Anyone help me out to attend RTR?

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Jul 27, 2016
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I want to attend RTRthis January and can get time we off of work, but need a ride from and to the closest airport. I would take the van, but trying to keep from putting all those miles on it. I plan on driving out west this summer when it's warmer to visit the Grand Canyon, Vegas, Yellowstone and San Diego/LA. Just wanted to check out RTR, but not put all the miles on my van. Anyway, hope everyone is doing well.
just asking, but where do you plan on cooking and sleeping without a vehicle? in a tent? cook with a backpack stove? don't get me wrong, you could sleep in a tent. hell I sleep under a tarp, but I am a nut. I am curious and I am not saying you couldn't do it. have you thought of flying into Vegas or Phoenix and renting a vehicle? highdesertranger
No problem. I guess I'll have to wait until I actually move to Cali, but won't be until 2019 since I will be attending RN school here in FL until the summer of 2018. Oh well, I just wanted to hang out with some fellow van dwellers since there isn't many in hot florida.
I'm sure someone will help you out, we just don't want to see you stranded without gear. Not everyone is as tough as high desert ranger. It rained here last rtr, the winds can get real bad and it can be cold, or none of the just never know.

If you have the finances you could rent a van, utility vehicle, station wagon, etc. at the airport and have a place to sleep and retreat in case of bad weather.  Bring, ship ahead or buy the gear you would need.  Tents can be miserable in high winds or multiple days of rain; and pitching a tent to withstand high winds is a skill not many have.

 -- Spiff
OK I know what you guys are thinking, if it's anything like me I always have a second bed for guests and I am "THE PERFECT GENTLEMAN" Older guys like being close to a nurse jest incase. Life is an adventure and I say go for it, check it out,buy a tent. I live in San Francisco and it's crazy cost wise would love to sell and move.
Actually a tent and gear could be purchased. May not need a cook stove, there's always someone who will make coffee for you and feed you. Camp near me or Adrian, wagoneer or many others and you will enjoy yourself and learn a lot.
Here's the problem, the nearest hub airport is Phoenix and it's 150 miles away. Driving over, getting someone and then driving back is a minimum of 5-6 hours and will either be very early, very late or during drive time in Phoenix. Going at traffic rush-hour time will add a couple of hours to your trip all by itself sitting in bumper-to-bumper traffic.

I stopped asking my friends to do it. I drive myself over and back and leave the van in long term storage for $100
Friend of mine staying in Quatrtzsite took a drive to the site and is reporting rougher terrain as compared to last year the many rains have washed the road over and he is in a big wheel Tacoma PU said he was doing 5 MPH that might slow/discourage some of the BiG guys and their expensive toys. AZ may try grading, we shall see just be prepared.
I had actually thought about flying in, too, then renting a van or box truck, but you need all the extras there to set it up
If someone was willing to pick her up and had a trailer hitch she could rent a U Haul trailer to camp in, but still need mattress, stove, bedding, etc

Cali, if you drove to TX, you could ride up with me, but you'd have to be willing to return when I do or fly back, as I don't think I'll be there the whole RTR
Also, that would put you sharing the back of the Ranger with me at least one night, as I can't drive for 18 hrs straight, which is probably NOT within your comfort zone, unless you thing you could manage to sleep in the cab
wagoneer said:
OK I know what you guys are thinking,............ I am "THE PERFECT GENTLEMAN" Older guys like being close to a nurse jest incase. Life is an adventure and I say go for it,.............I live in San Francisco.

Good thing.......Calibound is a DAVE...........
hey abnorm every time I see your screen name I think of Abbey Normal, or Ab Normal. highdesertranger
highdesertranger said:
hey abnorm every time I see your screen name I think of Abbey Normal,  or Ab Normal.  highdesertranger

Abby someone?


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highdesertranger said:
hey abnorm every time I see your screen name I think of Abbey Normal,  or Ab Normal.  highdesertranger

Yep HDR.........A classic movie.................I've always been Abnorm online ........

In the 90's I moderated the BobVilaWebsite........I wasn't Norm.....

Let's stay on topic, one of our members needs our help so let's focus on that situation.

They almost always grade the road in November or December to get ready for the rush, the road should be good by the RTR.
Am I correct in assuming it will be somewhat nippy for tent use?

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