Buddy Heater - Pilot light failures

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Well-known member
Apr 7, 2021
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I was considering getting a non vented (to the outside) Buddy Heater just to have it in my arsenal of equipment.
I will be staying somewhere next month for a few weeks where getting a port (hole through a wall etc) to run a diesel heater pipe to the outside might be very challenging.

So I was looking at reviews of them.
A recurring problem I see is with the pilot light system.
it seems many people have severe ongoing issues with the pilot light system where it either won't start at all or wont keep the heater going.

If you have used a Buddy Heater for some time, what is your experience and have you had troubles like that?

The one I looked at is on Amazon for $86.00. It seems Lowes also carries it for a bit less (if and when they have it available).
Am I looking at an Original Buddy Heater or is this a cheap knock off version? It is also called a "Mr. Heater"

Mr. Heater F232000 MH9BX​

in this listing.


Typically the Buddy heater pilot jet will become plugged with oil from the propane. A tiny drop is all it takes. The pilot jet can be cleaned out but the heater must be largely disassembled to remove the jet. The orifice is so small that you'll never find a strand of wire small enough to fit through but there is another way. I clean it by carving down a pencil eraser with a pocket knife so it fits snugly inside the larger cylinder part of the jet, then I put a drop of lighter fluid in the jet and use the eraser as a piston to force the lighter fluid through the orifice. I also used compressed air to blow out the lines and remove any residual oil. After reassembly the heater will work until the next time it cloggs.
Unless the filter design has changed over the last 3 years, they don't work. After my buddy heater clogged up for the 3rd time I cut the filter apart to see if it contained any oil. It did not. Also cut one apart that belonged to a friend having the same clogging problem and found the same thing, no oil.
I’ve had my Buddy for 5 years and have used it a bunch each winter. It has had issues with both lighting and staying lit. I’ve always been able to resolve them with a cleaning procedure I found somewhere on the internet that involves a q-tip, alcohol, and canned air. If it quits working for good, I’ll say it was money well spent and replace it with its twin.

Mr Heater = make
Buddy = model (there are sizes/outputs within the model)
I have a Big Buddy, only because one winter the regular one burner model had clogging pilot issues and attempting to disassemble the pilot metal fuel line it twisted, next door neighbor gave me that bigger one, was new... Using the Big Buddy as sole heat source for about the last 7 years.

Main issue for me has been pilot stuff. If on the floor, there is a hole in pilot line, I believe the oxygen sensor. If you have pets it is like a little vacuum cleaner and clogs up, with dust or pet hair etc. Usually not during the season, but pilot hole clogs after it sits all winter, it needs cleaned.

Caution is... These things are a real pain to take apart and since you are looking at the pilot jet coupling, which makes it easiest to clean, if you turn the wrong way.. It breaks the line or twists it and it's useless.
They do not offer metal line parts.. I called. Same problem with both of them. I bought some rubber propane fuel line and cut the metal line and put rubber on it. Now 4 years few issues.
My advice is make sure the hole in pilot line is visible thru the vertical air slots in the bottom of the unit. So if that clogs you can clean without disassembly.

Word is to disconnect the tipover deal.... A personal choice but if it falls over it will shut off anyways because the pilot won't hit the metal bar to keep it going.

I do not have filters... I see most oil buildup on the burner orafice... Wipe it clean I am done.

For the money these heaters are worth it even with the issues.. I have hole in floor, line goes outside to 20 lb. Tank...
It keeps me warm
I have been using buddy heater for 3 years now. Haven't had any problems with it. I'm using the mid-sized Mr. Heater buddy version. You need to service once in a while, although I haven't had to completely disassemble mine yet... But then I put it back in the box when I don't need to use it any more instead of leaving it out to get dusty.

Not overly difficult, if tedious, to maintain.
I'm in Salt lake city and I use my portable Buddy heater more than most no filter no problem I had the pizo ingnition fail nothing else just light it with a long reach lighter and it works every time
I have been using buddy heater for 3 years now. Haven't had any problems with it. I'm using the mid-sized Mr. Heater buddy version. You need to service once in a while, although I haven't had to completely disassemble mine yet... But then I put it back in the box when I don't need to use it any more instead of leaving it out to get dusty.

Not overly difficult, if tedious, to maintain.

I gathered that the mid sized and larger units have this issue less than the smaller ones.
Isn't the best solution to these problems the use of an "Oil Free" hose if you use a hose to connect to a larger tank?

Also, that might suggest that if you always only use the small green 1Lb tanks, you should never have the oil in the system problem.

So, if you've been using yours for a long time with no issues you most likely always used the small 1Lb green tanks or got an Oil Free hose is that correct?
Isn't the best solution to these problems the use of an "Oil Free" hose if you use a hose to connect to a larger tank?

Also, that might suggest that if you always only use the small green 1Lb tanks, you should never have the oil in the system problem.

So, if you've been using yours for a long time with no issues you most likely always used the small 1Lb green tanks or got an Oil Free hose is that correct?
I've been connecting mine to a 20 lbs tank for more than 3 years now. The only problem I had was with one of those heat-powered fans... Worked amazingly for about 2 weeks then I started to smell burning plastic... The fan housing had started melting!