Be a school bus driver get a job any where

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One of my neighbors was a school bus driver. When the kids got too loud or unruly, he would just pull over and start reading a book. When the kids settled down, he was underway again. He never said a word.
Just call any school district main office or bus garage. Almost all districts that transport their own students will be better to work for than the big sub contract companies in my opinion, but they are probably easier to get hired at and pay almost as well if benefits are not an issue.
Steer way clear of anything that involves children, unless you enjoy verbal abuse or want to risk being falsely accused of physical/sexual abuse for a paltry $12-15/hr. I'd rather walk on glass.
You will need a background check. Try getting past that while living in a van.
GraceinMotion said:
Steer way clear of anything that involves children, unless you enjoy verbal abuse or want to risk being falsely accused of physical/sexual abuse for a paltry $12-15/hr. I'd rather walk on glass.

Agreed. 100%.

I think homeschooling is better anyway. Imagine that - parents taking responsibility for their own children's education. Government education is not only a great way to brainwash children, but also is a form of welfare.
B and C said:
One of my neighbors was a school bus driver. When the kids got too loud or unruly, he would just pull over and start reading a book. When the kids settled down, he was underway again. He never said a word.
Love it!

The Dire Wolfess
I've seen drivers do that except they made a rather sudden stop to make sure they were sitting in their seats as they should and get their attention. Location,location,location is important too as in stopping in front of the local police station/jail because they know you have to throw them off at a safe location, preferrably now some where they would like to get off.
If you're in the Roseburg Oregon area, they're always hiring.

I'm curious how you do this outside your "residence" state. When I look online you need to have a state driver's license and some type of CDL.
I hired drivers from Ohio, West Virginia and Kentucky while running a school bus operation in Kentucky. I am sure many drivers commute across state lines all the time.
GraceinMotion said:
Steer way clear of anything that involves children, unless you enjoy verbal abuse or want to risk being falsely accused of physical/sexual abuse for a paltry $12-15/hr. I'd rather walk on glass.

Unfortunately this can happen.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I was a school bus driver for several years and it's a really good job for retirees. All weekends and holidays off, you get to know the kids AND their parents. There's always a stinker or two. I noticed that one person posted about being worried about being falsely accused of child or sexual abuse. Even in Arkansas, all school buses have two cameras on them that come in REAL handy if you're accused of something like that. One in the front and one in the back. The audio pickup is excellent on them so there's video backup to prove that you didn't do anything wrong. It got me out of a couple pickles over the years.

Now for the BAD....Several years ago, Arkansas decided that since bus drivers didn't work "full-time", i.e....40 hours per week, the state would no longer provide Health Insurance to their bus drivers. LOTS of bus drivers retired at 62, then drove bus from 62-65 when medicare would kick in. So, now you have a whole bunch of retirees driving school bus no health insurance. Most of them quit! And I personally don't blame them. THAT'S why you see all these schools coast to coast crying for bus drivers and they just can't seem to figure why they can't hire anyone!

At present in Arkansas, the ONLY benefit (other than your paycheck, of course) for school bus drivers is one day sick leave per month, 9 months out of the year. I will retire from my job at 65. I wanted to retire at 62 and drive school bus three hours a day til I was 65 for the medical insurance, but that was not possible.

The Arkansas Legislature is looking at this issue right now to possibly providing health insurance for school bus drivers is on the table. Personally, I hope it passes. If it does....I will retire this year instead of next year. I can stand to work 3 hours a day with all weekends and holidays off as long as I also have health insurance. I have a school bus drivers job any time I want at the same school where I drove bus before. Yes, their memory IS quite long....I resigned from my last bus driver job at that school in June of 2005, but they haven't forgotten me. I'm even still on the sub driver list. They REALLY need bus drivers. And for my part, I don't let my CDL lapse and I go on my own every year to the annual bus driver safety meeting. If you do get your CDL, NEVER let it lapse, renew it without fail and you will have a job real fast just about anywhere.