Another Walmart RV Shooting, Salem Oregon

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gramakittycat said:
Unfortunately there are already Walmarts that forbid overnight parking. :s

Those are the result of town or county ordinances, not W/M rules.

One W/M at the entrance to Cape Cod had to sign their parking lot for no overnight parking between May 1 and Sept. 30th to keep the town fathers happy. Out of 4 W/M's within 2 hours of me, 1 has no overnight parking - why - town ordinance!

In a lot of cases, it was the nearby RV parks getting up in the face of town council trying to force everybody to pay for an RV spot.

I remember a few years ago, some W/'M executive sent around a memorandum to all the W/M and Sam's Clubs ordering them all to post No overnight parking signs. A couple of the organized RV clubs had their members send in letters and emails of protest and pointing out how much they spend in the immediate area when they stop for the night (gas/dinner out/shopping etc) The W/M executive quickly backed down in the face of the onslaught.
I drove through Cottonwood (AZ) and they have the city ordinance signs that prohibit overnight parking/camping in Walmart now. Plenty of BLM land nearby though. But sadly, this is probably going to become a trend, more restrictive parking ordinances, which will make it harder for urban dwellers.
Since they went to that specific bus looking for him, I am guessing that it is his.   :huh:

LEO has a "neat" little device (ALPR) that they can drive through a parking lot, and it scans the license plates and runs a check on them.  I think that is why most of the members here are not bothered more when parked, they have clean records.   :cool:

As they drive slowly through the parking lots a warning will come up if a vehicle has a flag on it. Some places have these mounted on over passes.  I bet every border station is also equipped.
flying kurbmaster said:
I feel this would be a step in the right direction, first we disarm the public then we disarm law enforcement. Fear is the cheapest room in the house, everyone deserves better accommodations.

As long as we don't disarm the criminals.....after all, they have to make a living too!
I don't like seeing this either. These stories are the ones that cause so many issues as they get twisted and turned into something they aren't especially by those looking to put in further restrictions. As the story passes, it will develop into a story about ALL RVers and the danger they present.
I don't know why they allowed but in the last city we were in, a really bad looking RV stayed in the parking lot for probably 4 or 5 months straight and that doesn't get positive attention from the community.

We were living in the Tucson area in AZ in the mid-90s and one of the Wal-Marts there was the first to stop overnight RV parking. Well, in this case, everyone blamed the city for putting the restrictions in but we used to go there to shop on Sunday mornings and the parking lot was small, you had people with the lawn chairs and other "stuff" spread out and worse yet, they left bags of trash and emptied holding tanks on the ground.

As with everything else, only the "bad" news gets press time. They don't cover the stories where people in RVs arrive to help people in need or ones that work/volunteer to improve our parks and country.

Is there ever anything positive that happens at Wal-Mart. I keep seeing youtube videos where fights break out between individuals in the store over a bottle of shampoo or when someone bumps into someone's cart. Maybe Wal-Mart has a curse on it.
It's just a matter of volume of people. A small but certain percentage of people will do bad things.

If you have 10,000 times more people than everyone else, then you will have 10,000 times more bad things.

It will appear to be a curse, or exceptional, but it's still the same percentage as everyone else. Just a whole bunch more stores and more people per store per day.
I agree, the volume of Wal-Mart stores will bring them into the news much more often. Also in cities where there are a lot of RVers, there are going to be more stories involving RVers. Yes, putting it all into perspective.