buying land to make a new truly free place

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Dec 29, 2017
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Hey everyone,
Just joined the forums but have been watching Bob's videos. Since a lot of us are interested places where we can park for free forever and those are more and more scarce, I thought about a plan where a bunch of people land work cooperatively with others and getting everyone to pitch in secure a rural property in NV or AZ and open it up to the community. If say 25 people pitched in on a $10,000 property say in NV, that's $400 each to create a free place to camp forever. I'm thinking one would have to set up an LLC or perhaps a Nonprofit to register the land? What are your thoughts on this?
If I were inclined to buy a place, it would be much simpler and easier, and in line with my introverted nature, to just get it myself. Dealing with 24 other people? Yuck.
My thoughts are that I have thought about this and posted about this a few times. My suggestion is that you find your tribe of folks you get along with well. I'd never invest with strangers. Set up the basic guidelines/covenants regarding trash, visitors, selling out, dwellings, taxes, property upgrades, etc... As long as everyone is in agreement theoretically there shouldn't be an issue but you know those pesky humans. I'd go with a much smaller group and keep all the finances transparent with multiple signatures required on any outgoings. Change leadership often so everyone has a chance to wear the big pants. Probably many more points to cover but I think if it is done right it could be a reasonable way to get your winter home secured so you don't have to move but once in and once out.
I dont think it would work.  

I have never seen 25 people who all agreed on anything.  Except maybe the idea of eating food and sleeping, and even then there are differences.

And you have to realize that is 25 investors - there may be a couple that would be counted as only one investor.  You are basically trying to set up a hamlet or a very small village.  That is a lot of work that is being looked at.

A group that large is going to create a lot of traffic on the roads around the land.  If there are neighbors they might not think it is such a grand idea.  Might have trouble with the country commission and zoning.  

But then maybe it will work - shrug - I may just be pessimistic.
There have been several threads in the past on this topic, you should review them. I don’t think this is a bad idea at all, but the many issues involved, mostly jurisdictional restrictions, make implantation a long shot at best.

Just my opinion based upon conclusions by folks who have done some pretty thorough research on this idea . . .
The concept is great, but........federal, state, and county regulations would kill the idea. Seems like no one wants anyone to live full time in a RV under any circumstances on any land anywhere. Sure they will allow us a RV on land while building a permanent structure on your land with time restrictions as long as one plays their game and builds something they feel is adequate and safe and dumps money back into their society. 

What ever happened to the freedom to choose how and where one lives and survives. Time for all govt to get the hell out of our lives. For some of us older folks the only freedom we have is to end up somewhere in a box left to die.......nursing homes etc....... For me trying to survive on any limited income is getting harder everyday. And with housing being the most expense in today's society people wonder why so many end up on the streets homeless, broken, and sick. For me, buying something decent to live out my remaining time here will take all that I have, with a little emergency funds. Who has the right to say that RV living is wrong for me?

If one looks back at the pioneer days many of a settlement, community, town, cities were initiated and formed around similar ideas and they turned out well!!!!!!!

My respect goes out to all nomads, tribes, secret societies, RV dwellers everywhere, and whatever exists out there that has the power to stand up to the man and 
follow their dreams and aspirations!!!
If the idea resonates with you, keep pursuing until either it comes to fruition or is dropped from being impossible. You may be the person that finds a way that has never considered before or you may find out that the system is too integrated in every nook and cranny of our lives.
Welcome to the CRVL forums Moe! This is definitely an interesting idea but it comes with a multitude of problems. Let us know if you find any places where it could work.

To help you learn the ins and outs of these forums, this "Tips & Tricks" post lists some helpful information to get you started. We look forward to hearing more from you.
I live on 3 acres of land (family property) in a rural county and fully intended to retire there. 

