Big Blue version 3.0

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Well-known member
May 5, 2013
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Planet Earth
In 2011 I rebuilt the interior of the van from it’s original configuration. Since then I have done minor tweaks, but have only threatened to complete another rebuild. I have been living in the van full-time since then, making it much more difficult to do any sort of rebuild. This year, I finally stopped threatening and got-’er-done!

While I was in Utah last month I relocated one of the counter/cabinets from the passenger side of the van to the driver’s side, giving me one long counter space on the driver’s side of the van. I then slapped together an overhead shelf above that to house the microwave and the dry-foods I regular, clearing up both counter-top and pantry storage space. The cabinets got some much needed new panel board and cabinet doors to freshen up the old particle board which was slowly breaking apart.


Go to my blog for larger images

This past week I completely removing the entire couch/bed and rear storage systems. This accounted for the rear five feet of the floor space; space I planned to use very differently…

Due to my height (6 foot) and the van’s 5′ 11″ width, the bed had always been uncomfortable to sleep on unless I slept diagonally. This forced me to keep the bed opened to it’s fullest width of 43″ (a waste of space) and even then I still touched each wall of the van when sleeping (they can be cold in the winters). The plan was to move the bed to one side and run it the length instead of the width of the van. This allows me to have a longer bed which was priority #1 in this rebuild.


Go to my blog for larger images

Continuing along the same lines as the counters, I built in a small desk which is easily accessible from either sitting on the couch/bed or adding in a folding chair. On the plus side was the perfect placement of the window with the desktop, allowing me a view while I work.

Beside that is the addition of a closet – also a priority in this build – to hold my clothing, blankets, and porta-potty. This was a result of the more frequent ‘tours’ I was giving of the van interior due to the increase in socializing this past year. It’s never fun having your undies on display to complete strangers. The final few inches of space was set aside for a tiny luxury that I was in dire need of; space to hang my jackets and button-up shirts.


Go to my blog for larger images

The end results of the rebuild was having my kitchen, pantry, desk, and closet running along the length of the driver’s side of the van. The passenger side has only the bed/couch system with cargo storage underneath for the batteries, tools, and other heavy items.

Before... (v2.0)

After... (v3.0)

I have already been living with this new configuration for the past few nights and I must say I am sleeping a lot better. Having a proper work-area and closet have been nice as well. I am still working on minor finishing touches (trim, stain, removable table, etc) but the build is 95% complete
Is anything stored between the bed and the passenger seat?
@Bindi&us - Yes, I decided to keep it. The more calls I got on Big Blue the more I wanted to keep it. I started having nightmares about it, so I called off the folks scheduled to take a look at it.


A "guest" would be nice, but doubtful. Not even planning ahead, I just have cushions for that size bed so it gets built that way.
VT, kinda hard giving up a trusted old friend. Hope Big Blue is with you for many more miles and adventures.

Guest...nothing like being prepared, ya never know ;)
Even vandwellers need lovin ;)
Very nice job! I know that you are going to enjoy being able to stretch out. The closet and desk area are very nice too!
This looks much more useable than what you had before as far as the sleeping set up. Congrats on putting together a nice set up. I'm envious of the work desk, I have a decent set up but it's a fold away desk that isn't permeant, so it's just not the same.
Very Nice! You have a lot of ideas that I wish I'd thought of before I got so far along on mine.
Organized and sharp-looking - love the safety curves. Great job!
A little more work done this weekend


A new pivoting end-table for those lazy days lying in bed watching movies on the laptop.


Freshly stained, the desk area struts it's stuff with a view. The space above will either hold a TV or a bookshelf. Still undecided.

So far the total cost of the rebuild is under $200. That includes the 4 sheets of nice 1/2in plywood (the 4 divider walls and the bed), 1 sheet of 1/4in panel board, the couple of 1X1 boards where needed, and the screws, stain, etc to finish it up. I even have a fair amount left over for smaller ideas in the van once I come around to thinking of them.

Such as, I want to build a spice rack above my stove. I have the wood for it, I just haven't found the time yet. Once I do, I will have a place to expand my spice collection.

I have also been considering replacing all the panel-board on the walls in the van, but that job is just too large for me to want to tackle right now. I am considering a nice wall paper instead just to freshen up the interior for a few more years until I get the guts to rip it all out and replace the panels.
When I do not have hookups I have Mr Buddy propane heater and I open the windows (and fans) on the hotter days.

When I do have hookups, I have a small 1500 watt electric heater and a small 5000 BTU air conditioner which fits perfectly in one of my windows.
More little projects being completed:

Recycling the old drawers from the original cabinets, I mounted them so they are accessible from the front of the bed/couch. An easy-access location for knick-knacks.



Mounted the 1000 watt inverter under bed/couch with access port cut through for ease of use. I plan to install a 12v plug as well as bring the shore-power 120v from the van wall to here. A "power center" if you will.


Some of the most visible paneling of the interior is the doors. That old beat up panel is seen by everyone, every time I open the door. It has been on my todo list for some time. Included on that todo was to add in some cut-out storage into the space of the door cavity. It is not much, but every inch counts in a van.

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Just below the awning, on the outside of the van, is a newly installed porch light. This is a result of seeing Leigh and Brian’s porch light on their trailer back in Jan/Feb. It took some time to find the light I wanted, but after two trips to Camping World I got it along with a switch. An hour later I had a porch light that can be turned on from inside the van. Woot!

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