California $15 an hour minimum wage passed

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While I think it may be a good thing for many, it will be inflationary and therefore hard on those of us on fixed incomes.
they just did that here in oregon over the next few years,i'll bet thats how much a hamburger will cost soon $15
ok we all realize that employers that have to pay this will have to raise the price of their services or goods to cover this cost, right? Kalifornia is already outrageously expensive, gas is more, food is more, rent is more, everything is more expensive. how does this help anyone, the ones who it hurts the most are those that can least afford it. if you are rich it doesn't hurt at all. highdesertranger
Keeping the thread on mobile lifestyle, I'm trying to figure out how a van dweller can use this to their advantage to save money since they can possibly avoid paying rent.
pros80 said:
Keeping the thread on mobile lifestyle, I'm trying to figure out how a van dweller can use this to their advantage to save money since they can possibly avoid paying rent.

live and shop in arizona/nevada and work in cali?
avoid CA if you want to save money. I am getting out. like I said nothing is cheap or even reasonable in CA. highdesertranger
Yeah, my time in Ca is limited.
Too expensive, even for a van dweller, and too high a percentage of the population acts like their poop does not stink, rules simply don't apply to them, and can only converse about the topic of money, who they know, and what they own. Where shallow and superficial are somehow considered positive character attributes.

15 dollar minimum wage will significantly increase the prices of everything, and those earning minimum wage will still be in the same boat. The only beneficiary will be to the tax collector's bosses, so they can justify their more and more ridiculous laws.
haha Gary that's one long commute. Stern I couldn't agree more. highdesertranger
I respectfully disagree.There should be a $15 per hr minimum wage nationwide,along with universal health care.That people like Donald Trump and the Waltons can stash hundreds of billions of dollars in personal wealth while refusing to pay wages that people can live on is obscene.
There is another category of people who get hit hard by minimum wage hikes of 50%. People like me who earn more than the new minimum wage, but not significantly more. My income will not go up 50% over the next five years. I'll be lucky if it goes up 20%, really lucky. A minimum wage hike like this will effectively mean a pay cut for me in terms of the actual real world value of my take home pay.
sephson said:
There is another category of people who get hit hard by minimum wage hikes of 50%. People like me who earn more than the new minimum wage, but not significantly more. My income will not go up 50% over the next five years. I'll be lucky if it goes up 20%, really lucky. A minimum wage hike like this will effectively mean a pay cut for me in terms of the actual real world value of my take home pay.

Actually, $15 an hour will hurt the poor workers.  At that wage, 30 hours a week will remove them from the free medi-cal health program.  In insurance will cost more than the increase in wages
Successful business do well because they know their numbers and calculate the profit. The idea that govt forcing a wage increase won't get passed on to consumers and create a commensurate increase in the cost of living is illogical to me.
All operating costs are passed on to the consumer. Always! Business will hire less people and the costs of goods and services will go up. Summer Jobs for teenagers will be gone as a result. This will hurt the poor. Two people working in entry level jobs is better than one. A 'share the wealth kind of deal.' Small business will be hurt too. You know, Mom and Pop business....
Bob Dickerson said:
I respectfully disagree.There should be a $15 per hr minimum wage nationwide,along with universal health care.That people like Donald Trump and the Waltons can stash hundreds of billions of dollars in personal wealth while refusing to pay wages that people can live on is obscene.

Why stop at $15? Why not $20 or $30? Why not insist that everyone is paid $60,000 a year? Why not base it on local economy, San Francisco= $50 an hr. Little Rock, Arkansas= $15 Why not let government control every aspect of life, including where you are allowed to live and what you must do for a living.
Bob Dickerson said:
I respectfully disagree.There should be a $15 per hr minimum wage nationwide,along with universal health care.That people like Donald Trump and the Waltons can stash hundreds of billions of dollars in personal wealth while refusing to pay wages that people can live on is obscene.

Well, Blaming Walmart and Trump is pretty selective. Wonder why you never mentioned Disney, Soros, Jobs, Gates....

How about holding both political parties responsible for the jobs being shipped overseas because the stock owners wanted more profit?

and whipping the public which didn't want to pay $125 for a pair of shoes...
Ok, folks, I'm reading political agendas now. I'm not sure it can be avoided. We're getting close to shutting down this thread.
Has any of you ever been disabled, and forced to find any job to feed your family?  I have been there, and it sucks!

"Go find a better job" is easy to say.  In many places the employers pay as little as they can get away with.  Why?  Because they can by law!  Rent is in the 4 digits in CA.  If there is no public transportation, then you need a car, insurance, and maintenance costs.  All this and at the end of the week you are still eating peanut butter on a spoon because you do not have the $1.50 for bread. 

Many of the members here are struggling to survive, and an extra $1 an hour will make the difference between getting that med they need,  or getting sicker and not being able to work at all.    

The $15 an hour is a gradual thing, not an immediate.  

Look at history and see what has happened when people are unable to feed their families.   :dodgy:  (Rome comes to mind) 

Somethings gotta give, and is damn sure is not a lot of the previous posters!   :mad:  You sound like the guy that announced here on the open forum  that any van dwellers he saw would get an immediate response from LEO.  (Not in my neighborhood!)

Does anyone have a honest solution?

I deliberately left out any political references. This is a human thing. We should be helping as we can!
Not being a rich person, I can see thinking that the rich big business scions should pay their workers more, because they can afford it!!! I want everyone to receive a living wage!

Perhaps, though, that is just my emotions jumping into the situation. The big guy has too much. The little guy doesn't have enough.

After years of hard work, scrimping and saving, my husband and I were able to open a small restaurant in Western Montana in the early 90s. We buy a lot of our beef locally, I grow produce for the restaurant, and we hire locally. We donate locally. We are a benefit to our community.

My husband died 3 years ago. My daughter now runs the restaurant. She and her children, as well as myself, are dependent on that small business, as are our 19 employees.

If the minimum wage goes to $15 in Montana, these things will probably happen:
1. The high school kids we hire, who wash dishes and clean off tables will be making the same amount of money as our cooks - with 5, 10, or more years of experience. (Unless we raise their wages too! A HUGE financial drain on our small business!)
2. The price of - oh, say a hamburger - will go up to around $13 to $15. That's way out of range for someone on a fixed income, (like myself) or someone whose wages did NOT go up, and they were barely making it before.
3. The opportunities that our restaurant provided for high schoolers to have a job - will be severely curtailed. To take up the slack, I'll be washing dishes. My daughter will work 70 hours instead of 60 a week. We won't be able to afford our employees.
4. Donations from us to our community will, out of necessity, be slashed!

The one bright spot might be, that if we cannot keep the restaurant open, my daughter might be able to find a job that will pay her $15 an hour - if there are still any small businesses left in the Bitterroot Valley. (I probably won't be able to though. You might pay a 17 year old kid $15 an hour, but not a disabled woman in her 70s.)