Backpack Packing Taiwan Advice

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Well-known member
Oct 28, 2016
Reaction score
West Des Moines, Iowa
So this Saturday I'll be flying to Taiwan for vacation for a couple weeks.

I've decided the best way to enjoy my trip is to pack light, bring very little, so I can focus in exploring.

I have a packing list below, but let me know if you think I'm missing something, or if I have too much.

Packing List
Standard backpack
  3 shirts (wearing 1)
  1 pant and 2 shorts (wearing 1)
  5-7 pairs of socks (wearing 1, and I haven't decided if I should bring 5 or 7 days worth of sock, opinions?)
  5-7 underwear (wearing 1, and I haven't decided if I should bring 5 or 7 days worth of underwear, opinions?)
  2 cell phones (iPhone 7s Plus, communications (Phone Line), camera, and a old Android LG G Stylo with no phone plan that will serve as my entertainment device. Why two phones, limited storage space on each one, and I don't want to spend money on a larger SD card.)
  2 phone chargers

  1 New Balance sneaker (wearing)
  1 toothbrush
  1 toothpaste
  1 Ziploc bag of powder laundry detergent

As of right now that's all I have packed. I've decided to forego most hygiene products because in today's world you can buy everything you need while you travel, and it's not usually expensive depending on where your located.

Bonus points if you've been to Taiwan and have some advice on places to go to!
This sounds like a trip best discussed with the embassy from your country, where ever that may be.
It's the right place for asking, whether or not you can get any information is a crapshoot. I will tell t you that if you look on the CIA's website you'll get the the latest advisories and things or places to avoid.

Taking the time to familiarize yourself with the customs of the country and it's customs is well worth the effort. My travels through many of the Asian countries was very pleasant, the New Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia were great. Taiwan is much more advanced than many parts of Asia but be very aware of their laws and if possible hire a translator/guide for your adventure. Most will work for a nominal fee and it helps to get the full benefits of your trip.

I hired college students who were taking English classes for next to nothing both in Laos and Vietnam.

Don't trust the cab drivers, they get a cut for directing clients, ask at the hostel or wherever you stay at.

Find the Telephone number of the US Embassy and any Consulates and the address.

Hostels will have experienced backpackers who will help.

Be careful and have fun.


If you do get in any predicament call the Embassy at once. Someone will help as best they can.
evil mosquitos and their deadly diseases,doc visit/ bug spray
mdoverl said:
So is "Off-Topic and Chit-Chat" not a good place for this?

Off Topic is fine as far as I know, I'm just saying I would trust the advice of an embassy over a forum.
That's a decent gear list! You definitely don't have too much.

I'm just looking back at my backpacking gear log after two years solid and the only things I can see being helpful are:
- Travel / trekking towel (Not sure about Taiwan but don't bank on towels in hostels or at least expect to pay extra. Travel towels are very lightweight and dry fast.)
- Passport copies (One in your wallet, one in your pack. That sort of thing.)
- Vaccine log

The cheaper you want to be the more you end up carrying but seriously, for two weeks I think you're good. Unfortunately Taiwan is one place I haven't been to so can't give specific recommendations.

What are you doing for money? Exchanging before you go? Taking a debit or cashcard? I was pretty much always able to withdraw from my UK bank account when I arrived somewhere but if not I'd have a couple different currencies stashed for exchange. US dollars are good to have. Some places will even accept them with over the local currency.
Small first-aid kit, at least some bandaids and antibiotic ointment.

Are the chargers suited to the electrical system there?

TrainChaser said:
Small first-aid kit, at least some bandaids and antibiotic ointment.

Are the chargers suited to the electrical system there?

Taiwan electric outlets are the same as American outlets

Sent from my LG-H631 using Tapatalk
Try to find out some of their customs and taboos. Here in the States we think little of crossing our legs when we sit so that the bottom of our shoe points to one side. In many Asian countries it is an insult to point the bottom of your foot towards anyone. Just one example.

Also look into couchsurfers. Google it.
I got back from Taiwan a couple months ago, just been to busy to post photos from the trip. I would recommend anyone take a trip to Taiwan. I'll post more information on my trip later.