buying land to make a new truly free place

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I've had this idea bopping around in my head. Property to be in a state with no income tax. The place would be an early retirement home.

There'd be a hostel, a couple dorms & private rooms. Full Kitchen, shared bathrooms. And some campsites, with and without hookups, maybe only sprinter van and smaller spaces. Maybe some other facilities - hot tub?

So you could pay a base of $X to have this place as your address. And this would include separating mail. You could pay extra to get it forwarded. And then you pay per night you stay, cost depending on what type of spot. There'd be fairly regular transport for grocery shopping & go to airport for people who didn't have vehicles.
frater secessus said:
I live on 3 acres of land (family property) in a rural county and fully intended to retire there. 

After being hands-off for 97 years, this little village of 700 people has begun taxing, spending and interfering like their big city brethren.   Must be on the grid.  Must get permission to put a trailer on your own land, and it cannot be more than 10 years old (!!!). Police department has two new vehicles, which is one more than the number of police officers.  Code enforcement has a new vehicle.  Code enforcement, in a tiny, poor hamlet where the average property value (house and land) is less than $50,000.    The water department (two people) has a new vehicle.  We built a children's playground (~60k) which is unused because kids have land to play on in their own ^&$# back yards.

I attended every city and county council meeting until my new work schedule ruled that out.   I raised these concerns regularly and was patted on the head.  I tell you all this because if it happened in my "zero stop lights" town it can happen anywhere.

Also, it's hard to believe one owns paid off  real property when the State can seize it for not paying yearly tribute or if they claim they found a pot plant. I now consider land ownership to be another way for the State to gain leverage over people.  I used to think land meant freedom;  now I see it as another shackle to be cast off.

These are contributing factors to my personal secession and plans for vanlife retirement.
Wow! Jason, that sounds just awful. Do you mind saying which state you're in? Best of luck with your vanning plans!
One possibility is to offer ourselves up as space guinea pigs.  The Russians have done it in the past with animals without their permission.
They've savaged countless turtles and prairie dogs.
You could volunteer.  It is easy to set up space junk cargo trailers where you'd have unlimited solar power & solar for food growth.
Water could be frozen in a big ice chunk attached to your trailer.
Reflextic during the day and when in shadow would need a heat source, maybe rocks on outside of reflextic that would absorb heat for shadow times.
Probably couldn't come back alive but when orbit ended with re-entry would be free cremation with worldwide dispersion.  Pretty neat.
thehotflashpacker said:
base of $X to have this place as your address.  And this would include separating mail.  You could pay extra to get it forwarded.  And then you pay per night you stay, cost depending on what type of spot.  There'd be fairly regular transport for grocery shopping & go to airport for people who didn't have vehicles.
This would be easier to set up than Russian space experimental volunteerism program
frater secessus said:
I live on 3 acres of land (family property) in a rural county and fully intended to retire there. 

After being hands-off for 97 years, this little village of 700 people has begun taxing, spending and interfering like their big city brethren.   Must be on the grid.  Must get permission to put a trailer on your own land, and it cannot be more than 10 years old (!!!). Police department has two new vehicles, which is one more than the number of police officers.  Code enforcement has a new vehicle.  Code enforcement, in a tiny, poor hamlet where the average property value (house and land) is less than $50,000.    The water department (two people) has a new vehicle.  We built a children's playground (~60k) which is unused because kids have land to play on in their own ^&$# back yards.

I attended every city and county council meeting until my new work schedule ruled that out.   I raised these concerns regularly and was patted on the head.  I tell you all this because if it happened in my "zero stop lights" town it can happen anywhere.

Also, it's hard to believe one owns paid off  real property when the State can seize it for not paying yearly tribute or if they claim they found a pot plant. I now consider land ownership to be another way for the State to gain leverage over people.  I used to think land meant freedom;  now I see it as another shackle to be cast off.

These are contributing factors to my personal secession and plans for vanlife retirement.

WOW, that's unreal.  You'd think you would be free on your own land, but nope.  I have a cousin who bought a really nice house.  It's cute in a nice subdivision.  She wanted to plant a tree in the back yard for a little shade.  NOPE.  The HOA says no way.  Not only that but they are paying for the privilege of having someone tell them what they can and can't do on their own property.  That's craziness.

Awhile back I was interested in looking to buy property to camp on and found all kinds of roadblocks in my way.  I decided it's better to just camp on public ground or campgrounds and be done with all this.  It just would be easy to set up camp in your own place, to be or not to be on the grid.  To dig your own well for water or truck it in at will.  To not have to have a pricey septic system but have a composting system.  But no.  You can't even make choices like that.

The true freedom is not owning a piece of land.  Not paying taxes on it.  If you try to own a place, you just end up finding out the answer to your dreams is NO.
At one time I thought about selling some 1 acre lots to vandwellers and rv owners.After thinking it over,I think the devaluation in my property would wipe out any income from selling lots.Not to mention I might end up with another slab city.I think I'll let sleeping dogs lie and just enjoy my place.
Reading the comments I agree with everyone else. It sounds nice in theory though. Buying a small boat and hitting the ocean (on the Pacific side) would be easier for free rent free realestate living. But there’s always issues there as well like docking for supplies. I remember in the 70’s and 80’s when I lived in West TX, you could just pull over off the road in middle of nowhere and and setup shop as long as you weren’t trespassing.

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