After being hands-off for 97 years, this little village of 700 people has begun taxing, spending and interfering like their big city brethren.   Must be on the grid.  Must get permission to put a trailer on your own land, and it cannot be more than 10 years old (!!!). Police department has two new vehicles, which is one more than the number of police officers.  Code enforcement has a new vehicle.  Code enforcement, in a tiny, poor hamlet where the average property value (house and land) is less than $50,000.    The water department (two people) has a new vehicle.  We built a children's playground (~60k) which is unused because kids have land to play on in their own ^&$# back yards.

I attended every city and county council meeting until my new work schedule ruled that out.   I raised these concerns regularly and was patted on the head.  I tell you all this because if it happened in my "zero stop lights" town it can happen anywhere.

Also, it's hard to believe one owns paid off  real property when the State can seize it for not paying yearly tribute or if they claim they found a pot plant. I now consider land ownership to be another way for the State to gain leverage over people.  I used to think land meant freedom;  now I see it as another shackle to be cast off.

These are contributing factors to my personal secession and plans for vanlife retirement.
geogentry brought up a good point about access. my sister lives in Oregon there are 8 houses in her neighborhood. the lots are all about 40 acres for a total of 320 acres, 1/2 section. this 1/2 section is completely surrounded by BLM land. a requirement to get access through BLM they had to form an HOA. the BLM reviews the rules of the HOA every 2 years and have imposed restrictions as far as access roads. there is only one legal access road and the BLM tells them what type of road and how to maintain it. I am just saying there are a lot of hidden issue with this type of situation. any government agency that can get their nose in it will. highdesertranger
^^^ The realities of modern day life, society and how we have evolved. The romantic notion of a nomadic tribe and property is idyllic. Look how well communes worked in the 60s and why we have so many today.

Planning a community is the reality of this, with many aspects to consider; logistics, governance, egos, personal choice, obligations, local realities, etc...

It's a great idea, possible with compromises which then will make it less attractive. Will have to be way out in the boonies, far from neighbors, smaller group be more realistic. 

Can be done, but will require probably more money than originally thought, more limitations, obligations, etc... Zoning and local laws will come into play, like it or not. They will introduce themselves and show you the way forward. Just like Frater's reality.

Once upon a time, that is how the world was, common and possible. That ship has sailed. Unfortunately.

Many are doing it today but without structure, permanent location, organization, and being nomadic in the Southwest, under the radar. 
Can't have it all in life.
It definitely can be done. Organization comes first. Check out co-housing for a successful model on a full construction cooperative.
I once thought that "owning" some rural property would let me do just about whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted. This is what everyone wants to, and wants _you_ to believe. Ya, whatever.

I am now completely jaded by the whole thing, and am looking to cash out and search out other unconventional living arrangements like many others here.
the vast majority of communes failed. very few from the 60's are still around today. highdesertranger
Why not just make it an RV park? Many are owned by the residents

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Having looked into this it is a can of worms, I have given up on owning land and expecting to have it "my way" Rules and Regs predominate the landscape. Not saying to give it up
but could turn into a full time battle. An Official RV park stands a chance.
Hmm since I'm not interested in really starting a business, but I do understand the legal mechanisms of business entities. I wonder if setting up an RV park but charging a ceremonial amount per year (ie less than 20 bucks a year) would work.

Also it seems like doing something like this is much easier than ever because there's kickstarter and gofundme.
If you don't approach it the same way you would a for-profit very unlikely to be viable.

Most businesses make low margins anyway.

Maybe a co-op structure, any real profits distributed as dividends to members, but you'd still need a solid biz model, lots of capital, detailed plans and most especially good lawyers on tap.

Anything innovative in land use is very likely to be fought tooth and nail by TPTB.
Most of the communes of the 60s failed because they poisoned themselves....completely ignorant of septic systems and hygiene.

Of those that managed to be self-sustaining...most were owned by one person, or one couple that created legal deeded access or rightofway to "members" who met requirements.
I know of one that still exist today....they are full-blown enterprise in music and arts