best/cheapest/easiest way to find a place to sleep

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Feb 19, 2011
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I have just shelled out 99 dollars for a motel room at La Quinta b/c I had no idea if a travel center or a Walmart was coming up any time soon.<br><br>What I want to know is, are GPS's good for that kind of thing?&nbsp; Are there any websites with that information?&nbsp; I know I could go to every travel center company's website and look up their locations, but that's a lot of effort.&nbsp; Is there one website with all that information?&nbsp; <br><br>Sometimes it seems that you pass a travel center every few exits, and other times, you can go for miles and miles without anything.&nbsp; If I knew a travel center or walmart was coming up, I could have held out, but it was dark, and they had construction, and when they put those barriers up, they freak me out b/c the lane seems so narrow, and with my headlights reflecting off everything, I feel like I'm going to crash.<br><br>I guess that's what I get for not getting started until 11 a.m.<br><br>
Any gas station parking lot, &nbsp;open-late fast food parking lot, &nbsp;highway rest area, cheap hotel parking lot, &nbsp;etc. &nbsp;The odds that anyone will knock on your van door in these places if you've only been parked for 8 hours or so is really small. &nbsp;In my somewhat amateur opinion it seems you're being a little too selective about finding a place to park. &nbsp;Even with a GPS there's not always a walmart, sams club, or trucker stop nearby. &nbsp;<div><br></div><div>Once you've parked overnight in any old parking lot a whole bunch of times and you've never gotten a knock then you'll realize there's no reason to be super picky. &nbsp;Then again I'm in a stealth van.. if your van looks more like an RV maybe you'll get more knocks.. I doubt it though.</div><div><br></div><div>If a security guy or cop does knock just tell him you needed to pull off the highway to catch a wink so you don't fall asleep at at the wheel. &nbsp;Usually they don't care if you're there they just want to know what you're up to since it's their job to secure the area. &nbsp;</div><div><br></div><div><br><div>-triumph</div><div><br></div></div>
I've used a cheap Garmin Nuvi when travelling across country to find Walmarts and other businesses. It's been very handy and only have to key in the business name and it does the rest. It can also find many other places of interest like parks, hospitals, etc. It's database is huge. &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <br>
triumph said:
Any gas station parking lot, &nbsp;open-late fast food parking lot&nbsp;<DIV><BR><DIV>-triumph</DIV><DIV><BR></DIV></DIV><P>
</P><P><FONT size=3>I've slept in these places.&nbsp; I go in and ask if&nbsp;I can nap in their parking lot.&nbsp; No one has ever said no!</FONT></P>
had you parked in La Q's parking lot, you might have been good - I used to park in mid-sized chain Motels a lot when on the road intermittently and never once got even a knock or question. Not the solo Mom &amp; Pop places and obviously not the Hiltons etc. <br><br>the other places that I had success with were Denny's style, 24 Hr restaraunts - and a $1.99 breakfast was a treat to the wallet and dishwashing ;-) <br><br>both have lobby accessible&nbsp;bathrooms and lots of foot traffic so you have less % of standing out <br><br>I would stay away from gas stations, and would not be near 24 hr stores like 7/11 etc.<br><br>the other area, frankly, was suburbs - if it's really one night and you slide in late, stay quiet, dark&nbsp;and inside your vehicle, &amp;&nbsp;leave early you won't have much to worry about ...<br><br>one last thought - it's not the end of the world if someone knocks, it just means they're safety conscious and an officer is simply going to move you along if your domicile doesn't smell like reefer ... anyway, dats my 2cents<br>
I am aware of all the places I could potentially park.&nbsp; The problem is, I only sleep in the van when traveling to and from job assignments.&nbsp; I have lodging during my jobs.&nbsp; I'm not a full-timer.&nbsp; So, everytime I am on the road, it's like I'm a newbie, b/c I've gone months with regular lodging.<br><br>Also, I was having a lot of anxiety b/c of driving in the dark along roads with barriers up due to construction and I needed to calm down.&nbsp; So, I wanted to be someplace where I was absolutely sure to be undisturbed, hence why I wanted a truck stop or a walmart.&nbsp; I was already so upset that having someone knock on my door would've put me over the edge. I wouldn't have gotten any sleep at all.<br><br>When I am not so keyed up, I can take the time to look for a good place to park.&nbsp; I agree with all the places everyone mentioned above except for rest stops.&nbsp; I will use them for naps during the day, but not at night.&nbsp; And I wasn't in the mood for a few hours' nap, I wanted a full-night's sleep.<br><br>I was just hoping that there was something out there that would alert me to an upcoming travel center or walmart.&nbsp; I don't want to pay for a motel in that type of situation, only to get up the next day and find out that there was a flying J at the very next exit.<br><br>Like I said, if I wasn't desperate to get off the road, I would've been OK with hunting for a good spot.<br><br>I did come across Microsoft Streets and Tips.&nbsp; They have a truckstop add-on for it, apparently.&nbsp; Anyone know anything about it?<br><br>
Yeah learning to not be stressed about random overnight parking took me a good couple of weeks to get used to. &nbsp;Now I sleep like a babe for a full 8 hours even on New York streets with literally 200+ pedestrians per hour walking right next to my van <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle"> &nbsp;Taxis honking no longer wake me up, nor the garbage trucks, nor people talking loudly. &nbsp;<div><br></div><div>Somehow I have even developed an uncanny almost psychic ability to wake up the moment anyone gets a little too close to the van even if they don't make any noise. &nbsp;For example a few days ago I suddenly woke up and just knew something was wrong. &nbsp;I pulled away the curtain and there was some guy taking a leak on my back tyre!! &nbsp;Apparently the height of my van provided him with just the right amount of cover. &nbsp;I thought about tapping on the glass and startling him but then I thought better of it... I didn't want to make a dirty tire problem into a dirty side of the van problem for no reason <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle"> &nbsp;<div><br></div><div>I guess the moral of the story is practice makes perfect. &nbsp; I use navigon for my iphone and it can tell me all the shopping options around at all times, it can alert me when I'm close to any particular type of shopping. &nbsp;It doesn't rely on an Internet connection either. &nbsp;I highly recommend it. &nbsp;</div></div><div><br></div><div>-triumph</div>
So, what is considered "late" in the suburbs? We talkin midnight or 2am?
