Anyone sprouting beans or grains

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Well-known member
Oct 21, 2012
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I am experimenting with sprouting beans, grains, etc. as a cheap and healthy food that doesn't need refrigerated or cooked. You soak overnight then put in cheese cloth for a 1-2 days then eat. You can still cook them if you like. I normally soak beans then cook with rice but am trying this sprouting thing. Does anyone do this in their van/RV?<br><br>This is what I am using as a guide<br>
Yup and broccoli sprouts are rated as the best food item man can eat and red cabbage is second. I make food off these items. Go to for more on sprouts, food, etc. This is the best website I have ever been on and it changed how I eat for the better.
change watter often maybe 2 or 3 times a day. nasty things can grow in the watter&nbsp; in a hot van. some national recalls have been done because the company&nbsp; did not keep a close watch on nasty things growing in the watter
I've got a bunch of information on sprouting that I plan on eventually getting around to using.... really...&nbsp; XD
I've been meaning to get started with this, but I've been so busy trying to get everything organized here at the house so I can get on the road that I haven't had a chance.<br><br>I normally have a green smoothie in the morning consisting of spinach, an apple, a carrot or two, piece of ginger and a bit of apple juice to give it enough liquid to help the blender.&nbsp; I was thinking that in more remote areas I might have trouble getting good spinach.&nbsp; Heck I have trouble getting spinach here at home sometimes.&nbsp; So I was thinking about replacing the spinach with wheat grass or sprouts of some kind.<br><br>Though I'm a vegetarian, I don't really like to eat a lot of salads or raw greens, so I get that in my smoothie.&nbsp; I get a lot more raw food into my system that way than I'd ever be able to make myself eat otherwise.<br><br>There are some really cool lids that you can get that screw onto a mason jar that work really well.&nbsp;;sr=8-2&amp;keywords=sprouting+lid<br><br>While looking for the link to the lid...I ran across this:<br>;sr=8-4&amp;keywords=sprouting+lid<br><br>It looks like a good way to grow a lot of sprouts and takes up only 6 inches of counter space.&nbsp; That would be much less room than mason jars.&nbsp;
I got a sprouter a long time ago that came with a lot of different types of seeds so I did an experiment to see which ones grew fastest and to compare how they taste.<br><br>I was surprised to see that plain old lentils you can get in the grocery store seemed to be best in both categories.<br><br>Thanks for starting this thread. I'm going to start sprouting again.
I soak them, then throw in colander and put a wet towel on them rinsing is easier and much faster they grow faster due to better rinsing. One could soak and rinse to harvest and have less than 5 minutes total invested in the crop so waiting to do it until you have more time is silly. I also us an easy grow when i am going to be gone a few days. fill the unit with water and a 24 hour timer turns on and sprays the sprouts at dip switch presets. Makes better sprouts due to humidity and perfect wetting. If you ever get to South Florida there is a Saturday classes on wheatgrass and sprouts thats very informative. Brian Clement (Youtube) runs the place and I have attended the class there and purchased &nbsp;all the gizmos and seeds at thei<br>r store &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;
Just be careful of bacterial growth. Always use good water.<br><br>I have been learning about fermented vegetables. Think cabbage plus salt to sauerkraut and make other stuff.

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