Any new opinions/experiences about the Oasis Firefly?

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Well-known member
Dec 18, 2016
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Okay, so way back when, before I bought my cheapo UPG Chinese batteries, which I could afford, I had been rhapsodizing eloquent about the Oasis Firefly battery, which I couldn't afford.  

Hubby tunes out a lot of what I say. "Uh huh", "Really?", "That's interesting" and an occasional "well, that's cool".   Little did I know that he was actually listening to me then.  Fast forward to today.  After we sell the house, he's going to get his own van (discussed in another post).  So I need to set up a battery/solar system for him, the brilliant 12 volt electrician that I have become.

This afternoon, while talking about his future vehicle, he asked me "Hey, Ted, what about that miracle battery you were talking about?  He went on to say "You watch our existing system like you did your labor patients (I was a Labor & Delivery RN in one of my previous incarnations)". Then, "Since we'll have some cash from the sale of the house, we could afford two of them and you said that apart from needing an occasional full charge, that they're idiot-proof. Why shouldn't I get a couple?" I refrained from commenting about the idiot reference.

I kinda look at his van as his version of a middle-aged man's sports car. So I've looked around the Web and it still looks like a miracle battery.  But last fall there was a thread here on CRVL about them and the review was equivocal.

Any new opinions or experience here?  It'll be at least a month or two before we discuss any actual purchases.  
Thank you to all in advance,
Hey Ted -- I'd been looking at all types of batteries for my solar build, and I considered the Firefly. What turned me off was the warranty. Specifically, three sections in which they describe damage and destruction that are not covered:

"Manufacturer has no obligation under the limited warranty herein in the event the battery is damaged or destroyed
as a result of one or more of the following":

3. Overcharging, undercharging, charging or installing in reverse polarity, trickle charging, improper maintenance, allowing the battery to be deeply discharged via a parasitic load....

Their entire claim to fame is that their batteries can be deeply discharged without risk to the battery -- so why void the warranty? Sheesh.

4. Alternators that do not have a regulated charge between 14.2V and 14.6V, when using a 12V system.

I think this is impossible for 99% of RVers.

7. the Warranty Period will be reduced by 50% for every 15°F ( 10°C ) of prolonged operating temperatures over 80°F, excluding starting applications

It seems to me that this type of arbitrary 'rule' just gives them an out on the warranty (" was too hot too often and that's why it failed" or "I see your address is in the let it get too hot for an "extended" period).

Overall, I didn't have confidence that they would stand behind their product so am going with a more known entity. I would love it if others would chime in on their experiences with the firefly and I hope I was just being overly cautious.

The clauses that they say wll void or shorten the warranty, the conditions will degrade any battery.

I frankly find battery warranties a bit ridiculous. What other product can be killed intentionally or thourgh ignorance and allow the purchaser to expect a new one for free.

Gee I drove my new car into the lake, give me a new one. gee I never fully charged the battery, and discharged it to well below 10 volts dozens of times and never ever came close to fully charging it afterwards, give me a new battery. Same damn thing.

The firefly is designed for the marine world, where the alternator's voltage regulators are usually a bit smarter Some can be incredibly well set up and cost many hundreds of dollars and include battery temperature sensors, alternator temperature sensors, and priogrammable setpoints.
Vehicle's voltage regulators are primarly concerned with never overcharging the slightly depleted starting battery, and usually drop to too low a voltage way too quickly which greatly slows recharging of a well depleted battery. A vehicles voltage regulator is Pretty much programmed to do the opposite of what a deeply cycled battery wants. They usually just tease a deeply discharged battery with a very short duration of voltages over 14. Charge blockers. Blue ball batteries.

I am not convinced thes Firefly's are mostly immune to PSOC cycling. They have not been able to keep up with demand and prices have risen from 420 to 485$ last I looked. They are now having a place in India manufacturing them, and while they say they will thoroughly test them for quality before releasing them, I am holding out. I am a pessimist, a cynic, and just because someone tells me their farts smell like roses, and someone else agrees who might or might not have a very good financial reason for agreeing, does not mean I will too.

With no personal experience with the battery, and no actual reports by those capable of measuring performance through out the life span of the battery in actual use, from people who are not biased, I will not believe any claims, no matter how often I read them on various forums.

And now with manufacturing of them occurring in India................

Looking for unbiased experience in actual use by somebody not trying to justify their purchase.
I've not seen that yet.

It would be great if they do perform as claimed.

But back when regular AGMS first came out these same claims were made too, and Gelled electrolyte batteries were going to save the world as well. Both proved very false.

Marketing has just gotten more agressive in the ensuing years
NO proof, No purchase.

Thats my opinion and mindset.

Loud opinions parrotted and or presented as fact will be derided and ignored.
"7. the Warranty Period will be reduced by 50% for every 15°F ( 10°C ) of prolonged operating temperatures over 80°F, excluding starting applications”

Living in Southern Arizona, I think the warranty would have been over in 15 minutes. 116F anyone? And that's outside the van, though the windows and vents are all open the the Fantastic Vent fan exhausting 24/7.

Thank you! It just sounded like magic. You guys just saved us a bunch of money. I haven't said much about Lithium, so I don't think he'll get any ideas. Weight is not an issue. El cheapo, Chinese batteries for Hubby to commit batterycide!
Gelled electrolyte batteries actually are different.  They were marketed as direct drop in replacements for flooded lead acid batteries and the actual difference caused failures.  

Now LiFePO4 batteries also are different from flooded lead acid but I have seen them marketed as direct replacements.  They promise better performance but, like gel, they have different limitations.  

The Firefly carbon foam technology may make a better battery that is still similar enough to flooded lead to not fail if the marketers sell them as a drop in direct replacement.  The warranty rules just describe the requirements of any old flooded or AGM lead acid battery.  They may be similar enough so that the marketers don't ruin their reputation.  

As long as the marketers insist that everything is a flooded lead acid replacement then nothing will be better.  If your only tool is a hammer then every problem looks like a nail.
I have a 100 ah LiFePo drop in replacement Chinese battery, it has a BMS (battery management system) built in, is about the size and look of a grp 27 battery. It has been working well but I have only had it a couple of months so time will tell. It was $650 on Ebay. It is charged solely by my solar system, bulk/absorb set to 14v and float @ 13.2. It is really lightweight. No warranty that I am aware of (might be a one year).
They are on the pricey side, so unless you'd be in the market for Top-notch AGMs, the **only** reason to consider Firefly, is that you **know** you will frequently not be getting your bank back to 100%. They are worth every penny if that is true and you really need AGM.

If you **are** willing to do what it takes to care for them properly, Odyssey, Northstar, Lifeline would be better value.

Another option if you don't ** need** AGM, is just accept your bank will need replacing more frequently, and just buy the cheapest decent FLAs available, Sam's GCs, or maybe step up to Transition T-105s if they're in the ballpark.

Advantages are more robust & last longer, standard charging gear, can do without an expensive BM, just a cheap hydrometer will do.
WalkaboutTed said:
"7. the Warranty Period will be reduced by 50% for every 15°F ( 10°C ) of prolonged operating temperatures over 80°F, excluding starting applications”
Forget warranty issues, other than bad cells, leaking posts etc.

If you take care of them they will last many many years.

Brilliant as the Fireflies may be, they are good value only if you can't avoid PSOC abuse.
Thinking optimistically we will have competitive next generation batteries within the lifecycle of a traditional lead acid battery. I am hoping my Walmart will last that last my but not optimistically.
It takes decades for new tech developments to trickle down to widespread consumer acceptance.