Border patrol and canabis

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Well-known member
Oct 16, 2018
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Wherever I hang my hat.
Be careful when carrying legal canabis in Ca. and transiting to Az. The dog hit on a scent and we were pulled in and tossed at the Blythe border  patrol check point where we were informed that as a detainee at a federal facility that state law was inconsequential and we were in violation yet allowed to go on our way.  Not sure that if they felt like it they could detain you for proper authorities ie Arizona enforcement as their canabis laws are still back in the stone age no pun intended
Where is this checkpoint? I thought I knew all of them in that area.
Hwy 78 tween Brawley and Blythe. Think it was about 10 or so miles south of Blythe. Been a month so memory a little sketchy....and no..I don't smoke that  crap my GF does :)
Marijuana is legal with a medical card in Az. Recreational use is still prohibited in Az. It's still not legally recognized anywhere on a federal level. The hwys running north and south in Az. are smuggling routes and what the checkpoints are looking for is that activity. Personal amounts are generally of no concern to them.
Sikafishn said:
Hwy 78 tween Brawley and Blythe. Think it was about 10 or so miles south of Blythe.

Unless they moved it in the past couple of years, it's a few miles NE of Ogilby road on 78.  About 50 miles from Blythe.  Only stops Northbound traffic.
I've been through checkpoints 5 or 6 times in New Mexico in the last month and I've not seen a single dog or had an agent say anything more to me than Have a nice day as he waves me on past. I've never even been asked if I'm a US citizen, although I'm a middle aged fat white guy so maybe that's why.

Pretty much how it is everytime I go through one. I always wonder where these checkpoints are where they have dogs working and doing much more than standing around waving people by.
Sikafishn said:
Hwy 78 tween Brawley and Blythe. Think it was about 10 or so miles south of Blythe.

Okay, I know that one. I wouldn't think of it as a Blythe location, though. And the reference to Arizona threw me, since someone could be on 78 with no plans to go to Arizona. 

It seems what you're saying is that even though weed is totally legal in California, the federal government hasn't legalized it, so watch out for Border Patrol checkpoints—wherever they are—because sometimes they have sniffer dogs working and sometimes they don't.
texas0322 said:
I've been through checkpoints 5 or 6 times in New Mexico in the last month and I've not seen a single dog...

It's hit and miss, even at the same checkpoints. For example, I've been through the ones between Yuma and Why, east of Yuma, between Ajo and Gila Bend, and between Why and Tuscon many times and they've had dogs working maybe one out of five times.
MrNoodly said:
It's hit and miss, even at the same checkpoints. For example, I've been through the ones between Yuma and Why, east of Yuma, between Ajo and Gila Bend, and between Why and Tuscon many times and they've had dogs working maybe one out of five times.

Interesting. I guess they may have areas that are hotter smuggling "routes" perhaps.
you must remember it is still against federal law and most state law. even in states that say it's legal it is still illegal on BLM, National Forest, National Parks, National Wildlife Refuges, etc. highdesertranger
On 95 between Quartzsite and Yuma yesterday they had a dog. They have a couple of women pulled over and were searching her car.
Cammalu said:
On 95 between Quartzsite and Yuma yesterday they had a dog. They have a couple of women pulled over and were searching her car.

I went through there this morning (2/25/19) and there was a sign that said Do Not Stop and the booth was unmanned. So you never know what you're going to get.
If they "Dog" you, break it out and show it to them instead of hiding it.
They are ignoring herb, but still seeking meth/coke.
The dog is going to find it an explanation goes a long way.

(Or...have about four dogs with you, barking @ the search dog and they usually will not even try to search you.)

I've done the "Am I being detained...SIR?" thing many times. I wish everyone would.
(Those many-miles-into-the-US "checkpoints" really stick in my craw sideways.)

Mimic this guy and 9 out of ten times, the officer will not be able to talk after you spit the phrase out...they end up laughing too hard... is too short to take yourself that seriously.

(A moment of silence for the great Leo Burmester. Peace be upon him.)
It was pretty much "outta the any weapons....sit over there..When it was over they got a heaping helping of righteous indignation. I felt we were being singled out cuz we were in a van conversion not a class a pusher which really piised me off and I let em know about it. Oh well guess that's the way it goes in the land of the free....I could get real political right about now but...oh know...
Give your drugs to me for "safe" disposal. I promise I will never flush them and will dispose of them in a manner that respects both the sewage disposal issue and the I'm not a snitch issue.
I have found over the years that in general the cops don't bother me if I don't break any laws.


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