triumph said:
Yeah learning to not be stressed about random overnight parking took me a good couple of weeks to get used to. &nbsp;Now I sleep like a babe for a full 8 hours even on New York streets with literally 200+ pedestrians per hour walking right next to my van <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle"> &nbsp;Taxis honking no longer wake me up, nor the garbage trucks, nor people talking loudly.
<br><br>Wow!&nbsp; That's awesome.&nbsp; I only do it a couple nights every few weeks, so I haven't had adequate time to get good at it.&nbsp; Maybe one day...<br>
Do you have a smart phone? Android has an app called iExit which uses the GPS on your phone and shows you whats coming up in real time.&nbsp;<div><br></div><div>Also some times yelp can be a useful app. Just throw up a "nearby" search and see whats around. You can even specify food, lodging, coffee shops, etc.</div><div><br></div><div>I know the "Next Exit" book tonyandkaren mentioned is also available as an app on the iPhone.</div>
The next Exit is an amazing book of, hotels, fuel, tourist info and even has the phone numbers listed as well as websites'<br><br>SB<br><br>
when i made my recent trip to SC, i was on that lonely stretch thru the smokies where there is no where to stop except rest areas. it was 3 am and i thought i might be on empty with tank (sensor doesn't work). so instead of running out while i was on said road, with trucks and all coming behind me and nowhere to pull off, i stopped at rest stop. slept there till morning. then got back on road and called 911. garmin wouldn't get signal where i was. anyway, the dispatch i talked to told me where the nearest gas station was, and they had no problem with me spending night in rest stop. also they told me if i had run out of gas or battery went down, call them and they would come bring me gas and/or jump for battery, for free. this was TN. <br>
A good $100.00 lesson learned, and sage advise for those starting out or part timers... Garmin Nuvi series of GPS is out standing for quick finds while driving, saved my bacon many times and is a cool tool for this life style... Also those avoiding rest stops should rethink their reasons, rest stops are made for van dwellers on the move as it is for truckers... Ya pull in the back and spend the night, no camping like Genny or BBQ s just use the free spot to get a good nights sleep and then leave...<br>
Here:<br><br>This is a list of places you can put on your own gps.<br> <br> We have a delorme gps so that is what we pick when we download to our gps.<br> Anyone can use this and they list everything one would need.<br> &nbsp; What I like is you can download to your gps the lists you need.&nbsp; We would be lost without this aid.&nbsp; It's very helpful.<br><br>Nelda<br><br>
Nelda said:<br>This is a list of places you can put on your own gps.
</p><p style="margin: 0px;">Nelda ... This is such a wonderful resource!&nbsp; I got DeLorme Topo Maps on my&nbsp;laptop&nbsp;for&nbsp;planning&nbsp;and these files work on that software.&nbsp; Thank you, thank you, thank you!&nbsp; This makes my traveling life so much easier!</p><p style="margin: 0px;">&nbsp;</p><p style="margin: 0px;">Suanne ... in Louisiana now, and going east</p>
Get yourself an up to date Atlas book, The kind you can get from a truck stop.<div><br></div><div>Never have to worry about the batteries running out, not having signal, or anything like that.</div><div><br></div><div>Having a GPS, however, is an excellent device. Mine is a few years out of date now, but I got it for free from family. I have to say, it's quite useful without a destination inputted. You can see what the next exit holds when you are on the highway, or if you are on regular roads you have massive&nbsp;situational&nbsp;awareness as to where other roads are, and where they lead.</div>
Suanne said:
Nelda said:<br>This is a list of places you can put on your own gps.
</p><p style="margin: 0px;">Nelda ... This is such a wonderful resource!&nbsp; I got DeLorme Topo Maps on my&nbsp;laptop&nbsp;for&nbsp;planning&nbsp;and these files work on that software.&nbsp; Thank you, thank you, thank you!&nbsp; This makes my traveling life so much easier!</p><p style="margin: 0px;">&nbsp;</p><p style="margin: 0px;">Suanne ... in Louisiana now, and going east</p>
<br><br>I read your blog; awesome set up. And cheap cheap cheap!!!<br>