyone has to get in line to use the main dump. Good time to go is early in the morning or a short while before the sun sets. Some days in mid day there is a long line.
Hiyas La Posa South campers. A certain forum Angel (starts with a c, ends with a u) has located and is gifting me some really nice lemons. So I will be making a big batch of lemon curd to share with anyone and everyone who wants some. Think of it as a Christmas gift. Or winter gift. Or whatever. Just a gift. I will need more glass jars with lids though. So if you could, please save some jars with lids from 4 to 12 ounces is best, but 16-20 oz is ok too- tho I may not fill them all the way. I'm thinking I'll make it Monday or Tuesday.

While I'm asking for stuff, I could also use newspaper for lighting my chimney for baking. If you tend to throw away ads and newspapers, please pass them my way instead. I am not going off the LTVA enough to keep up with my baking.
I can bring some paper by this week. I have to go into town to the post office several times a week.

my most favorite folk tale was the little red hen. It still resonates strongly with me If/ when i get around them parts I'll be your biggest helper... especially for lemon curd and baked goods!!!
I already planning next years trip and I keep adding stops along the way. I plan to go to Sturgis for the Bike Rally first, (No I'm NOT going to pick a fight with the Mongols or any other group). Then make a stop by Deadwood, Mt Rushmore, and Yellowstone.

Make my way to Salt Lake City, then Reno for the Air Race, visit a Cousin in California, make my way down to Giant Rock, back up to Las Vegas, visit Hoover Dam, and then spend a week or 2 at the Grand Canyon, before finally arriving at Quartszite by Thansgiving.

I have added a few side trips I didn't list here.

It should be quite the trip.
Thanks so much Maki :)
You've been quiet about bread. Let me know if you want some. I will need someone to split my boule with me next bake.

Desert-sailing, I imagine that we will eventually cross paths. Looking forward to the day. Thanks for the reminder of the little red hen. That is a sweet little moral tale. But didn't she not share in the end? That is where we differ lol.
You know the 14-day dispersed camping permits you get in the Quartzsite area, and how you get a copy and they keep a copy? Ever wonder what happens to their copies? According to a woman I met who used to work at the BLM office, they compile the data and enter it into their system. But all they record is how many campers, where and when. They DO NOT record names, addresses or license plates. Those are on the permits so when/if rangers come around checking for permits they can see it's yours and you haven't overstayed. That means they don't have a way to tell whether you've left the area for the required time before getting another permit. There's nothing in their procedures that crosschecks their data, and the rangers don't have the data at hand anyway. So you could get a permit at, say, Dome Rock, use it at any of the sites, then get another permit at Roadrunner, then Hi Jolly, then Scaddan Wash, then Plamosa Road... Just move around occasionally so you don't call attention to yourself.
Over use is what is causing problems, this is just the way the government is trying to deal with it by tracking numbers. If people do what you are suggesting illegally (and without concern for the land) it will just trigger more enforcement and more problems. Even remote areas get aerial counts. It is easy now to just move the required distance and obey the laws, please don’t cause them to start closing areas due to over use. It would be fairly easy to identify rigs and increase enforcement if they need to.
Personally I think after 14 days I would definitely need to move, if for nothing else to dump my tanks and get food and water.
The $180 permit would pay for almost 2 1/2 months compared to the $40 for every 14 days.
The 14 day permits they are referring to are in free areas just outside the long term stay areas I believe.
bullfrog said:
Over use is what is causing problems, this is just the way the government is trying to deal with it by tracking numbers. If people do what you are suggesting illegally (and without concern for the land) it will just trigger more enforcement and more problems. Even remote areas get aerial counts. It is easy now to just move the required distance and obey the laws, please don’t cause them to start closing areas due to over use. It would be fairly easy to identify rigs and increase enforcement if they need to.

The irony is that BLM is underfunded and getting increased funding depends, in part, on increased use of public lands. I imagine there's some optimal number for sufficient funding without overuse.

I don't think overuse will be an issue in the QZT area this year, what with Canadians unable to enter the country. Things were rather quiet when i was there a few days ago, as if it's October or March.
It may be that like a lot of Government Agency's they are 'self funded'. So permits and fines may be the best way for to finance their work.
Freelander said:
It may be that like a lot of Government Agency's they are 'self funded'. So permits and fines may be the best way for to finance their work.
[font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]Many recrea[font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]tion programs are self-funded, a[font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]t bo[font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]th [font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]the s[font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]ta[font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]te and federal levels.

Bu[font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]t BLM manages much[size=small][font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif] more [size=small][font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]than recrea[size=small][font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]tion, so [size=small][font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]they do ge[size=small][font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]t a lo[size=small][font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]t of[/font][/font][/size][font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif][size=small][font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif] federal funding.[/font][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/size][/font][/font]
It is not just Canadians that are not showing up in Q this winter. A considerable number of the normal winter time campers have homes in colder regions and just  come south for the winter sun and warmth chose to stay at home. A rational decision to make with such a large cluster of new things to factor into travel plans for 2020/2021.

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