That looks very similar to some factory cases I had on a Suzuki GS 1000. Talk about a monster bike! I could have moved half my house in one trip on that thing. Had a big windjammer faring on it that I could put my purse, pistol, mag-light, dogs water bowl, a map, some tools to work on the bike, extra bottle of gatorade and a few other things depending on the trip. The suitcases were really nice when I stayed in motels. I just detached them and took them into the room. I finally got tired of my shoulders hurting from the handle bars being so far away and got a Kawasaki Vulcan that actually fits my body instead of trying to fit my body to the bike.<br><br>Very cool modification Mobilekev! Any plans on putting some kind of back or pole on the tubing so that you can stack up camping supplies between it and your back?