Anyone help me out to attend RTR?

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Last year a friend came along and brought his tent used in camping under tree canopy, the wind was the greatest deterrent his tent was tall and we roped the bejesus out of it, good thing i brought my USMC tent I always keep in the truck Much improved performance. It may rain it will be windy at times chilly in the mornings for sure but when the sun comes over the ridge a welcome moment.
Salmon (not pink) Russian Military silk longjohns pants UGG boots wool sweater/and cap and a combo windbreaker/raincoat would be my ideal morning attire while enjoying the morning cup.
If you are comfortable with riding with strangers try Craigslist ride sharing the way back should be easier whence you have made some friends and kick in some dough for gas. I am sure Bob/or you would happily announce your situations at the roundtable.
My question would be that IF you found someone to get you from the airport, what are you going to do about gear and supplies? You'll need the basics like tent, food, water, toiletries etc. You could pack the basics in a backpack and I'm sure you could catch a ride in town with someone if you need to stock up on food and water depending on how long you plan on staying.

I hope it all comes into alignment and it works out for you. I wish I was going to be on the road by then because I'd help you out however I could.

Good luck and have a great time if you make it. :)
jimindenver said:
Am I correct in assuming it will be somewhat nippy for tent use?

Depends on your constitution, people sleep in tents climbing Mount Everest (or most any snowy mountain.)  What I don't understand is if Calibound's plans are (or were) even going to include a tent - HDR asked and it seemed like somehow he took offense, I'm sure it wasn't meant but his second reply sounded like it.  But I hope someone, who might be traveling from (and back to) an area near an airport, chimes in.

Ideally a web app could be baked into the website and people could input itinerary start, destination and travel dates, and it would show up on a map overlay - this would make things like caravanning, hitching rides, etc. super easy to organize!