Big item delivery

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Well-known member
Oct 11, 2018
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While living in your van, how does one have big items delivered/picked up for example some thing from amazon or UPS.
I am mostly around small towns. I will go to the businesses in town and ask them if they will receive a large package for a small fee. I have had good luck that way.

UPS and Fedex will deliver anywhere that has an address, Last year while in Oregon I had several deliveries made right to my camp. Once the divers recognized who was ordering they wouldn't even go to the house on the property anymore, they would go straight to my camp.

This may not address your question but Amazon will often give you the option for picking up the item at a local hub.

Outside of that I like the answer of asking a local business to allow you to have something dropped off there.
This is such good info on Highdesertrangers as well as the other replies! I wanted to order something but knew I'd be out camping but I maybe could have it delivered to a UPS, or to a town closeby if it has a place like our town, called Mailroom where they handle all the UPS biz!

Thanks for asking the question Fraz ;) Denise
If you are shipping using USPS, you can have it delivered as "general delivery" or use the address of the post office. Contact the post offic you are going to have it sent to and let them know its coming and provide your phone number so they can call you when its there.
Yes contact the Post Office BEFORE you have it shipped there. Some do not do general delivery. Others will let you know how they would like you to proceed. I have had good results this way. They have even let me no how to get around Amazon's ban on shipping to a P.O. Box.

I use Postal Annex. I don't know exactly how "big" you are talking about, but I got a QuickSet shelter from Amazon, and Postal Annex accepted it just fine. Box was 7 feet long, and probably about 12" each side.

You don't have to rent a postal box from them - although if you're going to be in an area for several months, it's probably cheaper. Otherwise, you pay a fee for each package you pick up.

Just call the location you'd like to use, and ask them how to address the package. I imagine just about any place that offers private mail boxes would do the same.
...Fed Ex greed oops business practices allows for contractors to advertise small package deliveries to use as bait to hire unsuspecting drivers; turnover rate is at an alarming number.
Don't forget that Home Depot, Lowes, Walmart, Cabellas, Target, Sears, and many otber companies also have a selection of items offered online only with free delivery to some of their store locations. Amazon is only one of the options for the free delivery pickup at a store concept. But it is much more difficult to arrange in small towns versus larger towns and cities.
I ordered my SUV tent via Walmart on-line and picked it up at a local store.
Some UPS stores have post office boxes. If you get a box at one of these you can have anything UPS delivers to a street address delivered there.
It also can accept stuff from Fedex and USPS.
Wish I knew that before I paid for my USPS POBOX.
And yeah those Amazon and UPS drop box things are showing up more places.
If we are talking about Aluminess Bumpers or similar I'm pretty sure a non-USPS PO box is the way to go.